How to find a particular episode

Andy Bircumshaw andy at
Sun Mar 4 11:49:41 EST 2012

On 4 March 2012, at 16:32, Colin Law wrote:
>>>> It can't use a previous search, but the index number will only change when
>> the cache is refreshed (it's the cache that is searched).  So, unless the
>> cache is refreshed between searching and queueing, no problem.
> Is the index number a value that only exists in the PC then,


The index number is part of get_iplayer's design, it's nothing to do with the BBC.

It's just easier for the user to type a 2 - 4 digit number than the longer alphanumeric PIDs.

> … not on the BBC server?

The BBC's programme identifier is the PID:

$ get_iplayer "the bottom line" -i | grep -i ^pid
pid:            b01czdrg
pid:            b01d96rj

The PID is properly unique. If you google a PID then the BBC iPlayer site will usually be the top result; other results will usually be spam TV guide sites.


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