Thumbnails, filenames, etc

Andy Bircumshaw andy at
Thu Jan 6 18:08:24 EST 2011

On 5/1/2011, at 11:15pm, Bill Denton wrote:

> As I'm rebuilding by Ubuntu/XBMC media centre, I am looking at
> configuring get_iplayer again, so have a few questions:
> 1. Thumbnail tagging options. As far as I can tell MP4 (from .flv) are
> tagged using AtomicParsley provided the "thumb = 1" is in the options
> file. However, that still leaves the actual thumbnail file in the
> directory as well, which seems a bit wasteful.

I believe this option *keeps* the thumbnail.

I don't have this option set, and my nightly --pvr run always shows a thumbnail being downloaded and added to my .mp4s. I certainly don't have junk thumbnail files lying around my store directories.

> Is there anyway of
> getting get_iplayer to remove the separate thumbnail file.

I think you remove the --thumb option.

> 2. Removal of non Windows compatible characters from file names
> I'm storing my media on an external NTFS formatted drive, so
> characters such ":" can't be used. Is there any way of ensuring the
> file names are Windows NTFS compatible?

Have you tried "--fatfilename"?

I'm fairly sure this was discussed often at the old forums. The search there may be broken.

> 3. Emailling
> I have almost worked out how to get emails sent to myself with the
> results of searches, so here it is for information:
> get_iplayer --html test.html news
> cat - > test.msg
> To: dentonwe at
> From: dentonwe at
> Subject: iplayer
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Ctrl-D
> cat test.msg test.html > test1.msg
> ssmtp dentonwe at < test1.msg
> It should be possible to wrap this up in a cron job along with the pvr runs.

I cannot tell you how much this upsets me.

$ get_iplayer --longhelp | grep -ie email
 --email <address>                Email HTML index of matching programmes to specified address
 --email-sender <address>         Optional email sender address
 --email-smtp <hostname>          SMTP server IP address to use to send email (default: localhost)

Note that you will have to use a proper SMTP server and not ssmtp.


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