Possible solution to the Windows AtomicParsley crashes?

Kevin Reilly getiplayer at denali.org.uk
Sat Oct 1 06:24:50 EDT 2011

On 01/10/2011 10:41, Shevek wrote:


> For the adventurous among you, give it a try!
> https://bitbucket.org/jonhedgerows/atomicparsley/downloads/AtomicParsley-0.9.4-hg83.814077d09d34.zip
> Of course, YMMV!

My downloads tend to be mostly TV shows rather than radio, but I've
installed this version and uncommented the problematic description tagging
line from get_iplayer.pl that was causing my crashes. Maybe it'll help
with that, too.

I don't have much time for experimentation and my next download will
probably be Spooks on Sunday night or Monday morning, so feedback might be
slow, but I'll let you know whether or not I'm still getting crashes.

		     "What insect is commonly found hovering above lakes?"
                                            Contestant on The Weakest Link

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