Newbie with Fedora Core 4 PPC on Power Mac G5.

Brian D. Carlstrom bdc at
Sat Jan 28 15:52:39 EST 2006

Brian Durant writes:
 > Even though I have a thing for .deb based distros, I am basically a
 > pragmatist at heart and since YDL works best for me, that is where I
 > will concentrate my effort on getting things sorted out.

For me, if the fans work right on my PowerMacs, that is all I care about
at this point. How far my standards have fallen... :)

 > 1) I can start a root session, but YDL doesn't recognize the root  
 > password when I try to do a command like:
 > $ su tail -f /var/log/messages [ENTER]
 > $ sudo tail -f /var/log/messages [ENTER]
 > $ root tail -f /var/log/messages [ENTER]

These work for me:
    su root -c "tail -f /var/log/messages"
    sudo tail -f /var/log/messages
Note that sudo wants your password, not the root password.
I don't have a root command on FC4.

 > > Finally, YDL 4.1 is supposed to be out relatively soon...:)
 > Yes, I have been thinking about that as well, but to tell you the  
 > truth, I would like to get a boxed version shipped. 

more importantly, you have someone to call presumably when your fans
don't work :)


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