Recent read failure

Carl Fletcher kernelbasher at
Sun Jul 31 23:17:59 EDT 2011

Running Latest patch from git
Linux konsole

I pulled a section from the konsole. Download did complete though:


ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet body. len: 67818
241837.562 kB / 2474.32 sec (69.8%)
Download may be incomplete (downloaded about 69.80%), try resuming
INFO: Command exit code 2 (raw code = 512)
WARNING: Retry recording for 'Countryfile - 31/07/2011 (b0134cgn)'
INFO: File name prefix = Countryfile_-_31_07_2011_b0134cgn_default 

RTMPDump v2.3
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
Resuming download at: 241803.535 kB / 2473.800 sec (69.8%)
INFO: Metadata:
INFO:   duration              3541.64
INFO:   moovPosition          28.00
INFO:   width                 640.00
INFO:   height                360.00
INFO:   videocodecid          avc1
INFO:   audiocodecid          mp4a
INFO:   avcprofile            77.00
INFO:   avclevel              30.00
INFO:   aacaot                2.00
INFO:   videoframerate        25.00
INFO:   audiosamplerate       24000.00
INFO:   audiochannels         2.00
INFO: trackinfo:
INFO:   length                88538000.00
INFO:   timescale             25000.00
INFO:   language              eng
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO:   sampletype            avc1
INFO:   length                84999168.00
INFO:   timescale             24000.00
INFO:   language              eng
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO:   sampletype            mp4a
WARNING: Stream does not start with requested frame, ignoring data...
WARNING: Stream does not start with requested frame, ignoring data...
291253.039 kB / 2980.76 sec (84.1%)
ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet body. len: 71327
291391.615 kB / 2981.56 sec (84.1%)
Download may be incomplete (downloaded about 84.10%), try resuming
INFO: Command exit code 2 (raw code = 512)
WARNING: Retry recording for 'Countryfile - 31/07/2011 (b0134cgn)'
INFO: File name prefix = Countryfile_-_31_07_2011_b0134cgn_default 

RTMPDump v2.3
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
Resuming download at: 291350.010 kB / 2981.360 sec (84.1%)
INFO: Metadata:
INFO:   duration              3541.64
INFO:   moovPosition          28.00
INFO:   width                 640.00
INFO:   height                360.00
INFO:   videocodecid          avc1
INFO:   audiocodecid          mp4a
INFO:   avcprofile            77.00
INFO:   avclevel              30.00
INFO:   aacaot                2.00
INFO:   videoframerate        25.00
INFO:   audiosamplerate       24000.00
INFO:   audiochannels         2.00
INFO: trackinfo:
INFO:   length                88538000.00
INFO:   timescale             25000.00
INFO:   language              eng
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO:   sampletype            avc1
INFO:   length                84999168.00
INFO:   timescale             24000.00
INFO:   language              eng
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO:   sampletype            mp4a
WARNING: Stream does not start with requested frame, ignoring data...
WARNING: Stream does not start with requested frame, ignoring data...
340891.890 kB / 3487.96 sec (98.4%)


Any one else seeing this?

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