GiP Forum *Forbidden*

Square Penguin hello at
Fri Jul 19 08:18:24 EDT 2013

>  Please take the following as well intentioned criticism.
>  I am very partially sighted and find that (horrible) pink font almost
>  impossible to read.
>  This is why the BBC use a black background for this colour...

That is an important fact I had over looked. I downloaded the Colour 
Contrast Analyser from the RNIB website and assessed the site. The 
colour in question does fail the test when used with a white background, 
though interestingly it also fails the AAA test with a black one too.

You'll be happy to know I have already replaced the pink with a purink, 
a sort of purple pink thatthe RNIB themselves use and comfortably passes 
all the tests up to level 2 compliance. It has the added bonus of being 
even more revolting than the original colour :-D

You may need to clear your browser cache to see the changes.

Text sizes and headers are all exceeding RNIB guidelines though it seems 
the RNIB can't even follow its own guidelines as their link colour fails 
their own contrast test!

Hope that helps.


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