Newbie with Fedora Core 4 PPC on Power Mac G5.

Brian Durant RoadTripDK at MyRealBox.Com
Sun Jan 29 06:04:29 EST 2006

On 28. jan 2006, at 23.28, Brian D. Carlstrom wrote:

> Brian Durant writes:
>> This one put into some other sort of mode in the terminal with a ">".
> If you accidentally do something to make the shell think you want to
> continue on the next line of input it will give you this continuation
> prompt. for example doing a typ like
>     echo \
>     echo `
>     echo '
>     echo "
>>>     sudo tail -f /var/log/messages
>> This one accepted my user password, but the response stated that I
>> wasn't in the sudo folder and that I would be reported (?!?)
> it probably said you weren't in the right "group", not folder. the
> "reported" just means it email a breaking report to root on your
> machine.
> you need to configure /etc/sudoers to list who can use sudo, probably
> with a line like:
>     RoadTripDK    ALL=(ALL) ALL
> if you are the only user. on my machines we have many admins so we  
> have
> a group but if there is just use this is probably the simplest thing.

I believe that everything above this point has been solved now. Many  

>> 1) So first, I need to get sudo working.
> hope I helped above

I ran 'system-config-sound' after having run 'yum check-update', 'yum  
list updates' and 'yum update' + a reboot. I got an error message.  
Sorry I can't be more specific. I have a problem with getting my  
FAT32 formatted USB key to mount. I have been using that to transfer  
text files from my Linux boots to my OS X boot, where I do all of my  
e-mail writing as I can't stay booted into YDL for too long with the  
fan revving problem. I get a usb (driver???) error message right at  
the start of the boot process.
>> 2) "yum check-update" returns something about some file missing in /
>> var/....
> just a guess, but you really need to be root to run most yum commands.
> otherwise it often fails with strange errors. one of my least favorite
> things about yum, although its better in FC4 than YDL I think, just
> because its a later version.
>> 3) I need to do a total system update with yum. Is there one command
>> I can use???
> just "yum update" should update everything.

Yes, no worries as stated above.

>> 4) kudzo prompting me at boot to remove and add drivers that appear
>> to be the same
> yeah, i think you can tell it to shutup if you pick the right  
> option at
> boot. I don't see this anymore. it should timeout and contineu  
> booting right?

I still see this after having updated to the latest of everything.  
Yes, it times out and continues booting. Mainly an irritation, but  
this could be the source to some of my problems as well.

>> 5) no sound
> yeah, this is a common problem. With FC4 I finally got some basic  
> sound
> working. YDL 4.1 says this is better than 4.0.1
>    Greatly improved sound support
> but that doesn't mean it works for your machine. :)

Very true.

>> 6) windfarm module problems
> you might just need to install a 2.6.15 kernel yourself... its not  
> that
> hard or you could get a prebuilt ones from
> note that I've ever tried that myself, but often i get source or  
> config
> files from there for comparison

Never done this. I am willing to give it a try, but I would need very  
specific instructions. It seems like it could be a scary operation to  
do something like this. On the other hand, I understand that it may  
solve at least some of my problems. I have tried 'yum install kernel- 
g5', so I know that I am running the latest YDL kernel at this time.  
How would I make sure that everything that is implemented in the YDL  
kernel, also would work in the new kernel and which one do I choose?  
Newbie alert!!!

Oh, BTW I was wondering if I would have any problems with doing the  

1) Install all of GNOME. I have read that there can sometimes be  
problems with libraries? Would this be 'yum install gnome*'?

2) Install Firefox and Thunderbird. There sometimes seem to be  
problems with plug-ins and the like after these are installed.

3) InstallApt4RPM. This FAQ seems to have disapeared from the  
Terrasoft Solutions site and there isn't anything at Fresh RPMS either.



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