Making a boot CD - ohhhh, I'm close!

Alan McKay alan.mckay at
Thu Jul 19 15:00:32 EDT 2007

> BTW, I just realised after sending that, that in the copy I did with
> "cp -a" I forgot to remove all the "TRANS.TBL" files before running
> mkisofs, so I'm re-doing now with that but it will take a while.
> I'll remember to do it as well with the experiment I do in just
> re-spinning the ISO without first copying it out somewhere.   But I'll
> copy the ISO first so as to preserve the original.


When I removed the TRANS.TBL files and produced and ISO with the
results of my "cp -a" and then burned it, the CD boots!

Now, I know in my original tree there are no TRANS.TBL files so that
was not my original problem.  But at least now I know I can produce a
bootable CD, so now I can build up on this progress one step at a time
to discover just where it fails.

Thanks a million everyone!   I hope to be able to take it from here.
I'm going to keep monitoring this list - will try to answer any
questions I can.


"Aikido has but one principle - the universal reality of life"
               - Mitsugi Saotome

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