Problem with ffmpeg or the source?

Shevek shevek at
Sat Dec 18 06:04:51 EST 2010

On 18 December 2010 10:19, Shevek <shevek at> wrote:
> On 18 December 2010 05:25, Andy Bircumshaw <andy at> wrote:
> 1: Beeb have changed something in their HD encode which exposes the ffmpeg issue
> 2: When processing these "bad" encodes older versions of ffmpeg output
> the brainfart warning and a watchable transcode, newer versions of
> ffmpeg handle the warning but output an unwatchable transcode

I can now confirm that there are two issues here.

I have re-downloaded all 7 eps of Nigel Slater in HD as flv using the
--raw option

I then transcoded all 7 to mp4 using both r25557 and r26401 of ffmpeg
(.bat script attached, renamed to .txt to avoid security issues)

Using both ffmpegs, eps 1 to 5 are fine - no warnings from ffmpeg and
output is good

Using r25557 eps 6 & 7 have the brainfart warning and output is good

Using r26401 eps 6 & 7 do not have the brainfart warning but the output is bad

Looking at the --info for eps 5 & 6 the change to the encoding
happened between 2nd Dec and 9th Dec

I am going to check other HD programmes which still have a history of
eps available to confirm further and also see if I can narrow down the
-------------- next part --------------
@Echo Off
for %%F in (*.flv) do "P:\Program Files (x86)\get_iplayer\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe" -i "%%F" -vcodec copy -acodec copy -f mp4 -y "%%~nF_r25557.mp4" 2> "%%~nF_r25557.txt"
for %%F in (*.flv) do "P:\Program Files (x86)\get_iplayer\ffmpeg-new\bin\ffmpeg.exe" -i "%%F" -vcodec copy -acodec copy -f mp4 -y "%%~nF_r26401.mp4" 2> "%%~nF_r26401.txt"

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