WARNING: Stream does not start with requested frame, ignoring data...

Jeff jefro at coolcave.co.uk
Wed Feb 9 06:55:16 EST 2011

I am still having this message in my log when downloading some HD
programmes. What happens is that get_iplayer never thinks that the
programme is finished downloading so doesn't convert it to mp4.

The problem was investigated in
and Howard Chu (from RTMPDump) stated

"Then get_iplayer is broken. It should be checking for a return code of zero
from rtmpdump and stopping at that point. rtmpdump will exit with code zero if
it gets a "Play Complete" message from the server, and the server always sends
that if it reaches the end of whatever it was playing"

This is following up the 'HD Video Download Issues' thread

It still seems to be happening. Is there a solution to this?

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