Bug? --showoptions in current versions

Andy Bircumshaw andy at networkned.co.uk
Tue May 17 23:41:19 EDT 2011

`get_iplayer --showoptions` shows command-line options but then performs a search.

I'm getting this on master at infradead and dinkypumpkin's branch.

I think that it shouldn't run the search, but just exit instead.

Typically, you want just to show the damn options - you don't specify a search string.

Thus, because you haven't supplied a search string it returns every programme in the cache - 800+ results.

I think this is a bug, and I think this is a change from the historical behaviour.
I would be glad to be corrected.

It's very late at night & I'm tired, so I'm not going to try bug-fixing right now. This is more a FYI, a reminder to myself and a request to see if anyone else can reproduce or tell me I'm wrong.


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