Failed to tag MP4 file

Claire lekku01 at
Thu Oct 20 17:16:32 EDT 2011

Alright, I wrote the command ".\RTMPDump\rtmpdump.exe --help " and saw a 
list of commands to use for rtmpdump. What next?

.\RTMPDump\rtmpdump.exe: This program dumps the media content streamed 
over RTMP

--help|-h               Prints this help screen.
--rtmp|-r url           URL (e.g. rtmp://host[:port]/path)
--host|-n hostname      Overrides the hostname in the rtmp url
--port|-c port          Overrides the port in the rtmp url
--socks|-S host:port    Use the specified SOCKS proxy
--protocol|-l num       Overrides the protocol in the rtmp url (0 - 
--playpath|-y path      Overrides the playpath parsed from rtmp url
--playlist|-Y           Set playlist before playing
--swfUrl|-s url         URL to player swf file
--tcUrl|-t url          URL to played stream (default: 

--pageUrl|-p url        Web URL of played programme
--app|-a app            Name of target app on server
--swfhash|-w hexstring  SHA256 hash of the decompressed SWF file (32 bytes)
--swfsize|-x num        Size of the decompressed SWF file, required for 
--swfVfy|-W url         URL to player swf file, compute hash/size 
--swfAge|-X days        Number of days to use cached SWF hash before 
--auth|-u string        Authentication string to be appended to the 
connect string
--conn|-C type:data     Arbitrary AMF data to be appended to the connect 
                         B:boolean(0|1), S:string, N:number, 
                         Z:(null), NB:name:boolean, NS:name:string, 
--flashVer|-f string    Flash version string (default: "WIN 10,0,32,18")
--live|-v               Save a live stream, no --resume (seeking) of 
live streams possible
--subscribe|-d string   Stream name to subscribe to (otherwise defaults 
to playpath if live is specifed)
--flv|-o string         FLV output file name, if the file name is - 
print stream to stdout
--resume|-e             Resume a partial RTMP download
--timeout|-m num        Timeout connection num seconds (default: 30)
--start|-A num          Start at num seconds into stream (not valid when 
using --live)
--stop|-B num           Stop at num seconds into stream
--token|-T key          Key for SecureToken response
--jtv|-j JSON           Authentication token for legacy servers
--hashes|-#             Display progress with hashes, not with the byte 
--buffer|-b             Buffer time in milliseconds (default: 36000000)
--skip|-k num           Skip num keyframes when looking for last 
keyframe to resume from. Useful if resume fails (default: 0)

--quiet|-q              Suppresses all command output.
--verbose|-V            Verbose command output.
--debug|-z              Debug level command output.
If you don't pass parameters for swfUrl, pageUrl, or auth these 
properties willnot be included in the connect packet.

> Just for kicks, try another mode like "flashhigh".
Nope. same result.

> Did you use the --proxy option as well?  If not, that would explain 
> why no modes are shown.
No, I wasn't using it. The modes showed right when I did, and flashhd, 
flashvhigh and flashhigh -among others- were there.

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