HD downloads not working

David Pelling shanks909 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 3 23:38:37 EST 2013

Hi there,

I'm having a problem with HD downloads not working, although
flashvhigh mode for the same PID works fine. There seem to be
different errors for flashhd and rtsphd.

I'm on Mac OS 10.6.8, using get_iplayer within an AppleScript
wrapper. I've upgraded get_iplayer to the latest 'dcd2d55' snapshot
from 7 days ago, and to rtmpdump 2.4 using the binary from
http://trick77.com/downloads/ but to no avail.

I've attached a typical log below; I also get the same failure with
last night's Howard Goodall and Borgen episodes.

Many thanks in advance for any insight,

Friday and Saturday not working...it's a known issue
Sunday HD is working fine.

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