Newbie with Fedora Core 4 PPC on Power Mac G5.

Brian Durant RoadTripDK at MyRealBox.Com
Sat Jan 28 18:15:14 EST 2006

On 28. jan 2006, at 23.28, Brian D. Carlstrom wrote:

> you need to configure /etc/sudoers to list who can use sudo, probably
> with a line like:
>     RoadTripDK    ALL=(ALL) ALL
> if you are the only user. on my machines we have many admins so we  
> have
> a group but if there is just use this is probably the simplest thing.
>> 1) So first, I need to get sudo working.
> hope I helped above

I'll keep my fingers crossed :-) So far, so good.
>> 2) "yum check-update" returns something about some file missing in /
>> var/....
> just a guess, but you really need to be root to run most yum commands.
> otherwise it often fails with strange errors. one of my least favorite
> things about yum, although its better in FC4 than YDL I think, just
> because its a later version.

When you say "root", you mean "su root", right??? I still get the  
message. The problem is that there is no file:

/var/cache/yum/base/ should I just create a blank file???

>> 3) I need to do a total system update with yum. Is there one command
>> I can use???
> just "yum update" should update everything.



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