Further question: Re: 3 questions, from a newby!

Lorenzo Martinelli * lnzlists at googlemail.com
Fri Jan 4 07:37:26 EST 2013


I am looking to replace an old Windows laptop with a (relatively) more 
recent box, on which I plan to run Mint Linux. So I installed Mint 14 
KDE on a virtual machine and tried using get_iplayer.

I know virtually nothing about linux

Using the helper script started get_iplayer and pointing firefox to started the Web interface.

Great so far.

So the additional question is:

how can I have a single desktop shortcut that does both, just like on 

And additionally, I am getting a warning that ffmpeg does not exist and 
the flv files are not getting converted.

How can I get them converted to mp4 automatically, just like the Windows 

Thanks in advance!


On 09/10/2012 21:06, Clive wrote:
> On 09/10/12 20:29, dinkypumpkin wrote:
>> On 09/10/2012 17:27, Clive wrote:
>>> When I try this I get get_iplayer.cgi: command not found
>>> What am I doing wrong please? I use Linux Mint 11 and usually use
>>> get_iplayer in the terminal. My get_iplayer installation is from Jon's
>>> ppa (? I think that is correct).
>> If you have Jon's PPA, a helper script was installed for you:
>> $ get_iplayer_web_pvr
>> get_iplayer.cgi itself should be in /usr/share/get_iplayer, but you
>> don't need to use it directly.
>> This applies to latest Debian package as well.
> Whoopee - that works. Thanks DP.
> :-)
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                Lorenzo Martinelli, MITIA
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