[bmap-tools] [PATCH 1/4] tests: add old code-base

Artem Bityutskiy dedekind1 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 4 10:28:52 EST 2013

From: Artem Bityutskiy <artem.bityutskiy at intel.com>

I am going to add a test which verifies that older BmapCopy work fine with
newer compatible bmap formats, as well as newer BmapCopy works fine with all
the older bmap formats.

This patch simply add a copy of various BmapCopy versions.

Change-Id: I37941f343b56511a85a47cda239dd702b7d2afc0
Signed-off-by: Artem Bityutskiy <artem.bityutskiy at intel.com>
 tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy1_0.py | 707 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_0.py | 631 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_1.py | 631 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_2.py | 632 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_3.py | 667 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_4.py | 667 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_5.py | 724 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_6.py | 724 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy3_0.py | 764 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/oldcodebase/__init__.py    |   0
 10 files changed, 6147 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy1_0.py
 create mode 100644 tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_0.py
 create mode 100644 tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_1.py
 create mode 100644 tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_2.py
 create mode 100644 tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_3.py
 create mode 100644 tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_4.py
 create mode 100644 tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_5.py
 create mode 100644 tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_6.py
 create mode 100644 tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy3_0.py
 create mode 100644 tests/oldcodebase/__init__.py

diff --git a/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy1_0.py b/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy1_0.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9722a1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy1_0.py
@@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
+""" This module implements copying of images with bmap and provides the
+following API.
+  1. BmapCopy class - implements copying to any kind of file, be that a block
+     device or a regular file.
+  2. BmapBdevCopy class - based on BmapCopy and specializes on copying to block
+     devices. It does some more sanity checks and some block device performance
+     tuning.
+The bmap file is an XML file which contains a list of mapped blocks of the
+image. Mapped blocks are the blocks which have disk sectors associated with
+them, as opposed to holes, which are blocks with no associated disk sectors. In
+other words, the image is considered to be a sparse file, and bmap basically
+contains a list of mapped blocks of this sparse file. The bmap additionally
+contains some useful information like block size (usually 4KiB), image size,
+mapped blocks count, etc.
+The bmap is used for copying the image to a block device or to a regular file.
+The idea is that we copy quickly with bmap because we copy only mapped blocks
+and ignore the holes, because they are useless. And if the image is generated
+properly (starting with a huge hole and writing all the data), it usually
+contains only little mapped blocks, comparing to the overall image size. And
+such an image compresses very well (because holes are read as all zeroes), so
+it is beneficial to distributor them as compressed files along with the bmap.
+Here is an example. Suppose you have a 4GiB image which contains only 100MiB of
+user data and you need to flash it to a slow USB stick. With bmap you end up
+copying only a little bit more than 100MiB of data from the image to the USB
+stick (namely, you copy only mapped blocks). This is a lot faster than copying
+all 4GiB of data. We say that it is a bit more than 100MiB because things like
+file-system meta-data (inode tables, superblocks, etc), partition table, etc
+also contribute to the mapped blocks and are also copied. """
+# Disable the following pylint recommendations:
+#   * Too many instance attributes (R0902)
+#   * Too many statements (R0915)
+#   * Too many branches (R0912)
+# pylint: disable=R0902
+# pylint: disable=R0915
+# pylint: disable=R0912
+import os
+import stat
+import sys
+import hashlib
+import Queue
+import thread
+from xml.etree import ElementTree
+from bmaptools.BmapHelpers import human_size
+# A list of supported image formats
+SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FORMATS = ('bz2', 'gz', 'tar.gz', 'tgz', 'tar.bz2')
+# The highest supported bmap format version
+class Error(Exception):
+    """ A class for exceptions generated by the 'BmapCopy' module. We currently
+    support only one type of exceptions, and we basically throw human-readable
+    problem description in case of errors. """
+    pass
+class BmapCopy:
+    """ This class implements the bmap-based copying functionality. To copy an
+    image with bmap you should create an instance of this class, which requires
+    the following:
+    * full path or a file-like object of the image to copy
+    * full path or a file-like object of the destination file copy the image to
+    * full path or a file-like object of the bmap file (optional)
+    Although the main purpose of this class is to use bmap, the bmap is not
+    required, and if it was not provided then the entire image will be copied
+    to the destination file.
+    The image file may either be an uncompressed raw image or a compressed
+    image. Compression type is defined by the image file extension.  Supported
+    types are listed by 'SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FORMATS'.
+    IMPORTANT: if the image is given as a file-like object, the compression
+    type recognition is not performed - the file-like object's 'read()' method
+    is used directly instead.
+    Once an instance of 'BmapCopy' is created, all the 'bmap_*' attributes are
+    initialized and available. They are read from the bmap.
+    However, if bmap was not provided, this is not always the case and some of
+    the 'bmap_*' attributes are not initialize by the class constructor.
+    Instead, they are initialized only in the 'copy()' method. The reason for
+    this is that when bmap is absent, 'BmapCopy' uses sensible fall-back values
+    for the 'bmap_*' attributes assuming the entire image is "mapped". And if
+    the image is compressed, it cannot easily find out the image size. Thus,
+    this is postponed until the 'copy()' method decompresses the image for the
+    first time.
+    The 'copy()' method implements the copying. You may choose whether to
+    verify the SHA1 checksum while copying or not.  Note, this is done only in
+    case of bmap-based copying and only if bmap contains the SHA1 checksums
+    (e.g., bmap version 1.0 did not have SHA1 checksums).
+    You may choose whether to synchronize the destination file after writing or
+    not. To explicitly synchronize it, use the 'sync()' method.
+    This class supports all the bmap format versions up version
+    def _initialize_sizes(self, image_size):
+        """ This function is only used when the there is no bmap. It
+        initializes attributes like 'blocks_cnt', 'mapped_cnt', etc. Normally,
+        the values are read from the bmap file, but in this case they are just
+        set to something reasonable. """
+        self.image_size = image_size
+        self.image_size_human = human_size(image_size)
+        self.blocks_cnt = self.image_size + self.block_size - 1
+        self.blocks_cnt /= self.block_size
+        self.mapped_cnt = self.blocks_cnt
+        self.mapped_size = self.image_size
+        self.mapped_size_human = self.image_size_human
+    def _parse_bmap(self):
+        """ Parse the bmap file and initialize the 'bmap_*' attributes. """
+        bmap_pos = self._f_bmap.tell()
+        self._f_bmap.seek(0)
+        try:
+            self._xml = ElementTree.parse(self._f_bmap)
+        except  ElementTree.ParseError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot parse the bmap file '%s' which should be a " \
+                        "proper XML file: %s" % (self._bmap_path, err))
+        xml = self._xml
+        self.bmap_version = str(xml.getroot().attrib.get('version'))
+        # Make sure we support this version
+        major = int(self.bmap_version.split('.', 1)[0])
+        if major > SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION:
+            raise Error("only bmap format version up to %d is supported, " \
+                        "version %d is not supported" \
+                        % (SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION, major))
+        # Fetch interesting data from the bmap XML file
+        self.block_size = int(xml.find("BlockSize").text.strip())
+        self.blocks_cnt = int(xml.find("BlocksCount").text.strip())
+        self.mapped_cnt = int(xml.find("MappedBlocksCount").text.strip())
+        self.image_size = int(xml.find("ImageSize").text.strip())
+        self.image_size_human = human_size(self.image_size)
+        self.mapped_size = self.mapped_cnt * self.block_size
+        self.mapped_size_human = human_size(self.mapped_size)
+        self.mapped_percent = (self.mapped_cnt * 100.0) / self.blocks_cnt
+        blocks_cnt = (self.image_size + self.block_size - 1) / self.block_size
+        if self.blocks_cnt != blocks_cnt:
+            raise Error("Inconsistent bmap - image size does not match " \
+                        "blocks count (%d bytes != %d blocks * %d bytes)" \
+                        % (self.image_size, self.blocks_cnt, self.block_size))
+        self._f_bmap.seek(bmap_pos)
+    def _open_image_file(self):
+        """ Open the image file which may be compressed or not. The compression
+        type is recognized by the file extension. Supported types are defined
+        by 'SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FORMATS'. """
+        try:
+            is_regular_file = stat.S_ISREG(os.stat(self._image_path).st_mode)
+        except OSError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot access image file '%s': %s" \
+                        % (self._image_path, err.strerror))
+        if not is_regular_file:
+            raise Error("image file '%s' is not a regular file" \
+                        % self._image_path)
+        try:
+            if self._image_path.endswith('.tar.gz') \
+               or self._image_path.endswith('.tar.bz2') \
+               or self._image_path.endswith('.tgz'):
+                import tarfile
+                tar = tarfile.open(self._image_path, 'r')
+                # The tarball is supposed to contain only one single member
+                members = tar.getnames()
+                if len(members) > 1:
+                    raise Error("the image tarball '%s' contains more than " \
+                                "one file" % self._image_path)
+                elif len(members) == 0:
+                    raise Error("the image tarball '%s' is empty (no files)" \
+                                % self._image_path)
+                self._f_image = tar.extractfile(members[0])
+            elif self._image_path.endswith('.gz'):
+                import gzip
+                self._f_image = gzip.GzipFile(self._image_path, 'rb')
+            elif self._image_path.endswith('.bz2'):
+                import bz2
+                self._f_image = bz2.BZ2File(self._image_path, 'rb')
+            else:
+                self._image_is_compressed = False
+                self._f_image = open(self._image_path, 'rb')
+        except IOError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot open image file '%s': %s" \
+                        % (self._image_path, err))
+        self._f_image_needs_close = True
+    def _validate_image_size(self):
+        """ Make sure that image size from bmap matches real image size. """
+        image_size = os.fstat(self._f_image.fileno()).st_size
+        if image_size != self.image_size:
+            raise Error("Size mismatch, bmap '%s' was created for an image " \
+                        "of size %d bytes, but image '%s' has size %d bytes" \
+                        % (self._bmap_path, self.image_size,
+                           self._image_path, image_size))
+    def _open_destination_file(self):
+        """ Open the destination file. """
+        try:
+            self._f_dest = open(self._dest_path, 'w')
+        except IOError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot open destination file '%s': %s" \
+                        % (self._dest_path, err))
+        self._f_dest_needs_close = True
+    def _open_bmap_file(self):
+        """ Open the bmap file. """
+        try:
+            self._f_bmap = open(self._bmap_path, 'r')
+        except IOError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot open bmap file '%s': %s" \
+                        % (self._bmap_path, err.strerror))
+        self._f_bmap_needs_close = True
+    def __init__(self, image, dest, bmap = None):
+        """ The class constructor. The parameters are:
+            image - full path or file object of the image which should be copied
+            dest  - full path or file-like object of the destination file to
+                    copy the image to
+            bmap  - full path or file-like object of the bmap file to use for
+                    copying """
+        self._xml = None
+        self._image_is_compressed = True
+        self._dest_fsync_watermark = None
+        self._batch_blocks = None
+        self._batch_queue = None
+        self._batch_bytes = 1024 * 1024
+        self._batch_queue_len = 2
+        self.bmap_version = None
+        self.block_size = None
+        self.blocks_cnt = None
+        self.mapped_cnt = None
+        self.image_size = None
+        self.image_size_human = None
+        self.mapped_size = None
+        self.mapped_size_human = None
+        self.mapped_percent = None
+        self._f_dest_needs_close = False
+        self._f_image_needs_close = False
+        self._f_bmap_needs_close = False
+        self._f_bmap = None
+        self._f_bmap_path = None
+        if hasattr(dest, "write"):
+            self._f_dest = dest
+            self._dest_path = dest.name
+        else:
+            self._dest_path = dest
+            self._open_destination_file()
+        if hasattr(image, "read"):
+            self._f_image = image
+            self._image_path = image.name
+        else:
+            self._image_path = image
+            self._open_image_file()
+        st_mode = os.fstat(self._f_dest.fileno()).st_mode
+        self._dest_is_regfile = stat.S_ISREG(st_mode)
+        if bmap:
+            if hasattr(bmap, "read"):
+                self._f_bmap = bmap
+                self._bmap_path = bmap.name
+            else:
+                self._bmap_path = bmap
+                self._open_bmap_file()
+            self._parse_bmap()
+        else:
+            # There is no bmap. Initialize user-visible attributes to something
+            # sensible with an assumption that we just have all blocks mapped.
+            self.bmap_version = 0
+            self.block_size = 4096
+            self.mapped_percent = 100
+            # We can initialize size-related attributes only if we the image is
+            # uncompressed.
+            if not self._image_is_compressed:
+                image_size = os.fstat(self._f_image.fileno()).st_size
+                self._initialize_sizes(image_size)
+        if not self._image_is_compressed:
+            self._validate_image_size()
+        self._batch_blocks = self._batch_bytes / self.block_size
+    def __del__(self):
+        """ The class destructor which closes the opened files. """
+        if self._f_image_needs_close:
+            self._f_image.close()
+        if self._f_dest_needs_close:
+            self._f_dest.close()
+        if self._f_bmap_needs_close:
+            self._f_bmap.close()
+    def _get_block_ranges(self):
+        """ This is a helper generator that parses the bmap XML file and for
+        each block range in the XML file it yields ('first', 'last', 'sha1')
+        tuples, where:
+          * 'first' is the first block of the range;
+          * 'last' is the last block of the range;
+          * 'sha1' is the SHA1 checksum of the range ('None' is used if it is
+            missing.
+        If there is no bmap file, the generator just yields a single range
+        for entire image file. If the image size is unknown (the image is
+        compressed), the generator infinitely yields continuous ranges of
+        size '_batch_blocks'. """
+        if not self._f_bmap:
+            # We do not have the bmap, yield a tuple with all blocks
+            if self.blocks_cnt:
+                yield (0, self.blocks_cnt - 1, None)
+            else:
+                # We do not know image size, keep yielding tuples with many
+                # blocks infinitely.
+                first = 0
+                while True:
+                    yield (first, first + self._batch_blocks - 1, None)
+                    first += self._batch_blocks
+            return
+        # We have the bmap, just read it and yield block ranges
+        xml = self._xml
+        xml_bmap = xml.find("BlockMap")
+        for xml_element in xml_bmap.findall("Range"):
+            blocks_range = xml_element.text.strip()
+            # The range of blocks has the "X - Y" format, or it can be just "X"
+            # in old bmap format versions. First, split the blocks range string
+            # and strip white-spaces.
+            split = [x.strip() for x in blocks_range.split('-', 1)]
+            first = int(split[0])
+            if len(split) > 1:
+                last = int(split[1])
+                if first > last:
+                    raise Error("bad range (first > last): '%s'" % blocks_range)
+            else:
+                last = first
+            if 'sha1' in xml_element.attrib:
+                sha1 = xml_element.attrib['sha1']
+            else:
+                sha1 = None
+            yield (first, last, sha1)
+    def _get_batches(self, first, last):
+        """ This is a helper generator which splits block ranges from the bmap
+        file to smaller batches. Indeed, we cannot read and write entire block
+        ranges from the image file, because a range can be very large. So we
+        perform the I/O in batches. Batch size is defined by the
+        '_batch_blocks' attribute. Thus, for each (first, last) block range,
+        the generator yields smaller (start, end, length) batch ranges, where:
+          * 'start' is the starting batch block number;
+          * 'last' is the ending batch block number;
+          * 'length' is the batch length in blocks (same as
+             'end' - 'start' + 1). """
+        batch_blocks = self._batch_blocks
+        while first + batch_blocks - 1 <= last:
+            yield (first, first + batch_blocks - 1, batch_blocks)
+            first += batch_blocks
+        batch_blocks = last - first + 1
+        if batch_blocks:
+            yield (first, first + batch_blocks - 1, batch_blocks)
+    def _get_data(self, verify):
+        """ This is generator  which reads the image file in '_batch_blocks'
+        chunks and yields ('type', 'start', 'end',  'buf) tuples, where:
+          * 'start' is the starting block number of the batch;
+          * 'end' is the last block of the batch;
+          * 'buf' a buffer containing the batch data. """
+        try:
+            for (first, last, sha1) in self._get_block_ranges():
+                if verify and sha1:
+                    hash_obj = hashlib.new('sha1')
+                self._f_image.seek(first * self.block_size)
+                iterator = self._get_batches(first, last)
+                for (start, end, length) in iterator:
+                    try:
+                        buf = self._f_image.read(length * self.block_size)
+                    except IOError as err:
+                        raise Error("error while reading blocks %d-%d of the " \
+                                    "image file '%s': %s" \
+                                    % (start, end, self._image_path, err))
+                    if not buf:
+                        self._batch_queue.put(None)
+                        return
+                    if verify and sha1:
+                        hash_obj.update(buf)
+                    blocks = (len(buf) + self.block_size - 1) / self.block_size
+                    self._batch_queue.put(("range", start, start + blocks - 1,
+                                           buf))
+                if verify and sha1 and hash_obj.hexdigest() != sha1:
+                    raise Error("checksum mismatch for blocks range %d-%d: " \
+                                "calculated %s, should be %s" \
+                                % (first, last, hash_obj.hexdigest(), sha1))
+        # Silence pylint warning about catching too general exception
+        # pylint: disable=W0703
+        except Exception:
+            # pylint: enable=W0703
+            # In case of any exception - just pass it to the main thread
+            # through the queue.
+            self._batch_queue.put(("error", sys.exc_info()))
+        self._batch_queue.put(None)
+    def copy(self, sync = True, verify = True):
+        """ Copy the image to the destination file using bmap. The sync
+        argument defines whether the destination file has to be synchronized
+        upon return.  The 'verify' argument defines whether the SHA1 checksum
+        has to be verified while copying. """
+        # Save file positions in order to restore them at the end
+        image_pos = self._f_image.tell()
+        dest_pos = self._f_dest.tell()
+        if self._f_bmap:
+            bmap_pos = self._f_bmap.tell()
+        # Create the queue for block batches and start the reader thread, which
+        # will read the image in batches and put the results to '_batch_queue'.
+        self._batch_queue = Queue.Queue(self._batch_queue_len)
+        thread.start_new_thread(self._get_data, (verify, ))
+        blocks_written = 0
+        bytes_written = 0
+        fsync_last = 0
+        # Read the image in '_batch_blocks' chunks and write them to the
+        # destination file
+        while True:
+            batch = self._batch_queue.get()
+            if batch is None:
+                # No more data, the image is written
+                break
+            elif batch[0] == "error":
+                # The reader thread encountered an error and passed us the
+                # exception.
+                exc_info = batch[1]
+                raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
+            (start, end, buf) = batch[1:4]
+            assert len(buf) <= (end - start + 1) * self.block_size
+            assert len(buf) > (end - start) * self.block_size
+            self._f_dest.seek(start * self.block_size)
+            # Synchronize the destination file if we reached the watermark
+            if self._dest_fsync_watermark:
+                if blocks_written >= fsync_last + self._dest_fsync_watermark:
+                    fsync_last = blocks_written
+                    self.sync()
+            try:
+                self._f_dest.write(buf)
+            except IOError as err:
+                raise Error("error while writing blocks %d-%d of '%s': %s" \
+                            % (start, end, self._dest_path, err))
+            self._batch_queue.task_done()
+            blocks_written += (end - start + 1)
+            bytes_written += len(buf)
+        if not self.image_size:
+            # The image size was unknown up until now, probably because this is
+            # a compressed image. Initialize the corresponding class attributes
+            # now, when we know the size.
+            self._initialize_sizes(bytes_written)
+        # This is just a sanity check - we should have written exactly
+        # 'mapped_cnt' blocks.
+        if blocks_written != self.mapped_cnt:
+            raise Error("wrote %u blocks, but should have %u - inconsistent " \
+                       "bmap file" % (blocks_written, self.mapped_cnt))
+        if self._dest_is_regfile:
+            # Make sure the destination file has the same size as the image
+            try:
+                os.ftruncate(self._f_dest.fileno(), self.image_size)
+            except OSError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot truncate file '%s': %s" \
+                            % (self._dest_path, err))
+        try:
+            self._f_dest.flush()
+        except IOError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot flush '%s': %s" % (self._dest_path, err))
+        if sync:
+            self.sync()
+        # Restore file positions
+        self._f_image.seek(image_pos)
+        self._f_dest.seek(dest_pos)
+        if self._f_bmap:
+            self._f_bmap.seek(bmap_pos)
+    def sync(self):
+        """ Synchronize the destination file to make sure all the data are
+        actually written to the disk. """
+        try:
+            os.fsync(self._f_dest.fileno()),
+        except OSError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot synchronize '%s': %s " \
+                        % (self._dest_path, err.strerror))
+class BmapBdevCopy(BmapCopy):
+    """ This class is a specialized version of 'BmapCopy' which copies the
+    image to a block device. Unlike the base 'BmapCopy' class, this class does
+    various optimizations specific to block devices, e.g., switching to the
+    'noop' I/O scheduler. """
+    def _open_destination_file(self):
+        """ Open the block device in exclusive mode. """
+        try:
+            self._f_dest = os.open(self._dest_path, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_EXCL)
+        except OSError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot open block device '%s' in exclusive mode: %s" \
+                        % (self._dest_path, err.strerror))
+        try:
+            os.fstat(self._f_dest).st_mode
+        except OSError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot access block device '%s': %s" \
+                        % (self._dest_path, err.strerror))
+        # Turn the block device file descriptor into a file object
+        try:
+            self._f_dest = os.fdopen(self._f_dest, "wb")
+        except OSError as err:
+            os.close(self._f_dest)
+            raise Error("cannot open block device '%s': %s" \
+                        % (self._dest_path, err))
+        self._f_dest_needs_close = True
+    def _tune_block_device(self):
+        """" Tune the block device for better performance:
+        1. Switch to the 'noop' I/O scheduler if it is available - sequential
+           write to the block device becomes a lot faster comparing to CFQ.
+        2. Limit the write buffering - we do not need the kernel to buffer a
+           lot of the data we send to the block device, because we write
+           sequentially. Limit the buffering.
+        The old settings are saved in order to be able to restore them later.
+        """
+        # Switch to the 'noop' I/O scheduler
+        try:
+            with open(self._sysfs_scheduler_path, "r+") as f_scheduler:
+                contents = f_scheduler.read()
+                f_scheduler.seek(0)
+                f_scheduler.write("noop")
+        except IOError:
+            # No problem, this is just an optimization.
+            return
+        # The file contains a list of scheduler with the current
+        # scheduler in square brackets, e.g., "noop deadline [cfq]".
+        # Fetch the current scheduler name
+        import re
+        match = re.match(r'.*\[(.+)\].*', contents)
+        self._old_scheduler_value = match.group(1)
+        # Limit the write buffering
+        try:
+            with open(self._sysfs_max_ratio_path, "r+") as f_ratio:
+                self._old_max_ratio_value = f_ratio.read()
+                f_ratio.seek(0)
+                f_ratio.write("1")
+        except IOError:
+            return
+    def _restore_bdev_settings(self):
+        """ Restore old block device settings which we changed in
+        '_tune_block_device()'. """
+        if self._old_scheduler_value is not None:
+            try:
+                with open(self._sysfs_scheduler_path, "w") as f_scheduler:
+                    f_scheduler.write(self._old_scheduler_value)
+            except IOError:
+                # No problem, this is just an optimization.
+                return
+        if self._old_max_ratio_value is not None:
+            try:
+                with open(self._sysfs_max_ratio_path, "w") as f_ratio:
+                    f_ratio.write(self._old_max_ratio_value)
+            except IOError:
+                return
+    def copy(self, sync = True, verify = True):
+        """ The same as in the base class but tunes the block device for better
+        performance before starting writing. Additionally, it forces block
+        device synchronization from time to time in order to make sure we do
+        not get stuck in 'fsync()' for too long time. The problem is that the
+        kernel synchronizes block devices when the file is closed. And the
+        result is that if the user interrupts us while we are copying the data,
+        the program will be blocked in 'close()' waiting for the block device
+        synchronization, which may last minutes for slow USB stick. This is
+        very bad user experience, and we work around this effect by
+        synchronizing from time to time. """
+        try:
+            self._tune_block_device()
+            BmapCopy.copy(self, sync, verify)
+        except:
+            self._restore_bdev_settings()
+            raise
+    def __init__(self, image, dest, bmap = None):
+        """ The same as the constructor of the 'BmapCopy' base class, but adds
+        useful guard-checks specific to block devices. """
+        # Call the base class constructor first
+        BmapCopy.__init__(self, image, dest, bmap)
+        self._batch_bytes = 1024 * 1024
+        self._batch_blocks = self._batch_bytes / self.block_size
+        self._batch_queue_len = 6
+        self._dest_fsync_watermark = (6 * 1024 * 1024) / self.block_size
+        self._sysfs_base = None
+        self._sysfs_scheduler_path = None
+        self._sysfs_max_ratio_path = None
+        self._old_scheduler_value = None
+        self._old_max_ratio_value = None
+        # If the image size is known (i.e., it is not compressed) - check that
+        # it fits the block device.
+        if self.image_size:
+            try:
+                bdev_size = os.lseek(self._f_dest.fileno(), 0, os.SEEK_END)
+                os.lseek(self._f_dest.fileno(), 0, os.SEEK_SET)
+            except OSError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot seed block device '%s': %s " \
+                            % (self._dest_path, err.strerror))
+            if bdev_size < self.image_size:
+                raise Error("the image file '%s' has size %s and it will not " \
+                            "fit the block device '%s' which has %s capacity" \
+                            % (self._image_path, self.image_size_human,
+                               self._dest_path, human_size(bdev_size)))
+        # Construct the path to the sysfs directory of our block device
+        st_rdev = os.fstat(self._f_dest.fileno()).st_rdev
+        self._sysfs_base = "/sys/dev/block/%s:%s/" \
+                           % (os.major(st_rdev), os.minor(st_rdev))
+        # Check if the 'queue' sub-directory exists. If yes, then our block
+        # device is entire disk. Otherwise, it is a partition, in which case we
+        # need to go one level up in the sysfs hierarchy.
+        try:
+            if not os.path.exists(self._sysfs_base + "queue"):
+                self._sysfs_base = self._sysfs_base + "../"
+        except OSError:
+            # No problem, this is just an optimization.
+            pass
+        self._sysfs_scheduler_path = self._sysfs_base + "queue/scheduler"
+        self._sysfs_max_ratio_path = self._sysfs_base + "bdi/max_ratio"
diff --git a/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_0.py b/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_0.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7082287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_0.py
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+""" This module implements copying of images with bmap and provides the
+following API.
+  1. BmapCopy class - implements copying to any kind of file, be that a block
+     device or a regular file.
+  2. BmapBdevCopy class - based on BmapCopy and specializes on copying to block
+     devices. It does some more sanity checks and some block device performance
+     tuning.
+The bmap file is an XML file which contains a list of mapped blocks of the
+image. Mapped blocks are the blocks which have disk sectors associated with
+them, as opposed to holes, which are blocks with no associated disk sectors. In
+other words, the image is considered to be a sparse file, and bmap basically
+contains a list of mapped blocks of this sparse file. The bmap additionally
+contains some useful information like block size (usually 4KiB), image size,
+mapped blocks count, etc.
+The bmap is used for copying the image to a block device or to a regular file.
+The idea is that we copy quickly with bmap because we copy only mapped blocks
+and ignore the holes, because they are useless. And if the image is generated
+properly (starting with a huge hole and writing all the data), it usually
+contains only little mapped blocks, comparing to the overall image size. And
+such an image compresses very well (because holes are read as all zeroes), so
+it is beneficial to distributor them as compressed files along with the bmap.
+Here is an example. Suppose you have a 4GiB image which contains only 100MiB of
+user data and you need to flash it to a slow USB stick. With bmap you end up
+copying only a little bit more than 100MiB of data from the image to the USB
+stick (namely, you copy only mapped blocks). This is a lot faster than copying
+all 4GiB of data. We say that it is a bit more than 100MiB because things like
+file-system meta-data (inode tables, superblocks, etc), partition table, etc
+also contribute to the mapped blocks and are also copied. """
+# Disable the following pylint recommendations:
+#   * Too many instance attributes (R0902)
+# pylint: disable=R0902
+import os
+import stat
+import sys
+import hashlib
+import Queue
+import thread
+import datetime
+from xml.etree import ElementTree
+from bmaptools.BmapHelpers import human_size
+# The highest supported bmap format version
+class Error(Exception):
+    """ A class for exceptions generated by the 'BmapCopy' module. We currently
+    support only one type of exceptions, and we basically throw human-readable
+    problem description in case of errors. """
+    pass
+class BmapCopy:
+    """ This class implements the bmap-based copying functionality. To copy an
+    image with bmap you should create an instance of this class, which requires
+    the following:
+    * full path or a file-like object of the image to copy
+    * full path or a file-like object of the destination file copy the image to
+    * full path or a file-like object of the bmap file (optional)
+    * image size in bytes (optional)
+    Although the main purpose of this class is to use bmap, the bmap is not
+    required, and if it was not provided then the entire image will be copied
+    to the destination file.
+    When the bmap is provided, it is not necessary to specify image size,
+    because the size is contained in the bmap. Otherwise, it is benefitial to
+    specify the size because it enables extra sanity checks and makes it
+    possible to provide the progress bar.
+    When the image size is known either from the bmap or the caller specified
+    it to the class constructor, all the image geometry description attributes
+    ('blocks_cnt', etc) are initialized by the class constructor and available
+    for the user.
+    However, when the size is not known, some of  the image geometry
+    description attributes are not initialized by the class constructor.
+    Instead, they are initialized only by the 'copy()' method.
+    The 'copy()' method implements image copying. You may choose whether to
+    verify the SHA1 checksum while copying or not. Note, this is done only in
+    case of bmap-based copying and only if bmap contains the SHA1 checksums
+    (e.g., bmap version 1.0 did not have SHA1 checksums).
+    You may choose whether to synchronize the destination file after writing or
+    not. To explicitly synchronize it, use the 'sync()' method.
+    This class supports all the bmap format versions up version
+    It is possible to have a simple progress indicator while copying the image.
+    Use the 'set_progress_indicator()' method.
+    You can copy only once with an instance of this class. This means that in
+    order to copy the image for the second time, you have to create a new class
+    instance. """
+    def set_progress_indicator(self, file_obj, format_string):
+        """ Setup the progress indicator which shows how much data has been
+        copied in percent.
+        The 'file_obj' argument is the console file object where the progress
+        has to be printed to. Pass 'None' to disable the progress indicator.
+        The 'format_string' argument is the format string for the progress
+        indicator. It has to contain a single '%d' placeholder which will be
+        substitutes with copied data in percent. """
+        self._progress_file = file_obj
+        if format_string:
+            self._progress_format = format_string
+        else:
+            self._progress_format = "Copied %d%%"
+    def _set_image_size(self, image_size):
+        """ Set image size and initialize various other geometry-related
+        attributes. """
+        if self.image_size is not None and self.image_size != image_size:
+            raise Error("cannot set image size to %d bytes, it is known to " \
+                        "be %d bytes (%s)" % (image_size, self.image_size,
+                                              self.image_size_human))
+        self.image_size = image_size
+        self.image_size_human = human_size(image_size)
+        self.blocks_cnt = self.image_size + self.block_size - 1
+        self.blocks_cnt /= self.block_size
+        if self.mapped_cnt is None:
+            self.mapped_cnt = self.blocks_cnt
+            self.mapped_size = self.image_size
+            self.mapped_size_human = self.image_size_human
+    def _parse_bmap(self):
+        """ Parse the bmap file and initialize corresponding class instance
+        attributs. """
+        try:
+            self._xml = ElementTree.parse(self._f_bmap)
+        except  ElementTree.ParseError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot parse the bmap file '%s' which should be a " \
+                        "proper XML file: %s" % (self._bmap_path, err))
+        xml = self._xml
+        self.bmap_version = str(xml.getroot().attrib.get('version'))
+        # Make sure we support this version
+        major = int(self.bmap_version.split('.', 1)[0])
+        if major > SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION:
+            raise Error("only bmap format version up to %d is supported, " \
+                        "version %d is not supported" \
+                        % (SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION, major))
+        # Fetch interesting data from the bmap XML file
+        self.block_size = int(xml.find("BlockSize").text.strip())
+        self.blocks_cnt = int(xml.find("BlocksCount").text.strip())
+        self.mapped_cnt = int(xml.find("MappedBlocksCount").text.strip())
+        self.image_size = int(xml.find("ImageSize").text.strip())
+        self.image_size_human = human_size(self.image_size)
+        self.mapped_size = self.mapped_cnt * self.block_size
+        self.mapped_size_human = human_size(self.mapped_size)
+        self.mapped_percent = (self.mapped_cnt * 100.0) / self.blocks_cnt
+        blocks_cnt = (self.image_size + self.block_size - 1) / self.block_size
+        if self.blocks_cnt != blocks_cnt:
+            raise Error("Inconsistent bmap - image size does not match " \
+                        "blocks count (%d bytes != %d blocks * %d bytes)" \
+                        % (self.image_size, self.blocks_cnt, self.block_size))
+    def __init__(self, image, dest, bmap = None, image_size = None):
+        """ The class constructor. The parameters are:
+            image      - file-like object of the image which should be copied,
+                         should only support 'read()' and 'seek()' methods,
+                         and only seeking forward has to be supported.
+            dest       - file-like object of the destination file to copy the
+                         image to.
+            bmap       - file-like object of the bmap file to use for copying.
+            image_size - size of the image in bytes. """
+        self._xml = None
+        self._dest_fsync_watermark = None
+        self._batch_blocks = None
+        self._batch_queue = None
+        self._batch_bytes = 1024 * 1024
+        self._batch_queue_len = 2
+        self.bmap_version = None
+        self.block_size = None
+        self.blocks_cnt = None
+        self.mapped_cnt = None
+        self.image_size = None
+        self.image_size_human = None
+        self.mapped_size = None
+        self.mapped_size_human = None
+        self.mapped_percent = None
+        self._f_bmap = None
+        self._f_bmap_path = None
+        self._progress_started = None
+        self._progress_index = None
+        self._progress_time = None
+        self._progress_file = None
+        self._progress_format = None
+        self.set_progress_indicator(None, None)
+        self._f_image = image
+        self._image_path = image.name
+        self._f_dest = dest
+        self._dest_path = dest.name
+        st_data = os.fstat(self._f_dest.fileno())
+        self._dest_is_regfile = stat.S_ISREG(st_data.st_mode)
+        # Special quirk for /dev/null which does not support fsync()
+        if stat.S_ISCHR(st_data.st_mode) and \
+           os.major(st_data.st_rdev) == 1 and \
+           os.minor(st_data.st_rdev) == 3:
+            self._dest_supports_fsync = False
+        else:
+            self._dest_supports_fsync = True
+        if bmap:
+            self._f_bmap = bmap
+            self._bmap_path = bmap.name
+            self._parse_bmap()
+        else:
+            # There is no bmap. Initialize user-visible attributes to something
+            # sensible with an assumption that we just have all blocks mapped.
+            self.bmap_version = 0
+            self.block_size = 4096
+            self.mapped_percent = 100
+        if image_size:
+            self._set_image_size(image_size)
+        self._batch_blocks = self._batch_bytes / self.block_size
+    def _update_progress(self, blocks_written):
+        """ Print the progress indicator if the mapped area size is known and
+        if the indicator has been enabled by assigning a console file object to
+        the 'progress_file' attribute. """
+        if not self._progress_file:
+            return
+        if self.mapped_cnt:
+            assert blocks_written <= self.mapped_cnt
+            percent = int((float(blocks_written) / self.mapped_cnt) * 100)
+            progress = '\r' + self._progress_format % percent + '\n'
+        else:
+            # Do not rotate the wheel too fast
+            now = datetime.datetime.now()
+            min_delta = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds = 250)
+            if now - self._progress_time < min_delta:
+                return
+            self._progress_time = now
+            progress_wheel = ('-', '\\', '|', '/')
+            progress = '\r' + progress_wheel[self._progress_index % 4] + '\n'
+            self._progress_index += 1
+        # This is a little trick we do in order to make sure that the next
+        # message will always start from a new line - we switch to the new
+        # line after each progress update and move the cursor up. As an
+        # example, this is useful when the copying is interrupted by an
+        # exception - the error message will start form new line.
+        if self._progress_started:
+            # The "move cursor up" escape sequence
+            self._progress_file.write('\033[1A')
+        else:
+            self._progress_started = True
+        self._progress_file.write(progress)
+        self._progress_file.flush()
+    def _get_block_ranges(self):
+        """ This is a helper generator that parses the bmap XML file and for
+        each block range in the XML file it yields ('first', 'last', 'sha1')
+        tuples, where:
+          * 'first' is the first block of the range;
+          * 'last' is the last block of the range;
+          * 'sha1' is the SHA1 checksum of the range ('None' is used if it is
+            missing.
+        If there is no bmap file, the generator just yields a single range
+        for entire image file. If the image size is unknown, the generator
+        infinitely yields continuous ranges of size '_batch_blocks'. """
+        if not self._f_bmap:
+            # We do not have the bmap, yield a tuple with all blocks
+            if self.blocks_cnt:
+                yield (0, self.blocks_cnt - 1, None)
+            else:
+                # We do not know image size, keep yielding tuples with many
+                # blocks infinitely.
+                first = 0
+                while True:
+                    yield (first, first + self._batch_blocks - 1, None)
+                    first += self._batch_blocks
+            return
+        # We have the bmap, just read it and yield block ranges
+        xml = self._xml
+        xml_bmap = xml.find("BlockMap")
+        for xml_element in xml_bmap.findall("Range"):
+            blocks_range = xml_element.text.strip()
+            # The range of blocks has the "X - Y" format, or it can be just "X"
+            # in old bmap format versions. First, split the blocks range string
+            # and strip white-spaces.
+            split = [x.strip() for x in blocks_range.split('-', 1)]
+            first = int(split[0])
+            if len(split) > 1:
+                last = int(split[1])
+                if first > last:
+                    raise Error("bad range (first > last): '%s'" % blocks_range)
+            else:
+                last = first
+            if 'sha1' in xml_element.attrib:
+                sha1 = xml_element.attrib['sha1']
+            else:
+                sha1 = None
+            yield (first, last, sha1)
+    def _get_batches(self, first, last):
+        """ This is a helper generator which splits block ranges from the bmap
+        file to smaller batches. Indeed, we cannot read and write entire block
+        ranges from the image file, because a range can be very large. So we
+        perform the I/O in batches. Batch size is defined by the
+        '_batch_blocks' attribute. Thus, for each (first, last) block range,
+        the generator yields smaller (start, end, length) batch ranges, where:
+          * 'start' is the starting batch block number;
+          * 'last' is the ending batch block number;
+          * 'length' is the batch length in blocks (same as
+             'end' - 'start' + 1). """
+        batch_blocks = self._batch_blocks
+        while first + batch_blocks - 1 <= last:
+            yield (first, first + batch_blocks - 1, batch_blocks)
+            first += batch_blocks
+        batch_blocks = last - first + 1
+        if batch_blocks:
+            yield (first, first + batch_blocks - 1, batch_blocks)
+    def _get_data(self, verify):
+        """ This is generator  which reads the image file in '_batch_blocks'
+        chunks and yields ('type', 'start', 'end',  'buf) tuples, where:
+          * 'start' is the starting block number of the batch;
+          * 'end' is the last block of the batch;
+          * 'buf' a buffer containing the batch data. """
+        try:
+            for (first, last, sha1) in self._get_block_ranges():
+                if verify and sha1:
+                    hash_obj = hashlib.new('sha1')
+                self._f_image.seek(first * self.block_size)
+                iterator = self._get_batches(first, last)
+                for (start, end, length) in iterator:
+                    try:
+                        buf = self._f_image.read(length * self.block_size)
+                    except IOError as err:
+                        raise Error("error while reading blocks %d-%d of the " \
+                                    "image file '%s': %s" \
+                                    % (start, end, self._image_path, err))
+                    if not buf:
+                        self._batch_queue.put(None)
+                        return
+                    if verify and sha1:
+                        hash_obj.update(buf)
+                    blocks = (len(buf) + self.block_size - 1) / self.block_size
+                    self._batch_queue.put(("range", start, start + blocks - 1,
+                                           buf))
+                if verify and sha1 and hash_obj.hexdigest() != sha1:
+                    raise Error("checksum mismatch for blocks range %d-%d: " \
+                                "calculated %s, should be %s (image file %s)" \
+                                % (first, last, hash_obj.hexdigest(), \
+                                   sha1, self._image_path))
+        # Silence pylint warning about catching too general exception
+        # pylint: disable=W0703
+        except Exception:
+            # pylint: enable=W0703
+            # In case of any exception - just pass it to the main thread
+            # through the queue.
+            self._batch_queue.put(("error", sys.exc_info()))
+        self._batch_queue.put(None)
+    def copy(self, sync = True, verify = True):
+        """ Copy the image to the destination file using bmap. The 'sync'
+        argument defines whether the destination file has to be synchronized
+        upon return.  The 'verify' argument defines whether the SHA1 checksum
+        has to be verified while copying. """
+        # Create the queue for block batches and start the reader thread, which
+        # will read the image in batches and put the results to '_batch_queue'.
+        self._batch_queue = Queue.Queue(self._batch_queue_len)
+        thread.start_new_thread(self._get_data, (verify, ))
+        blocks_written = 0
+        bytes_written = 0
+        fsync_last = 0
+        self._progress_started = False
+        self._progress_index = 0
+        self._progress_time = datetime.datetime.now()
+        # Read the image in '_batch_blocks' chunks and write them to the
+        # destination file
+        while True:
+            batch = self._batch_queue.get()
+            if batch is None:
+                # No more data, the image is written
+                break
+            elif batch[0] == "error":
+                # The reader thread encountered an error and passed us the
+                # exception.
+                exc_info = batch[1]
+                raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
+            (start, end, buf) = batch[1:4]
+            assert len(buf) <= (end - start + 1) * self.block_size
+            assert len(buf) > (end - start) * self.block_size
+            self._f_dest.seek(start * self.block_size)
+            # Synchronize the destination file if we reached the watermark
+            if self._dest_fsync_watermark:
+                if blocks_written >= fsync_last + self._dest_fsync_watermark:
+                    fsync_last = blocks_written
+                    self.sync()
+            try:
+                self._f_dest.write(buf)
+            except IOError as err:
+                raise Error("error while writing blocks %d-%d of '%s': %s" \
+                            % (start, end, self._dest_path, err))
+            self._batch_queue.task_done()
+            blocks_written += (end - start + 1)
+            bytes_written += len(buf)
+            self._update_progress(blocks_written)
+        if not self.image_size:
+            # The image size was unknown up until now, set it
+            self._set_image_size(bytes_written)
+        # This is just a sanity check - we should have written exactly
+        # 'mapped_cnt' blocks.
+        if blocks_written != self.mapped_cnt:
+            raise Error("wrote %u blocks from image '%s' to '%s', but should " \
+                        "have %u - inconsistent bmap file '%s'" \
+                        % (blocks_written, self._image_path, self._dest_path, \
+                           self.mapped_cnt, self._bmap_path))
+        if self._dest_is_regfile:
+            # Make sure the destination file has the same size as the image
+            try:
+                os.ftruncate(self._f_dest.fileno(), self.image_size)
+            except OSError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot truncate file '%s': %s" \
+                            % (self._dest_path, err))
+        try:
+            self._f_dest.flush()
+        except IOError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot flush '%s': %s" % (self._dest_path, err))
+        if sync:
+            self.sync()
+    def sync(self):
+        """ Synchronize the destination file to make sure all the data are
+        actually written to the disk. """
+        if self._dest_supports_fsync:
+            try:
+                os.fsync(self._f_dest.fileno()),
+            except OSError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot synchronize '%s': %s " \
+                            % (self._dest_path, err.strerror))
+class BmapBdevCopy(BmapCopy):
+    """ This class is a specialized version of 'BmapCopy' which copies the
+    image to a block device. Unlike the base 'BmapCopy' class, this class does
+    various optimizations specific to block devices, e.g., switching to the
+    'noop' I/O scheduler. """
+    def _tune_block_device(self):
+        """" Tune the block device for better performance:
+        1. Switch to the 'noop' I/O scheduler if it is available - sequential
+           write to the block device becomes a lot faster comparing to CFQ.
+        2. Limit the write buffering - we do not need the kernel to buffer a
+           lot of the data we send to the block device, because we write
+           sequentially. Limit the buffering.
+        The old settings are saved in order to be able to restore them later.
+        """
+        # Switch to the 'noop' I/O scheduler
+        try:
+            with open(self._sysfs_scheduler_path, "r+") as f_scheduler:
+                contents = f_scheduler.read()
+                f_scheduler.seek(0)
+                f_scheduler.write("noop")
+        except IOError as err:
+            # No problem, this is just an optimization
+            raise Error("cannot enable the 'noop' I/O scheduler: %s" % err)
+        # The file contains a list of scheduler with the current
+        # scheduler in square brackets, e.g., "noop deadline [cfq]".
+        # Fetch the current scheduler name
+        import re
+        match = re.match(r'.*\[(.+)\].*', contents)
+        self._old_scheduler_value = match.group(1)
+        # Limit the write buffering
+        try:
+            with open(self._sysfs_max_ratio_path, "r+") as f_ratio:
+                self._old_max_ratio_value = f_ratio.read()
+                f_ratio.seek(0)
+                f_ratio.write("1")
+        except IOError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot set max. I/O ratio to '1': %s" % err)
+    def _restore_bdev_settings(self):
+        """ Restore old block device settings which we changed in
+        '_tune_block_device()'. """
+        if self._old_scheduler_value is not None:
+            try:
+                with open(self._sysfs_scheduler_path, "w") as f_scheduler:
+                    f_scheduler.write(self._old_scheduler_value)
+            except IOError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot restore the '%s' I/O scheduler: %s" \
+                            % (self._old_scheduler_value, err))
+        if self._old_max_ratio_value is not None:
+            try:
+                with open(self._sysfs_max_ratio_path, "w") as f_ratio:
+                    f_ratio.write(self._old_max_ratio_value)
+            except IOError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot set the max. I/O ratio back to '%s': %s" \
+                            % (self._old_max_ratio_value, err))
+    def copy(self, sync = True, verify = True):
+        """ The same as in the base class but tunes the block device for better
+        performance before starting writing. Additionally, it forces block
+        device synchronization from time to time in order to make sure we do
+        not get stuck in 'fsync()' for too long time. The problem is that the
+        kernel synchronizes block devices when the file is closed. And the
+        result is that if the user interrupts us while we are copying the data,
+        the program will be blocked in 'close()' waiting for the block device
+        synchronization, which may last minutes for slow USB stick. This is
+        very bad user experience, and we work around this effect by
+        synchronizing from time to time. """
+        self._tune_block_device()
+        try:
+            BmapCopy.copy(self, sync, verify)
+        except:
+            raise
+        finally:
+            self._restore_bdev_settings()
+    def __init__(self, image, dest, bmap = None, image_size = None):
+        """ The same as the constructor of the 'BmapCopy' base class, but adds
+        useful guard-checks specific to block devices. """
+        # Call the base class constructor first
+        BmapCopy.__init__(self, image, dest, bmap, image_size)
+        self._batch_bytes = 1024 * 1024
+        self._batch_blocks = self._batch_bytes / self.block_size
+        self._batch_queue_len = 6
+        self._dest_fsync_watermark = (6 * 1024 * 1024) / self.block_size
+        self._sysfs_base = None
+        self._sysfs_scheduler_path = None
+        self._sysfs_max_ratio_path = None
+        self._old_scheduler_value = None
+        self._old_max_ratio_value = None
+        # If the image size is known, check that it fits the block device
+        if self.image_size:
+            try:
+                bdev_size = os.lseek(self._f_dest.fileno(), 0, os.SEEK_END)
+                os.lseek(self._f_dest.fileno(), 0, os.SEEK_SET)
+            except OSError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot seed block device '%s': %s " \
+                            % (self._dest_path, err.strerror))
+            if bdev_size < self.image_size:
+                raise Error("the image file '%s' has size %s and it will not " \
+                            "fit the block device '%s' which has %s capacity" \
+                            % (self._image_path, self.image_size_human,
+                               self._dest_path, human_size(bdev_size)))
+        # Construct the path to the sysfs directory of our block device
+        st_rdev = os.fstat(self._f_dest.fileno()).st_rdev
+        self._sysfs_base = "/sys/dev/block/%s:%s/" \
+                           % (os.major(st_rdev), os.minor(st_rdev))
+        # Check if the 'queue' sub-directory exists. If yes, then our block
+        # device is entire disk. Otherwise, it is a partition, in which case we
+        # need to go one level up in the sysfs hierarchy.
+        if not os.path.exists(self._sysfs_base + "queue"):
+            self._sysfs_base = self._sysfs_base + "../"
+        self._sysfs_scheduler_path = self._sysfs_base + "queue/scheduler"
+        self._sysfs_max_ratio_path = self._sysfs_base + "bdi/max_ratio"
diff --git a/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_1.py b/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_1.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7082287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_1.py
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+""" This module implements copying of images with bmap and provides the
+following API.
+  1. BmapCopy class - implements copying to any kind of file, be that a block
+     device or a regular file.
+  2. BmapBdevCopy class - based on BmapCopy and specializes on copying to block
+     devices. It does some more sanity checks and some block device performance
+     tuning.
+The bmap file is an XML file which contains a list of mapped blocks of the
+image. Mapped blocks are the blocks which have disk sectors associated with
+them, as opposed to holes, which are blocks with no associated disk sectors. In
+other words, the image is considered to be a sparse file, and bmap basically
+contains a list of mapped blocks of this sparse file. The bmap additionally
+contains some useful information like block size (usually 4KiB), image size,
+mapped blocks count, etc.
+The bmap is used for copying the image to a block device or to a regular file.
+The idea is that we copy quickly with bmap because we copy only mapped blocks
+and ignore the holes, because they are useless. And if the image is generated
+properly (starting with a huge hole and writing all the data), it usually
+contains only little mapped blocks, comparing to the overall image size. And
+such an image compresses very well (because holes are read as all zeroes), so
+it is beneficial to distributor them as compressed files along with the bmap.
+Here is an example. Suppose you have a 4GiB image which contains only 100MiB of
+user data and you need to flash it to a slow USB stick. With bmap you end up
+copying only a little bit more than 100MiB of data from the image to the USB
+stick (namely, you copy only mapped blocks). This is a lot faster than copying
+all 4GiB of data. We say that it is a bit more than 100MiB because things like
+file-system meta-data (inode tables, superblocks, etc), partition table, etc
+also contribute to the mapped blocks and are also copied. """
+# Disable the following pylint recommendations:
+#   * Too many instance attributes (R0902)
+# pylint: disable=R0902
+import os
+import stat
+import sys
+import hashlib
+import Queue
+import thread
+import datetime
+from xml.etree import ElementTree
+from bmaptools.BmapHelpers import human_size
+# The highest supported bmap format version
+class Error(Exception):
+    """ A class for exceptions generated by the 'BmapCopy' module. We currently
+    support only one type of exceptions, and we basically throw human-readable
+    problem description in case of errors. """
+    pass
+class BmapCopy:
+    """ This class implements the bmap-based copying functionality. To copy an
+    image with bmap you should create an instance of this class, which requires
+    the following:
+    * full path or a file-like object of the image to copy
+    * full path or a file-like object of the destination file copy the image to
+    * full path or a file-like object of the bmap file (optional)
+    * image size in bytes (optional)
+    Although the main purpose of this class is to use bmap, the bmap is not
+    required, and if it was not provided then the entire image will be copied
+    to the destination file.
+    When the bmap is provided, it is not necessary to specify image size,
+    because the size is contained in the bmap. Otherwise, it is benefitial to
+    specify the size because it enables extra sanity checks and makes it
+    possible to provide the progress bar.
+    When the image size is known either from the bmap or the caller specified
+    it to the class constructor, all the image geometry description attributes
+    ('blocks_cnt', etc) are initialized by the class constructor and available
+    for the user.
+    However, when the size is not known, some of  the image geometry
+    description attributes are not initialized by the class constructor.
+    Instead, they are initialized only by the 'copy()' method.
+    The 'copy()' method implements image copying. You may choose whether to
+    verify the SHA1 checksum while copying or not. Note, this is done only in
+    case of bmap-based copying and only if bmap contains the SHA1 checksums
+    (e.g., bmap version 1.0 did not have SHA1 checksums).
+    You may choose whether to synchronize the destination file after writing or
+    not. To explicitly synchronize it, use the 'sync()' method.
+    This class supports all the bmap format versions up version
+    It is possible to have a simple progress indicator while copying the image.
+    Use the 'set_progress_indicator()' method.
+    You can copy only once with an instance of this class. This means that in
+    order to copy the image for the second time, you have to create a new class
+    instance. """
+    def set_progress_indicator(self, file_obj, format_string):
+        """ Setup the progress indicator which shows how much data has been
+        copied in percent.
+        The 'file_obj' argument is the console file object where the progress
+        has to be printed to. Pass 'None' to disable the progress indicator.
+        The 'format_string' argument is the format string for the progress
+        indicator. It has to contain a single '%d' placeholder which will be
+        substitutes with copied data in percent. """
+        self._progress_file = file_obj
+        if format_string:
+            self._progress_format = format_string
+        else:
+            self._progress_format = "Copied %d%%"
+    def _set_image_size(self, image_size):
+        """ Set image size and initialize various other geometry-related
+        attributes. """
+        if self.image_size is not None and self.image_size != image_size:
+            raise Error("cannot set image size to %d bytes, it is known to " \
+                        "be %d bytes (%s)" % (image_size, self.image_size,
+                                              self.image_size_human))
+        self.image_size = image_size
+        self.image_size_human = human_size(image_size)
+        self.blocks_cnt = self.image_size + self.block_size - 1
+        self.blocks_cnt /= self.block_size
+        if self.mapped_cnt is None:
+            self.mapped_cnt = self.blocks_cnt
+            self.mapped_size = self.image_size
+            self.mapped_size_human = self.image_size_human
+    def _parse_bmap(self):
+        """ Parse the bmap file and initialize corresponding class instance
+        attributs. """
+        try:
+            self._xml = ElementTree.parse(self._f_bmap)
+        except  ElementTree.ParseError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot parse the bmap file '%s' which should be a " \
+                        "proper XML file: %s" % (self._bmap_path, err))
+        xml = self._xml
+        self.bmap_version = str(xml.getroot().attrib.get('version'))
+        # Make sure we support this version
+        major = int(self.bmap_version.split('.', 1)[0])
+        if major > SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION:
+            raise Error("only bmap format version up to %d is supported, " \
+                        "version %d is not supported" \
+                        % (SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION, major))
+        # Fetch interesting data from the bmap XML file
+        self.block_size = int(xml.find("BlockSize").text.strip())
+        self.blocks_cnt = int(xml.find("BlocksCount").text.strip())
+        self.mapped_cnt = int(xml.find("MappedBlocksCount").text.strip())
+        self.image_size = int(xml.find("ImageSize").text.strip())
+        self.image_size_human = human_size(self.image_size)
+        self.mapped_size = self.mapped_cnt * self.block_size
+        self.mapped_size_human = human_size(self.mapped_size)
+        self.mapped_percent = (self.mapped_cnt * 100.0) / self.blocks_cnt
+        blocks_cnt = (self.image_size + self.block_size - 1) / self.block_size
+        if self.blocks_cnt != blocks_cnt:
+            raise Error("Inconsistent bmap - image size does not match " \
+                        "blocks count (%d bytes != %d blocks * %d bytes)" \
+                        % (self.image_size, self.blocks_cnt, self.block_size))
+    def __init__(self, image, dest, bmap = None, image_size = None):
+        """ The class constructor. The parameters are:
+            image      - file-like object of the image which should be copied,
+                         should only support 'read()' and 'seek()' methods,
+                         and only seeking forward has to be supported.
+            dest       - file-like object of the destination file to copy the
+                         image to.
+            bmap       - file-like object of the bmap file to use for copying.
+            image_size - size of the image in bytes. """
+        self._xml = None
+        self._dest_fsync_watermark = None
+        self._batch_blocks = None
+        self._batch_queue = None
+        self._batch_bytes = 1024 * 1024
+        self._batch_queue_len = 2
+        self.bmap_version = None
+        self.block_size = None
+        self.blocks_cnt = None
+        self.mapped_cnt = None
+        self.image_size = None
+        self.image_size_human = None
+        self.mapped_size = None
+        self.mapped_size_human = None
+        self.mapped_percent = None
+        self._f_bmap = None
+        self._f_bmap_path = None
+        self._progress_started = None
+        self._progress_index = None
+        self._progress_time = None
+        self._progress_file = None
+        self._progress_format = None
+        self.set_progress_indicator(None, None)
+        self._f_image = image
+        self._image_path = image.name
+        self._f_dest = dest
+        self._dest_path = dest.name
+        st_data = os.fstat(self._f_dest.fileno())
+        self._dest_is_regfile = stat.S_ISREG(st_data.st_mode)
+        # Special quirk for /dev/null which does not support fsync()
+        if stat.S_ISCHR(st_data.st_mode) and \
+           os.major(st_data.st_rdev) == 1 and \
+           os.minor(st_data.st_rdev) == 3:
+            self._dest_supports_fsync = False
+        else:
+            self._dest_supports_fsync = True
+        if bmap:
+            self._f_bmap = bmap
+            self._bmap_path = bmap.name
+            self._parse_bmap()
+        else:
+            # There is no bmap. Initialize user-visible attributes to something
+            # sensible with an assumption that we just have all blocks mapped.
+            self.bmap_version = 0
+            self.block_size = 4096
+            self.mapped_percent = 100
+        if image_size:
+            self._set_image_size(image_size)
+        self._batch_blocks = self._batch_bytes / self.block_size
+    def _update_progress(self, blocks_written):
+        """ Print the progress indicator if the mapped area size is known and
+        if the indicator has been enabled by assigning a console file object to
+        the 'progress_file' attribute. """
+        if not self._progress_file:
+            return
+        if self.mapped_cnt:
+            assert blocks_written <= self.mapped_cnt
+            percent = int((float(blocks_written) / self.mapped_cnt) * 100)
+            progress = '\r' + self._progress_format % percent + '\n'
+        else:
+            # Do not rotate the wheel too fast
+            now = datetime.datetime.now()
+            min_delta = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds = 250)
+            if now - self._progress_time < min_delta:
+                return
+            self._progress_time = now
+            progress_wheel = ('-', '\\', '|', '/')
+            progress = '\r' + progress_wheel[self._progress_index % 4] + '\n'
+            self._progress_index += 1
+        # This is a little trick we do in order to make sure that the next
+        # message will always start from a new line - we switch to the new
+        # line after each progress update and move the cursor up. As an
+        # example, this is useful when the copying is interrupted by an
+        # exception - the error message will start form new line.
+        if self._progress_started:
+            # The "move cursor up" escape sequence
+            self._progress_file.write('\033[1A')
+        else:
+            self._progress_started = True
+        self._progress_file.write(progress)
+        self._progress_file.flush()
+    def _get_block_ranges(self):
+        """ This is a helper generator that parses the bmap XML file and for
+        each block range in the XML file it yields ('first', 'last', 'sha1')
+        tuples, where:
+          * 'first' is the first block of the range;
+          * 'last' is the last block of the range;
+          * 'sha1' is the SHA1 checksum of the range ('None' is used if it is
+            missing.
+        If there is no bmap file, the generator just yields a single range
+        for entire image file. If the image size is unknown, the generator
+        infinitely yields continuous ranges of size '_batch_blocks'. """
+        if not self._f_bmap:
+            # We do not have the bmap, yield a tuple with all blocks
+            if self.blocks_cnt:
+                yield (0, self.blocks_cnt - 1, None)
+            else:
+                # We do not know image size, keep yielding tuples with many
+                # blocks infinitely.
+                first = 0
+                while True:
+                    yield (first, first + self._batch_blocks - 1, None)
+                    first += self._batch_blocks
+            return
+        # We have the bmap, just read it and yield block ranges
+        xml = self._xml
+        xml_bmap = xml.find("BlockMap")
+        for xml_element in xml_bmap.findall("Range"):
+            blocks_range = xml_element.text.strip()
+            # The range of blocks has the "X - Y" format, or it can be just "X"
+            # in old bmap format versions. First, split the blocks range string
+            # and strip white-spaces.
+            split = [x.strip() for x in blocks_range.split('-', 1)]
+            first = int(split[0])
+            if len(split) > 1:
+                last = int(split[1])
+                if first > last:
+                    raise Error("bad range (first > last): '%s'" % blocks_range)
+            else:
+                last = first
+            if 'sha1' in xml_element.attrib:
+                sha1 = xml_element.attrib['sha1']
+            else:
+                sha1 = None
+            yield (first, last, sha1)
+    def _get_batches(self, first, last):
+        """ This is a helper generator which splits block ranges from the bmap
+        file to smaller batches. Indeed, we cannot read and write entire block
+        ranges from the image file, because a range can be very large. So we
+        perform the I/O in batches. Batch size is defined by the
+        '_batch_blocks' attribute. Thus, for each (first, last) block range,
+        the generator yields smaller (start, end, length) batch ranges, where:
+          * 'start' is the starting batch block number;
+          * 'last' is the ending batch block number;
+          * 'length' is the batch length in blocks (same as
+             'end' - 'start' + 1). """
+        batch_blocks = self._batch_blocks
+        while first + batch_blocks - 1 <= last:
+            yield (first, first + batch_blocks - 1, batch_blocks)
+            first += batch_blocks
+        batch_blocks = last - first + 1
+        if batch_blocks:
+            yield (first, first + batch_blocks - 1, batch_blocks)
+    def _get_data(self, verify):
+        """ This is generator  which reads the image file in '_batch_blocks'
+        chunks and yields ('type', 'start', 'end',  'buf) tuples, where:
+          * 'start' is the starting block number of the batch;
+          * 'end' is the last block of the batch;
+          * 'buf' a buffer containing the batch data. """
+        try:
+            for (first, last, sha1) in self._get_block_ranges():
+                if verify and sha1:
+                    hash_obj = hashlib.new('sha1')
+                self._f_image.seek(first * self.block_size)
+                iterator = self._get_batches(first, last)
+                for (start, end, length) in iterator:
+                    try:
+                        buf = self._f_image.read(length * self.block_size)
+                    except IOError as err:
+                        raise Error("error while reading blocks %d-%d of the " \
+                                    "image file '%s': %s" \
+                                    % (start, end, self._image_path, err))
+                    if not buf:
+                        self._batch_queue.put(None)
+                        return
+                    if verify and sha1:
+                        hash_obj.update(buf)
+                    blocks = (len(buf) + self.block_size - 1) / self.block_size
+                    self._batch_queue.put(("range", start, start + blocks - 1,
+                                           buf))
+                if verify and sha1 and hash_obj.hexdigest() != sha1:
+                    raise Error("checksum mismatch for blocks range %d-%d: " \
+                                "calculated %s, should be %s (image file %s)" \
+                                % (first, last, hash_obj.hexdigest(), \
+                                   sha1, self._image_path))
+        # Silence pylint warning about catching too general exception
+        # pylint: disable=W0703
+        except Exception:
+            # pylint: enable=W0703
+            # In case of any exception - just pass it to the main thread
+            # through the queue.
+            self._batch_queue.put(("error", sys.exc_info()))
+        self._batch_queue.put(None)
+    def copy(self, sync = True, verify = True):
+        """ Copy the image to the destination file using bmap. The 'sync'
+        argument defines whether the destination file has to be synchronized
+        upon return.  The 'verify' argument defines whether the SHA1 checksum
+        has to be verified while copying. """
+        # Create the queue for block batches and start the reader thread, which
+        # will read the image in batches and put the results to '_batch_queue'.
+        self._batch_queue = Queue.Queue(self._batch_queue_len)
+        thread.start_new_thread(self._get_data, (verify, ))
+        blocks_written = 0
+        bytes_written = 0
+        fsync_last = 0
+        self._progress_started = False
+        self._progress_index = 0
+        self._progress_time = datetime.datetime.now()
+        # Read the image in '_batch_blocks' chunks and write them to the
+        # destination file
+        while True:
+            batch = self._batch_queue.get()
+            if batch is None:
+                # No more data, the image is written
+                break
+            elif batch[0] == "error":
+                # The reader thread encountered an error and passed us the
+                # exception.
+                exc_info = batch[1]
+                raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
+            (start, end, buf) = batch[1:4]
+            assert len(buf) <= (end - start + 1) * self.block_size
+            assert len(buf) > (end - start) * self.block_size
+            self._f_dest.seek(start * self.block_size)
+            # Synchronize the destination file if we reached the watermark
+            if self._dest_fsync_watermark:
+                if blocks_written >= fsync_last + self._dest_fsync_watermark:
+                    fsync_last = blocks_written
+                    self.sync()
+            try:
+                self._f_dest.write(buf)
+            except IOError as err:
+                raise Error("error while writing blocks %d-%d of '%s': %s" \
+                            % (start, end, self._dest_path, err))
+            self._batch_queue.task_done()
+            blocks_written += (end - start + 1)
+            bytes_written += len(buf)
+            self._update_progress(blocks_written)
+        if not self.image_size:
+            # The image size was unknown up until now, set it
+            self._set_image_size(bytes_written)
+        # This is just a sanity check - we should have written exactly
+        # 'mapped_cnt' blocks.
+        if blocks_written != self.mapped_cnt:
+            raise Error("wrote %u blocks from image '%s' to '%s', but should " \
+                        "have %u - inconsistent bmap file '%s'" \
+                        % (blocks_written, self._image_path, self._dest_path, \
+                           self.mapped_cnt, self._bmap_path))
+        if self._dest_is_regfile:
+            # Make sure the destination file has the same size as the image
+            try:
+                os.ftruncate(self._f_dest.fileno(), self.image_size)
+            except OSError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot truncate file '%s': %s" \
+                            % (self._dest_path, err))
+        try:
+            self._f_dest.flush()
+        except IOError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot flush '%s': %s" % (self._dest_path, err))
+        if sync:
+            self.sync()
+    def sync(self):
+        """ Synchronize the destination file to make sure all the data are
+        actually written to the disk. """
+        if self._dest_supports_fsync:
+            try:
+                os.fsync(self._f_dest.fileno()),
+            except OSError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot synchronize '%s': %s " \
+                            % (self._dest_path, err.strerror))
+class BmapBdevCopy(BmapCopy):
+    """ This class is a specialized version of 'BmapCopy' which copies the
+    image to a block device. Unlike the base 'BmapCopy' class, this class does
+    various optimizations specific to block devices, e.g., switching to the
+    'noop' I/O scheduler. """
+    def _tune_block_device(self):
+        """" Tune the block device for better performance:
+        1. Switch to the 'noop' I/O scheduler if it is available - sequential
+           write to the block device becomes a lot faster comparing to CFQ.
+        2. Limit the write buffering - we do not need the kernel to buffer a
+           lot of the data we send to the block device, because we write
+           sequentially. Limit the buffering.
+        The old settings are saved in order to be able to restore them later.
+        """
+        # Switch to the 'noop' I/O scheduler
+        try:
+            with open(self._sysfs_scheduler_path, "r+") as f_scheduler:
+                contents = f_scheduler.read()
+                f_scheduler.seek(0)
+                f_scheduler.write("noop")
+        except IOError as err:
+            # No problem, this is just an optimization
+            raise Error("cannot enable the 'noop' I/O scheduler: %s" % err)
+        # The file contains a list of scheduler with the current
+        # scheduler in square brackets, e.g., "noop deadline [cfq]".
+        # Fetch the current scheduler name
+        import re
+        match = re.match(r'.*\[(.+)\].*', contents)
+        self._old_scheduler_value = match.group(1)
+        # Limit the write buffering
+        try:
+            with open(self._sysfs_max_ratio_path, "r+") as f_ratio:
+                self._old_max_ratio_value = f_ratio.read()
+                f_ratio.seek(0)
+                f_ratio.write("1")
+        except IOError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot set max. I/O ratio to '1': %s" % err)
+    def _restore_bdev_settings(self):
+        """ Restore old block device settings which we changed in
+        '_tune_block_device()'. """
+        if self._old_scheduler_value is not None:
+            try:
+                with open(self._sysfs_scheduler_path, "w") as f_scheduler:
+                    f_scheduler.write(self._old_scheduler_value)
+            except IOError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot restore the '%s' I/O scheduler: %s" \
+                            % (self._old_scheduler_value, err))
+        if self._old_max_ratio_value is not None:
+            try:
+                with open(self._sysfs_max_ratio_path, "w") as f_ratio:
+                    f_ratio.write(self._old_max_ratio_value)
+            except IOError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot set the max. I/O ratio back to '%s': %s" \
+                            % (self._old_max_ratio_value, err))
+    def copy(self, sync = True, verify = True):
+        """ The same as in the base class but tunes the block device for better
+        performance before starting writing. Additionally, it forces block
+        device synchronization from time to time in order to make sure we do
+        not get stuck in 'fsync()' for too long time. The problem is that the
+        kernel synchronizes block devices when the file is closed. And the
+        result is that if the user interrupts us while we are copying the data,
+        the program will be blocked in 'close()' waiting for the block device
+        synchronization, which may last minutes for slow USB stick. This is
+        very bad user experience, and we work around this effect by
+        synchronizing from time to time. """
+        self._tune_block_device()
+        try:
+            BmapCopy.copy(self, sync, verify)
+        except:
+            raise
+        finally:
+            self._restore_bdev_settings()
+    def __init__(self, image, dest, bmap = None, image_size = None):
+        """ The same as the constructor of the 'BmapCopy' base class, but adds
+        useful guard-checks specific to block devices. """
+        # Call the base class constructor first
+        BmapCopy.__init__(self, image, dest, bmap, image_size)
+        self._batch_bytes = 1024 * 1024
+        self._batch_blocks = self._batch_bytes / self.block_size
+        self._batch_queue_len = 6
+        self._dest_fsync_watermark = (6 * 1024 * 1024) / self.block_size
+        self._sysfs_base = None
+        self._sysfs_scheduler_path = None
+        self._sysfs_max_ratio_path = None
+        self._old_scheduler_value = None
+        self._old_max_ratio_value = None
+        # If the image size is known, check that it fits the block device
+        if self.image_size:
+            try:
+                bdev_size = os.lseek(self._f_dest.fileno(), 0, os.SEEK_END)
+                os.lseek(self._f_dest.fileno(), 0, os.SEEK_SET)
+            except OSError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot seed block device '%s': %s " \
+                            % (self._dest_path, err.strerror))
+            if bdev_size < self.image_size:
+                raise Error("the image file '%s' has size %s and it will not " \
+                            "fit the block device '%s' which has %s capacity" \
+                            % (self._image_path, self.image_size_human,
+                               self._dest_path, human_size(bdev_size)))
+        # Construct the path to the sysfs directory of our block device
+        st_rdev = os.fstat(self._f_dest.fileno()).st_rdev
+        self._sysfs_base = "/sys/dev/block/%s:%s/" \
+                           % (os.major(st_rdev), os.minor(st_rdev))
+        # Check if the 'queue' sub-directory exists. If yes, then our block
+        # device is entire disk. Otherwise, it is a partition, in which case we
+        # need to go one level up in the sysfs hierarchy.
+        if not os.path.exists(self._sysfs_base + "queue"):
+            self._sysfs_base = self._sysfs_base + "../"
+        self._sysfs_scheduler_path = self._sysfs_base + "queue/scheduler"
+        self._sysfs_max_ratio_path = self._sysfs_base + "bdi/max_ratio"
diff --git a/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_2.py b/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_2.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76c28f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
+""" This module implements copying of images with bmap and provides the
+following API.
+  1. BmapCopy class - implements copying to any kind of file, be that a block
+     device or a regular file.
+  2. BmapBdevCopy class - based on BmapCopy and specializes on copying to block
+     devices. It does some more sanity checks and some block device performance
+     tuning.
+The bmap file is an XML file which contains a list of mapped blocks of the
+image. Mapped blocks are the blocks which have disk sectors associated with
+them, as opposed to holes, which are blocks with no associated disk sectors. In
+other words, the image is considered to be a sparse file, and bmap basically
+contains a list of mapped blocks of this sparse file. The bmap additionally
+contains some useful information like block size (usually 4KiB), image size,
+mapped blocks count, etc.
+The bmap is used for copying the image to a block device or to a regular file.
+The idea is that we copy quickly with bmap because we copy only mapped blocks
+and ignore the holes, because they are useless. And if the image is generated
+properly (starting with a huge hole and writing all the data), it usually
+contains only little mapped blocks, comparing to the overall image size. And
+such an image compresses very well (because holes are read as all zeroes), so
+it is beneficial to distributor them as compressed files along with the bmap.
+Here is an example. Suppose you have a 4GiB image which contains only 100MiB of
+user data and you need to flash it to a slow USB stick. With bmap you end up
+copying only a little bit more than 100MiB of data from the image to the USB
+stick (namely, you copy only mapped blocks). This is a lot faster than copying
+all 4GiB of data. We say that it is a bit more than 100MiB because things like
+file-system meta-data (inode tables, superblocks, etc), partition table, etc
+also contribute to the mapped blocks and are also copied. """
+# Disable the following pylint recommendations:
+#   * Too many instance attributes (R0902)
+# pylint: disable=R0902
+import os
+import stat
+import sys
+import hashlib
+import Queue
+import thread
+import datetime
+from xml.etree import ElementTree
+from bmaptools.BmapHelpers import human_size
+# The highest supported bmap format version
+class Error(Exception):
+    """ A class for exceptions generated by the 'BmapCopy' module. We currently
+    support only one type of exceptions, and we basically throw human-readable
+    problem description in case of errors. """
+    pass
+class BmapCopy:
+    """ This class implements the bmap-based copying functionality. To copy an
+    image with bmap you should create an instance of this class, which requires
+    the following:
+    * full path or a file-like object of the image to copy
+    * full path or a file-like object of the destination file copy the image to
+    * full path or a file-like object of the bmap file (optional)
+    * image size in bytes (optional)
+    Although the main purpose of this class is to use bmap, the bmap is not
+    required, and if it was not provided then the entire image will be copied
+    to the destination file.
+    When the bmap is provided, it is not necessary to specify image size,
+    because the size is contained in the bmap. Otherwise, it is benefitial to
+    specify the size because it enables extra sanity checks and makes it
+    possible to provide the progress bar.
+    When the image size is known either from the bmap or the caller specified
+    it to the class constructor, all the image geometry description attributes
+    ('blocks_cnt', etc) are initialized by the class constructor and available
+    for the user.
+    However, when the size is not known, some of  the image geometry
+    description attributes are not initialized by the class constructor.
+    Instead, they are initialized only by the 'copy()' method.
+    The 'copy()' method implements image copying. You may choose whether to
+    verify the SHA1 checksum while copying or not. Note, this is done only in
+    case of bmap-based copying and only if bmap contains the SHA1 checksums
+    (e.g., bmap version 1.0 did not have SHA1 checksums).
+    You may choose whether to synchronize the destination file after writing or
+    not. To explicitly synchronize it, use the 'sync()' method.
+    This class supports all the bmap format versions up version
+    It is possible to have a simple progress indicator while copying the image.
+    Use the 'set_progress_indicator()' method.
+    You can copy only once with an instance of this class. This means that in
+    order to copy the image for the second time, you have to create a new class
+    instance. """
+    def set_progress_indicator(self, file_obj, format_string):
+        """ Setup the progress indicator which shows how much data has been
+        copied in percent.
+        The 'file_obj' argument is the console file object where the progress
+        has to be printed to. Pass 'None' to disable the progress indicator.
+        The 'format_string' argument is the format string for the progress
+        indicator. It has to contain a single '%d' placeholder which will be
+        substitutes with copied data in percent. """
+        self._progress_file = file_obj
+        if format_string:
+            self._progress_format = format_string
+        else:
+            self._progress_format = "Copied %d%%"
+    def _set_image_size(self, image_size):
+        """ Set image size and initialize various other geometry-related
+        attributes. """
+        if self.image_size is not None and self.image_size != image_size:
+            raise Error("cannot set image size to %d bytes, it is known to " \
+                        "be %d bytes (%s)" % (image_size, self.image_size,
+                                              self.image_size_human))
+        self.image_size = image_size
+        self.image_size_human = human_size(image_size)
+        self.blocks_cnt = self.image_size + self.block_size - 1
+        self.blocks_cnt /= self.block_size
+        if self.mapped_cnt is None:
+            self.mapped_cnt = self.blocks_cnt
+            self.mapped_size = self.image_size
+            self.mapped_size_human = self.image_size_human
+    def _parse_bmap(self):
+        """ Parse the bmap file and initialize corresponding class instance
+        attributs. """
+        try:
+            self._xml = ElementTree.parse(self._f_bmap)
+        except  ElementTree.ParseError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot parse the bmap file '%s' which should be a " \
+                        "proper XML file: %s" % (self._bmap_path, err))
+        xml = self._xml
+        self.bmap_version = str(xml.getroot().attrib.get('version'))
+        # Make sure we support this version
+        major = int(self.bmap_version.split('.', 1)[0])
+        if major > SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION:
+            raise Error("only bmap format version up to %d is supported, " \
+                        "version %d is not supported" \
+                        % (SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION, major))
+        # Fetch interesting data from the bmap XML file
+        self.block_size = int(xml.find("BlockSize").text.strip())
+        self.blocks_cnt = int(xml.find("BlocksCount").text.strip())
+        self.mapped_cnt = int(xml.find("MappedBlocksCount").text.strip())
+        self.image_size = int(xml.find("ImageSize").text.strip())
+        self.image_size_human = human_size(self.image_size)
+        self.mapped_size = self.mapped_cnt * self.block_size
+        self.mapped_size_human = human_size(self.mapped_size)
+        self.mapped_percent = (self.mapped_cnt * 100.0) / self.blocks_cnt
+        blocks_cnt = (self.image_size + self.block_size - 1) / self.block_size
+        if self.blocks_cnt != blocks_cnt:
+            raise Error("Inconsistent bmap - image size does not match " \
+                        "blocks count (%d bytes != %d blocks * %d bytes)" \
+                        % (self.image_size, self.blocks_cnt, self.block_size))
+    def __init__(self, image, dest, bmap = None, image_size = None):
+        """ The class constructor. The parameters are:
+            image      - file-like object of the image which should be copied,
+                         should only support 'read()' and 'seek()' methods,
+                         and only seeking forward has to be supported.
+            dest       - file-like object of the destination file to copy the
+                         image to.
+            bmap       - file-like object of the bmap file to use for copying.
+            image_size - size of the image in bytes. """
+        self._xml = None
+        self._dest_fsync_watermark = None
+        self._batch_blocks = None
+        self._batch_queue = None
+        self._batch_bytes = 1024 * 1024
+        self._batch_queue_len = 2
+        self.bmap_version = None
+        self.block_size = None
+        self.blocks_cnt = None
+        self.mapped_cnt = None
+        self.image_size = None
+        self.image_size_human = None
+        self.mapped_size = None
+        self.mapped_size_human = None
+        self.mapped_percent = None
+        self._f_bmap = None
+        self._f_bmap_path = None
+        self._progress_started = None
+        self._progress_index = None
+        self._progress_time = None
+        self._progress_file = None
+        self._progress_format = None
+        self.set_progress_indicator(None, None)
+        self._f_image = image
+        self._image_path = image.name
+        self._f_dest = dest
+        self._dest_path = dest.name
+        st_data = os.fstat(self._f_dest.fileno())
+        self._dest_is_regfile = stat.S_ISREG(st_data.st_mode)
+        # Special quirk for /dev/null which does not support fsync()
+        if stat.S_ISCHR(st_data.st_mode) and \
+           os.major(st_data.st_rdev) == 1 and \
+           os.minor(st_data.st_rdev) == 3:
+            self._dest_supports_fsync = False
+        else:
+            self._dest_supports_fsync = True
+        if bmap:
+            self._f_bmap = bmap
+            self._bmap_path = bmap.name
+            self._parse_bmap()
+        else:
+            # There is no bmap. Initialize user-visible attributes to something
+            # sensible with an assumption that we just have all blocks mapped.
+            self.bmap_version = 0
+            self.block_size = 4096
+            self.mapped_percent = 100
+        if image_size:
+            self._set_image_size(image_size)
+        self._batch_blocks = self._batch_bytes / self.block_size
+    def _update_progress(self, blocks_written):
+        """ Print the progress indicator if the mapped area size is known and
+        if the indicator has been enabled by assigning a console file object to
+        the 'progress_file' attribute. """
+        if not self._progress_file:
+            return
+        if self.mapped_cnt:
+            assert blocks_written <= self.mapped_cnt
+            percent = int((float(blocks_written) / self.mapped_cnt) * 100)
+            progress = '\r' + self._progress_format % percent + '\n'
+        else:
+            # Do not rotate the wheel too fast
+            now = datetime.datetime.now()
+            min_delta = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds = 250)
+            if now - self._progress_time < min_delta:
+                return
+            self._progress_time = now
+            progress_wheel = ('-', '\\', '|', '/')
+            progress = '\r' + progress_wheel[self._progress_index % 4] + '\n'
+            self._progress_index += 1
+        # This is a little trick we do in order to make sure that the next
+        # message will always start from a new line - we switch to the new
+        # line after each progress update and move the cursor up. As an
+        # example, this is useful when the copying is interrupted by an
+        # exception - the error message will start form new line.
+        if self._progress_started:
+            # The "move cursor up" escape sequence
+            self._progress_file.write('\033[1A') # pylint: disable=W1401
+        else:
+            self._progress_started = True
+        self._progress_file.write(progress)
+        self._progress_file.flush()
+    def _get_block_ranges(self):
+        """ This is a helper generator that parses the bmap XML file and for
+        each block range in the XML file it yields ('first', 'last', 'sha1')
+        tuples, where:
+          * 'first' is the first block of the range;
+          * 'last' is the last block of the range;
+          * 'sha1' is the SHA1 checksum of the range ('None' is used if it is
+            missing.
+        If there is no bmap file, the generator just yields a single range
+        for entire image file. If the image size is unknown, the generator
+        infinitely yields continuous ranges of size '_batch_blocks'. """
+        if not self._f_bmap:
+            # We do not have the bmap, yield a tuple with all blocks
+            if self.blocks_cnt:
+                yield (0, self.blocks_cnt - 1, None)
+            else:
+                # We do not know image size, keep yielding tuples with many
+                # blocks infinitely.
+                first = 0
+                while True:
+                    yield (first, first + self._batch_blocks - 1, None)
+                    first += self._batch_blocks
+            return
+        # We have the bmap, just read it and yield block ranges
+        xml = self._xml
+        xml_bmap = xml.find("BlockMap")
+        for xml_element in xml_bmap.findall("Range"):
+            blocks_range = xml_element.text.strip()
+            # The range of blocks has the "X - Y" format, or it can be just "X"
+            # in old bmap format versions. First, split the blocks range string
+            # and strip white-spaces.
+            split = [x.strip() for x in blocks_range.split('-', 1)]
+            first = int(split[0])
+            if len(split) > 1:
+                last = int(split[1])
+                if first > last:
+                    raise Error("bad range (first > last): '%s'" % blocks_range)
+            else:
+                last = first
+            if 'sha1' in xml_element.attrib:
+                sha1 = xml_element.attrib['sha1']
+            else:
+                sha1 = None
+            yield (first, last, sha1)
+    def _get_batches(self, first, last):
+        """ This is a helper generator which splits block ranges from the bmap
+        file to smaller batches. Indeed, we cannot read and write entire block
+        ranges from the image file, because a range can be very large. So we
+        perform the I/O in batches. Batch size is defined by the
+        '_batch_blocks' attribute. Thus, for each (first, last) block range,
+        the generator yields smaller (start, end, length) batch ranges, where:
+          * 'start' is the starting batch block number;
+          * 'last' is the ending batch block number;
+          * 'length' is the batch length in blocks (same as
+             'end' - 'start' + 1). """
+        batch_blocks = self._batch_blocks
+        while first + batch_blocks - 1 <= last:
+            yield (first, first + batch_blocks - 1, batch_blocks)
+            first += batch_blocks
+        batch_blocks = last - first + 1
+        if batch_blocks:
+            yield (first, first + batch_blocks - 1, batch_blocks)
+    def _get_data(self, verify):
+        """ This is generator  which reads the image file in '_batch_blocks'
+        chunks and yields ('type', 'start', 'end',  'buf) tuples, where:
+          * 'start' is the starting block number of the batch;
+          * 'end' is the last block of the batch;
+          * 'buf' a buffer containing the batch data. """
+        try:
+            for (first, last, sha1) in self._get_block_ranges():
+                if verify and sha1:
+                    hash_obj = hashlib.new('sha1')
+                self._f_image.seek(first * self.block_size)
+                iterator = self._get_batches(first, last)
+                for (start, end, length) in iterator:
+                    try:
+                        buf = self._f_image.read(length * self.block_size)
+                    except IOError as err:
+                        raise Error("error while reading blocks %d-%d of the " \
+                                    "image file '%s': %s" \
+                                    % (start, end, self._image_path, err))
+                    if not buf:
+                        self._batch_queue.put(None)
+                        return
+                    if verify and sha1:
+                        hash_obj.update(buf)
+                    blocks = (len(buf) + self.block_size - 1) / self.block_size
+                    self._batch_queue.put(("range", start, start + blocks - 1,
+                                           buf))
+                if verify and sha1 and hash_obj.hexdigest() != sha1:
+                    raise Error("checksum mismatch for blocks range %d-%d: " \
+                                "calculated %s, should be %s (image file %s)" \
+                                % (first, last, hash_obj.hexdigest(), \
+                                   sha1, self._image_path))
+        # Silence pylint warning about catching too general exception
+        # pylint: disable=W0703
+        except Exception:
+            # pylint: enable=W0703
+            # In case of any exception - just pass it to the main thread
+            # through the queue.
+            self._batch_queue.put(("error", sys.exc_info()))
+        self._batch_queue.put(None)
+    def copy(self, sync = True, verify = True):
+        """ Copy the image to the destination file using bmap. The 'sync'
+        argument defines whether the destination file has to be synchronized
+        upon return.  The 'verify' argument defines whether the SHA1 checksum
+        has to be verified while copying. """
+        # Create the queue for block batches and start the reader thread, which
+        # will read the image in batches and put the results to '_batch_queue'.
+        self._batch_queue = Queue.Queue(self._batch_queue_len)
+        thread.start_new_thread(self._get_data, (verify, ))
+        blocks_written = 0
+        bytes_written = 0
+        fsync_last = 0
+        self._progress_started = False
+        self._progress_index = 0
+        self._progress_time = datetime.datetime.now()
+        # Read the image in '_batch_blocks' chunks and write them to the
+        # destination file
+        while True:
+            batch = self._batch_queue.get()
+            if batch is None:
+                # No more data, the image is written
+                break
+            elif batch[0] == "error":
+                # The reader thread encountered an error and passed us the
+                # exception.
+                exc_info = batch[1]
+                raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
+            (start, end, buf) = batch[1:4]
+            assert len(buf) <= (end - start + 1) * self.block_size
+            assert len(buf) > (end - start) * self.block_size
+            self._f_dest.seek(start * self.block_size)
+            # Synchronize the destination file if we reached the watermark
+            if self._dest_fsync_watermark:
+                if blocks_written >= fsync_last + self._dest_fsync_watermark:
+                    fsync_last = blocks_written
+                    self.sync()
+            try:
+                self._f_dest.write(buf)
+            except IOError as err:
+                raise Error("error while writing blocks %d-%d of '%s': %s" \
+                            % (start, end, self._dest_path, err))
+            self._batch_queue.task_done()
+            blocks_written += (end - start + 1)
+            bytes_written += len(buf)
+            self._update_progress(blocks_written)
+        if not self.image_size:
+            # The image size was unknown up until now, set it
+            self._set_image_size(bytes_written)
+        # This is just a sanity check - we should have written exactly
+        # 'mapped_cnt' blocks.
+        if blocks_written != self.mapped_cnt:
+            raise Error("wrote %u blocks from image '%s' to '%s', but should " \
+                        "have %u - inconsistent bmap file '%s'" \
+                        % (blocks_written, self._image_path, self._dest_path, \
+                           self.mapped_cnt, self._bmap_path))
+        if self._dest_is_regfile:
+            # Make sure the destination file has the same size as the image
+            try:
+                os.ftruncate(self._f_dest.fileno(), self.image_size)
+            except OSError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot truncate file '%s': %s" \
+                            % (self._dest_path, err))
+        try:
+            self._f_dest.flush()
+        except IOError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot flush '%s': %s" % (self._dest_path, err))
+        if sync:
+            self.sync()
+    def sync(self):
+        """ Synchronize the destination file to make sure all the data are
+        actually written to the disk. """
+        if self._dest_supports_fsync:
+            try:
+                os.fsync(self._f_dest.fileno()),
+            except OSError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot synchronize '%s': %s " \
+                            % (self._dest_path, err.strerror))
+class BmapBdevCopy(BmapCopy):
+    """ This class is a specialized version of 'BmapCopy' which copies the
+    image to a block device. Unlike the base 'BmapCopy' class, this class does
+    various optimizations specific to block devices, e.g., switching to the
+    'noop' I/O scheduler. """
+    def _tune_block_device(self):
+        """" Tune the block device for better performance:
+        1. Switch to the 'noop' I/O scheduler if it is available - sequential
+           write to the block device becomes a lot faster comparing to CFQ.
+        2. Limit the write buffering - we do not need the kernel to buffer a
+           lot of the data we send to the block device, because we write
+           sequentially. Limit the buffering.
+        The old settings are saved in order to be able to restore them later.
+        """
+        # Switch to the 'noop' I/O scheduler
+        try:
+            with open(self._sysfs_scheduler_path, "r+") as f_scheduler:
+                contents = f_scheduler.read()
+                f_scheduler.seek(0)
+                f_scheduler.write("noop")
+        except IOError as err:
+            # No problem, this is just an optimization
+            raise Error("cannot enable the 'noop' I/O scheduler: %s" % err)
+        # The file contains a list of scheduler with the current
+        # scheduler in square brackets, e.g., "noop deadline [cfq]".
+        # Fetch the current scheduler name
+        import re
+        match = re.match(r'.*\[(.+)\].*', contents)
+        if match:
+            self._old_scheduler_value = match.group(1)
+        # Limit the write buffering
+        try:
+            with open(self._sysfs_max_ratio_path, "r+") as f_ratio:
+                self._old_max_ratio_value = f_ratio.read()
+                f_ratio.seek(0)
+                f_ratio.write("1")
+        except IOError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot set max. I/O ratio to '1': %s" % err)
+    def _restore_bdev_settings(self):
+        """ Restore old block device settings which we changed in
+        '_tune_block_device()'. """
+        if self._old_scheduler_value is not None:
+            try:
+                with open(self._sysfs_scheduler_path, "w") as f_scheduler:
+                    f_scheduler.write(self._old_scheduler_value)
+            except IOError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot restore the '%s' I/O scheduler: %s" \
+                            % (self._old_scheduler_value, err))
+        if self._old_max_ratio_value is not None:
+            try:
+                with open(self._sysfs_max_ratio_path, "w") as f_ratio:
+                    f_ratio.write(self._old_max_ratio_value)
+            except IOError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot set the max. I/O ratio back to '%s': %s" \
+                            % (self._old_max_ratio_value, err))
+    def copy(self, sync = True, verify = True):
+        """ The same as in the base class but tunes the block device for better
+        performance before starting writing. Additionally, it forces block
+        device synchronization from time to time in order to make sure we do
+        not get stuck in 'fsync()' for too long time. The problem is that the
+        kernel synchronizes block devices when the file is closed. And the
+        result is that if the user interrupts us while we are copying the data,
+        the program will be blocked in 'close()' waiting for the block device
+        synchronization, which may last minutes for slow USB stick. This is
+        very bad user experience, and we work around this effect by
+        synchronizing from time to time. """
+        self._tune_block_device()
+        try:
+            BmapCopy.copy(self, sync, verify)
+        except:
+            raise
+        finally:
+            self._restore_bdev_settings()
+    def __init__(self, image, dest, bmap = None, image_size = None):
+        """ The same as the constructor of the 'BmapCopy' base class, but adds
+        useful guard-checks specific to block devices. """
+        # Call the base class constructor first
+        BmapCopy.__init__(self, image, dest, bmap, image_size)
+        self._batch_bytes = 1024 * 1024
+        self._batch_blocks = self._batch_bytes / self.block_size
+        self._batch_queue_len = 6
+        self._dest_fsync_watermark = (6 * 1024 * 1024) / self.block_size
+        self._sysfs_base = None
+        self._sysfs_scheduler_path = None
+        self._sysfs_max_ratio_path = None
+        self._old_scheduler_value = None
+        self._old_max_ratio_value = None
+        # If the image size is known, check that it fits the block device
+        if self.image_size:
+            try:
+                bdev_size = os.lseek(self._f_dest.fileno(), 0, os.SEEK_END)
+                os.lseek(self._f_dest.fileno(), 0, os.SEEK_SET)
+            except OSError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot seed block device '%s': %s " \
+                            % (self._dest_path, err.strerror))
+            if bdev_size < self.image_size:
+                raise Error("the image file '%s' has size %s and it will not " \
+                            "fit the block device '%s' which has %s capacity" \
+                            % (self._image_path, self.image_size_human,
+                               self._dest_path, human_size(bdev_size)))
+        # Construct the path to the sysfs directory of our block device
+        st_rdev = os.fstat(self._f_dest.fileno()).st_rdev
+        self._sysfs_base = "/sys/dev/block/%s:%s/" \
+                           % (os.major(st_rdev), os.minor(st_rdev))
+        # Check if the 'queue' sub-directory exists. If yes, then our block
+        # device is entire disk. Otherwise, it is a partition, in which case we
+        # need to go one level up in the sysfs hierarchy.
+        if not os.path.exists(self._sysfs_base + "queue"):
+            self._sysfs_base = self._sysfs_base + "../"
+        self._sysfs_scheduler_path = self._sysfs_base + "queue/scheduler"
+        self._sysfs_max_ratio_path = self._sysfs_base + "bdi/max_ratio"
diff --git a/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_3.py b/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_3.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..889f357
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_3.py
@@ -0,0 +1,667 @@
+""" This module implements copying of images with bmap and provides the
+following API.
+  1. BmapCopy class - implements copying to any kind of file, be that a block
+     device or a regular file.
+  2. BmapBdevCopy class - based on BmapCopy and specializes on copying to block
+     devices. It does some more sanity checks and some block device performance
+     tuning.
+The bmap file is an XML file which contains a list of mapped blocks of the
+image. Mapped blocks are the blocks which have disk sectors associated with
+them, as opposed to holes, which are blocks with no associated disk sectors. In
+other words, the image is considered to be a sparse file, and bmap basically
+contains a list of mapped blocks of this sparse file. The bmap additionally
+contains some useful information like block size (usually 4KiB), image size,
+mapped blocks count, etc.
+The bmap is used for copying the image to a block device or to a regular file.
+The idea is that we copy quickly with bmap because we copy only mapped blocks
+and ignore the holes, because they are useless. And if the image is generated
+properly (starting with a huge hole and writing all the data), it usually
+contains only little mapped blocks, comparing to the overall image size. And
+such an image compresses very well (because holes are read as all zeroes), so
+it is beneficial to distributor them as compressed files along with the bmap.
+Here is an example. Suppose you have a 4GiB image which contains only 100MiB of
+user data and you need to flash it to a slow USB stick. With bmap you end up
+copying only a little bit more than 100MiB of data from the image to the USB
+stick (namely, you copy only mapped blocks). This is a lot faster than copying
+all 4GiB of data. We say that it is a bit more than 100MiB because things like
+file-system meta-data (inode tables, superblocks, etc), partition table, etc
+also contribute to the mapped blocks and are also copied. """
+# Disable the following pylint recommendations:
+#   * Too many instance attributes (R0902)
+# pylint: disable=R0902
+import os
+import stat
+import sys
+import hashlib
+import Queue
+import thread
+import datetime
+from xml.etree import ElementTree
+from bmaptools.BmapHelpers import human_size
+# The highest supported bmap format version
+class Error(Exception):
+    """ A class for exceptions generated by the 'BmapCopy' module. We currently
+    support only one type of exceptions, and we basically throw human-readable
+    problem description in case of errors. """
+    pass
+class BmapCopy:
+    """ This class implements the bmap-based copying functionality. To copy an
+    image with bmap you should create an instance of this class, which requires
+    the following:
+    * full path or a file-like object of the image to copy
+    * full path or a file object of the destination file copy the image to
+    * full path or a file object of the bmap file (optional)
+    * image size in bytes (optional)
+    Although the main purpose of this class is to use bmap, the bmap is not
+    required, and if it was not provided then the entire image will be copied
+    to the destination file.
+    When the bmap is provided, it is not necessary to specify image size,
+    because the size is contained in the bmap. Otherwise, it is benefitial to
+    specify the size because it enables extra sanity checks and makes it
+    possible to provide the progress bar.
+    When the image size is known either from the bmap or the caller specified
+    it to the class constructor, all the image geometry description attributes
+    ('blocks_cnt', etc) are initialized by the class constructor and available
+    for the user.
+    However, when the size is not known, some of  the image geometry
+    description attributes are not initialized by the class constructor.
+    Instead, they are initialized only by the 'copy()' method.
+    The 'copy()' method implements image copying. You may choose whether to
+    verify the SHA1 checksum while copying or not. Note, this is done only in
+    case of bmap-based copying and only if bmap contains the SHA1 checksums
+    (e.g., bmap version 1.0 did not have SHA1 checksums).
+    You may choose whether to synchronize the destination file after writing or
+    not. To explicitly synchronize it, use the 'sync()' method.
+    This class supports all the bmap format versions up version
+    It is possible to have a simple progress indicator while copying the image.
+    Use the 'set_progress_indicator()' method.
+    You can copy only once with an instance of this class. This means that in
+    order to copy the image for the second time, you have to create a new class
+    instance. """
+    def set_progress_indicator(self, file_obj, format_string):
+        """ Setup the progress indicator which shows how much data has been
+        copied in percent.
+        The 'file_obj' argument is the console file object where the progress
+        has to be printed to. Pass 'None' to disable the progress indicator.
+        The 'format_string' argument is the format string for the progress
+        indicator. It has to contain a single '%d' placeholder which will be
+        substitutes with copied data in percent. """
+        self._progress_file = file_obj
+        if format_string:
+            self._progress_format = format_string
+        else:
+            self._progress_format = "Copied %d%%"
+    def _set_image_size(self, image_size):
+        """ Set image size and initialize various other geometry-related
+        attributes. """
+        if self.image_size is not None and self.image_size != image_size:
+            raise Error("cannot set image size to %d bytes, it is known to " \
+                        "be %d bytes (%s)" % (image_size, self.image_size,
+                                              self.image_size_human))
+        self.image_size = image_size
+        self.image_size_human = human_size(image_size)
+        self.blocks_cnt = self.image_size + self.block_size - 1
+        self.blocks_cnt /= self.block_size
+        if self.mapped_cnt is None:
+            self.mapped_cnt = self.blocks_cnt
+            self.mapped_size = self.image_size
+            self.mapped_size_human = self.image_size_human
+    def _verify_bmap_checksum(self):
+        """ This is a helper function which verifies SHA1 checksum of the bmap
+        file. """
+        import mmap
+        correct_sha1 = self._xml.find("BmapFileSHA1").text.strip()
+        # Before verifying the shecksum, we have to substitute the SHA1 value
+        # stored in the file with all zeroes. For these purposes we create
+        # private memory mapping of the bmap file.
+        mapped_bmap = mmap.mmap(self._f_bmap.fileno(), 0,
+                                access = mmap.ACCESS_COPY)
+        sha1_pos = mapped_bmap.find(correct_sha1)
+        assert sha1_pos != -1
+        mapped_bmap[sha1_pos:sha1_pos + 40] = '0' * 40
+        calculated_sha1 = hashlib.sha1(mapped_bmap).hexdigest()
+        mapped_bmap.close()
+        if calculated_sha1 != correct_sha1:
+            raise Error("checksum mismatch for bmap file '%s': calculated " \
+                        "'%s', should be '%s'" % \
+                        (self._bmap_path, calculated_sha1, correct_sha1))
+    def _parse_bmap(self):
+        """ Parse the bmap file and initialize corresponding class instance
+        attributs. """
+        try:
+            self._xml = ElementTree.parse(self._f_bmap)
+        except  ElementTree.ParseError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot parse the bmap file '%s' which should be a " \
+                        "proper XML file: %s" % (self._bmap_path, err))
+        xml = self._xml
+        self.bmap_version = str(xml.getroot().attrib.get('version'))
+        # Make sure we support this version
+        self.bmap_version_major = int(self.bmap_version.split('.', 1)[0])
+        self.bmap_version_minor = int(self.bmap_version.split('.', 1)[1])
+        if self.bmap_version_major > SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION:
+            raise Error("only bmap format version up to %d is supported, " \
+                        "version %d is not supported" \
+                        % (SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION, self.bmap_version_major))
+        # Fetch interesting data from the bmap XML file
+        self.block_size = int(xml.find("BlockSize").text.strip())
+        self.blocks_cnt = int(xml.find("BlocksCount").text.strip())
+        self.mapped_cnt = int(xml.find("MappedBlocksCount").text.strip())
+        self.image_size = int(xml.find("ImageSize").text.strip())
+        self.image_size_human = human_size(self.image_size)
+        self.mapped_size = self.mapped_cnt * self.block_size
+        self.mapped_size_human = human_size(self.mapped_size)
+        self.mapped_percent = (self.mapped_cnt * 100.0) / self.blocks_cnt
+        blocks_cnt = (self.image_size + self.block_size - 1) / self.block_size
+        if self.blocks_cnt != blocks_cnt:
+            raise Error("Inconsistent bmap - image size does not match " \
+                        "blocks count (%d bytes != %d blocks * %d bytes)" \
+                        % (self.image_size, self.blocks_cnt, self.block_size))
+        if self.bmap_version_major >= 1 and self.bmap_version_minor >= 3:
+            # Bmap file checksum appeard in format 1.3
+            self._verify_bmap_checksum()
+    def __init__(self, image, dest, bmap = None, image_size = None):
+        """ The class constructor. The parameters are:
+            image      - file-like object of the image which should be copied,
+                         should only support 'read()' and 'seek()' methods,
+                         and only seeking forward has to be supported.
+            dest       - file object of the destination file to copy the image
+                         to.
+            bmap       - file object of the bmap file to use for copying.
+            image_size - size of the image in bytes. """
+        self._xml = None
+        self._dest_fsync_watermark = None
+        self._batch_blocks = None
+        self._batch_queue = None
+        self._batch_bytes = 1024 * 1024
+        self._batch_queue_len = 2
+        self.bmap_version = None
+        self.bmap_version_major = None
+        self.bmap_version_minor = None
+        self.block_size = None
+        self.blocks_cnt = None
+        self.mapped_cnt = None
+        self.image_size = None
+        self.image_size_human = None
+        self.mapped_size = None
+        self.mapped_size_human = None
+        self.mapped_percent = None
+        self._f_bmap = None
+        self._f_bmap_path = None
+        self._progress_started = None
+        self._progress_index = None
+        self._progress_time = None
+        self._progress_file = None
+        self._progress_format = None
+        self.set_progress_indicator(None, None)
+        self._f_image = image
+        self._image_path = image.name
+        self._f_dest = dest
+        self._dest_path = dest.name
+        st_data = os.fstat(self._f_dest.fileno())
+        self._dest_is_regfile = stat.S_ISREG(st_data.st_mode)
+        # Special quirk for /dev/null which does not support fsync()
+        if stat.S_ISCHR(st_data.st_mode) and \
+           os.major(st_data.st_rdev) == 1 and \
+           os.minor(st_data.st_rdev) == 3:
+            self._dest_supports_fsync = False
+        else:
+            self._dest_supports_fsync = True
+        if bmap:
+            self._f_bmap = bmap
+            self._bmap_path = bmap.name
+            self._parse_bmap()
+        else:
+            # There is no bmap. Initialize user-visible attributes to something
+            # sensible with an assumption that we just have all blocks mapped.
+            self.bmap_version = 0
+            self.block_size = 4096
+            self.mapped_percent = 100
+        if image_size:
+            self._set_image_size(image_size)
+        self._batch_blocks = self._batch_bytes / self.block_size
+    def _update_progress(self, blocks_written):
+        """ Print the progress indicator if the mapped area size is known and
+        if the indicator has been enabled by assigning a console file object to
+        the 'progress_file' attribute. """
+        if not self._progress_file:
+            return
+        if self.mapped_cnt:
+            assert blocks_written <= self.mapped_cnt
+            percent = int((float(blocks_written) / self.mapped_cnt) * 100)
+            progress = '\r' + self._progress_format % percent + '\n'
+        else:
+            # Do not rotate the wheel too fast
+            now = datetime.datetime.now()
+            min_delta = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds = 250)
+            if now - self._progress_time < min_delta:
+                return
+            self._progress_time = now
+            progress_wheel = ('-', '\\', '|', '/')
+            progress = '\r' + progress_wheel[self._progress_index % 4] + '\n'
+            self._progress_index += 1
+        # This is a little trick we do in order to make sure that the next
+        # message will always start from a new line - we switch to the new
+        # line after each progress update and move the cursor up. As an
+        # example, this is useful when the copying is interrupted by an
+        # exception - the error message will start form new line.
+        if self._progress_started:
+            # The "move cursor up" escape sequence
+            self._progress_file.write('\033[1A') # pylint: disable=W1401
+        else:
+            self._progress_started = True
+        self._progress_file.write(progress)
+        self._progress_file.flush()
+    def _get_block_ranges(self):
+        """ This is a helper generator that parses the bmap XML file and for
+        each block range in the XML file it yields ('first', 'last', 'sha1')
+        tuples, where:
+          * 'first' is the first block of the range;
+          * 'last' is the last block of the range;
+          * 'sha1' is the SHA1 checksum of the range ('None' is used if it is
+            missing.
+        If there is no bmap file, the generator just yields a single range
+        for entire image file. If the image size is unknown, the generator
+        infinitely yields continuous ranges of size '_batch_blocks'. """
+        if not self._f_bmap:
+            # We do not have the bmap, yield a tuple with all blocks
+            if self.blocks_cnt:
+                yield (0, self.blocks_cnt - 1, None)
+            else:
+                # We do not know image size, keep yielding tuples with many
+                # blocks infinitely.
+                first = 0
+                while True:
+                    yield (first, first + self._batch_blocks - 1, None)
+                    first += self._batch_blocks
+            return
+        # We have the bmap, just read it and yield block ranges
+        xml = self._xml
+        xml_bmap = xml.find("BlockMap")
+        for xml_element in xml_bmap.findall("Range"):
+            blocks_range = xml_element.text.strip()
+            # The range of blocks has the "X - Y" format, or it can be just "X"
+            # in old bmap format versions. First, split the blocks range string
+            # and strip white-spaces.
+            split = [x.strip() for x in blocks_range.split('-', 1)]
+            first = int(split[0])
+            if len(split) > 1:
+                last = int(split[1])
+                if first > last:
+                    raise Error("bad range (first > last): '%s'" % blocks_range)
+            else:
+                last = first
+            if 'sha1' in xml_element.attrib:
+                sha1 = xml_element.attrib['sha1']
+            else:
+                sha1 = None
+            yield (first, last, sha1)
+    def _get_batches(self, first, last):
+        """ This is a helper generator which splits block ranges from the bmap
+        file to smaller batches. Indeed, we cannot read and write entire block
+        ranges from the image file, because a range can be very large. So we
+        perform the I/O in batches. Batch size is defined by the
+        '_batch_blocks' attribute. Thus, for each (first, last) block range,
+        the generator yields smaller (start, end, length) batch ranges, where:
+          * 'start' is the starting batch block number;
+          * 'last' is the ending batch block number;
+          * 'length' is the batch length in blocks (same as
+             'end' - 'start' + 1). """
+        batch_blocks = self._batch_blocks
+        while first + batch_blocks - 1 <= last:
+            yield (first, first + batch_blocks - 1, batch_blocks)
+            first += batch_blocks
+        batch_blocks = last - first + 1
+        if batch_blocks:
+            yield (first, first + batch_blocks - 1, batch_blocks)
+    def _get_data(self, verify):
+        """ This is generator  which reads the image file in '_batch_blocks'
+        chunks and yields ('type', 'start', 'end',  'buf) tuples, where:
+          * 'start' is the starting block number of the batch;
+          * 'end' is the last block of the batch;
+          * 'buf' a buffer containing the batch data. """
+        try:
+            for (first, last, sha1) in self._get_block_ranges():
+                if verify and sha1:
+                    hash_obj = hashlib.new('sha1')
+                self._f_image.seek(first * self.block_size)
+                iterator = self._get_batches(first, last)
+                for (start, end, length) in iterator:
+                    try:
+                        buf = self._f_image.read(length * self.block_size)
+                    except IOError as err:
+                        raise Error("error while reading blocks %d-%d of the " \
+                                    "image file '%s': %s" \
+                                    % (start, end, self._image_path, err))
+                    if not buf:
+                        self._batch_queue.put(None)
+                        return
+                    if verify and sha1:
+                        hash_obj.update(buf)
+                    blocks = (len(buf) + self.block_size - 1) / self.block_size
+                    self._batch_queue.put(("range", start, start + blocks - 1,
+                                           buf))
+                if verify and sha1 and hash_obj.hexdigest() != sha1:
+                    raise Error("checksum mismatch for blocks range %d-%d: " \
+                                "calculated %s, should be %s (image file %s)" \
+                                % (first, last, hash_obj.hexdigest(), \
+                                   sha1, self._image_path))
+        # Silence pylint warning about catching too general exception
+        # pylint: disable=W0703
+        except Exception:
+            # pylint: enable=W0703
+            # In case of any exception - just pass it to the main thread
+            # through the queue.
+            self._batch_queue.put(("error", sys.exc_info()))
+        self._batch_queue.put(None)
+    def copy(self, sync = True, verify = True):
+        """ Copy the image to the destination file using bmap. The 'sync'
+        argument defines whether the destination file has to be synchronized
+        upon return.  The 'verify' argument defines whether the SHA1 checksum
+        has to be verified while copying. """
+        # Create the queue for block batches and start the reader thread, which
+        # will read the image in batches and put the results to '_batch_queue'.
+        self._batch_queue = Queue.Queue(self._batch_queue_len)
+        thread.start_new_thread(self._get_data, (verify, ))
+        blocks_written = 0
+        bytes_written = 0
+        fsync_last = 0
+        self._progress_started = False
+        self._progress_index = 0
+        self._progress_time = datetime.datetime.now()
+        # Read the image in '_batch_blocks' chunks and write them to the
+        # destination file
+        while True:
+            batch = self._batch_queue.get()
+            if batch is None:
+                # No more data, the image is written
+                break
+            elif batch[0] == "error":
+                # The reader thread encountered an error and passed us the
+                # exception.
+                exc_info = batch[1]
+                raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
+            (start, end, buf) = batch[1:4]
+            assert len(buf) <= (end - start + 1) * self.block_size
+            assert len(buf) > (end - start) * self.block_size
+            self._f_dest.seek(start * self.block_size)
+            # Synchronize the destination file if we reached the watermark
+            if self._dest_fsync_watermark:
+                if blocks_written >= fsync_last + self._dest_fsync_watermark:
+                    fsync_last = blocks_written
+                    self.sync()
+            try:
+                self._f_dest.write(buf)
+            except IOError as err:
+                raise Error("error while writing blocks %d-%d of '%s': %s" \
+                            % (start, end, self._dest_path, err))
+            self._batch_queue.task_done()
+            blocks_written += (end - start + 1)
+            bytes_written += len(buf)
+            self._update_progress(blocks_written)
+        if not self.image_size:
+            # The image size was unknown up until now, set it
+            self._set_image_size(bytes_written)
+        # This is just a sanity check - we should have written exactly
+        # 'mapped_cnt' blocks.
+        if blocks_written != self.mapped_cnt:
+            raise Error("wrote %u blocks from image '%s' to '%s', but should " \
+                        "have %u - bmap file '%s' does not belong to this" \
+                        "image" \
+                        % (blocks_written, self._image_path, self._dest_path, \
+                           self.mapped_cnt, self._bmap_path))
+        if self._dest_is_regfile:
+            # Make sure the destination file has the same size as the image
+            try:
+                os.ftruncate(self._f_dest.fileno(), self.image_size)
+            except OSError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot truncate file '%s': %s" \
+                            % (self._dest_path, err))
+        try:
+            self._f_dest.flush()
+        except IOError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot flush '%s': %s" % (self._dest_path, err))
+        if sync:
+            self.sync()
+    def sync(self):
+        """ Synchronize the destination file to make sure all the data are
+        actually written to the disk. """
+        if self._dest_supports_fsync:
+            try:
+                os.fsync(self._f_dest.fileno()),
+            except OSError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot synchronize '%s': %s " \
+                            % (self._dest_path, err.strerror))
+class BmapBdevCopy(BmapCopy):
+    """ This class is a specialized version of 'BmapCopy' which copies the
+    image to a block device. Unlike the base 'BmapCopy' class, this class does
+    various optimizations specific to block devices, e.g., switching to the
+    'noop' I/O scheduler. """
+    def _tune_block_device(self):
+        """" Tune the block device for better performance:
+        1. Switch to the 'noop' I/O scheduler if it is available - sequential
+           write to the block device becomes a lot faster comparing to CFQ.
+        2. Limit the write buffering - we do not need the kernel to buffer a
+           lot of the data we send to the block device, because we write
+           sequentially. Limit the buffering.
+        The old settings are saved in order to be able to restore them later.
+        """
+        # Switch to the 'noop' I/O scheduler
+        try:
+            with open(self._sysfs_scheduler_path, "r+") as f_scheduler:
+                contents = f_scheduler.read()
+                f_scheduler.seek(0)
+                f_scheduler.write("noop")
+        except IOError as err:
+            # No problem, this is just an optimization
+            raise Error("cannot enable the 'noop' I/O scheduler: %s" % err)
+        # The file contains a list of scheduler with the current
+        # scheduler in square brackets, e.g., "noop deadline [cfq]".
+        # Fetch the current scheduler name
+        import re
+        match = re.match(r'.*\[(.+)\].*', contents)
+        if match:
+            self._old_scheduler_value = match.group(1)
+        # Limit the write buffering
+        try:
+            with open(self._sysfs_max_ratio_path, "r+") as f_ratio:
+                self._old_max_ratio_value = f_ratio.read()
+                f_ratio.seek(0)
+                f_ratio.write("1")
+        except IOError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot set max. I/O ratio to '1': %s" % err)
+    def _restore_bdev_settings(self):
+        """ Restore old block device settings which we changed in
+        '_tune_block_device()'. """
+        if self._old_scheduler_value is not None:
+            try:
+                with open(self._sysfs_scheduler_path, "w") as f_scheduler:
+                    f_scheduler.write(self._old_scheduler_value)
+            except IOError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot restore the '%s' I/O scheduler: %s" \
+                            % (self._old_scheduler_value, err))
+        if self._old_max_ratio_value is not None:
+            try:
+                with open(self._sysfs_max_ratio_path, "w") as f_ratio:
+                    f_ratio.write(self._old_max_ratio_value)
+            except IOError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot set the max. I/O ratio back to '%s': %s" \
+                            % (self._old_max_ratio_value, err))
+    def copy(self, sync = True, verify = True):
+        """ The same as in the base class but tunes the block device for better
+        performance before starting writing. Additionally, it forces block
+        device synchronization from time to time in order to make sure we do
+        not get stuck in 'fsync()' for too long time. The problem is that the
+        kernel synchronizes block devices when the file is closed. And the
+        result is that if the user interrupts us while we are copying the data,
+        the program will be blocked in 'close()' waiting for the block device
+        synchronization, which may last minutes for slow USB stick. This is
+        very bad user experience, and we work around this effect by
+        synchronizing from time to time. """
+        self._tune_block_device()
+        try:
+            BmapCopy.copy(self, sync, verify)
+        except:
+            raise
+        finally:
+            self._restore_bdev_settings()
+    def __init__(self, image, dest, bmap = None, image_size = None):
+        """ The same as the constructor of the 'BmapCopy' base class, but adds
+        useful guard-checks specific to block devices. """
+        # Call the base class constructor first
+        BmapCopy.__init__(self, image, dest, bmap, image_size)
+        self._batch_bytes = 1024 * 1024
+        self._batch_blocks = self._batch_bytes / self.block_size
+        self._batch_queue_len = 6
+        self._dest_fsync_watermark = (6 * 1024 * 1024) / self.block_size
+        self._sysfs_base = None
+        self._sysfs_scheduler_path = None
+        self._sysfs_max_ratio_path = None
+        self._old_scheduler_value = None
+        self._old_max_ratio_value = None
+        # If the image size is known, check that it fits the block device
+        if self.image_size:
+            try:
+                bdev_size = os.lseek(self._f_dest.fileno(), 0, os.SEEK_END)
+                os.lseek(self._f_dest.fileno(), 0, os.SEEK_SET)
+            except OSError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot seed block device '%s': %s " \
+                            % (self._dest_path, err.strerror))
+            if bdev_size < self.image_size:
+                raise Error("the image file '%s' has size %s and it will not " \
+                            "fit the block device '%s' which has %s capacity" \
+                            % (self._image_path, self.image_size_human,
+                               self._dest_path, human_size(bdev_size)))
+        # Construct the path to the sysfs directory of our block device
+        st_rdev = os.fstat(self._f_dest.fileno()).st_rdev
+        self._sysfs_base = "/sys/dev/block/%s:%s/" \
+                           % (os.major(st_rdev), os.minor(st_rdev))
+        # Check if the 'queue' sub-directory exists. If yes, then our block
+        # device is entire disk. Otherwise, it is a partition, in which case we
+        # need to go one level up in the sysfs hierarchy.
+        if not os.path.exists(self._sysfs_base + "queue"):
+            self._sysfs_base = self._sysfs_base + "../"
+        self._sysfs_scheduler_path = self._sysfs_base + "queue/scheduler"
+        self._sysfs_max_ratio_path = self._sysfs_base + "bdi/max_ratio"
diff --git a/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_4.py b/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_4.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..889f357
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_4.py
@@ -0,0 +1,667 @@
+""" This module implements copying of images with bmap and provides the
+following API.
+  1. BmapCopy class - implements copying to any kind of file, be that a block
+     device or a regular file.
+  2. BmapBdevCopy class - based on BmapCopy and specializes on copying to block
+     devices. It does some more sanity checks and some block device performance
+     tuning.
+The bmap file is an XML file which contains a list of mapped blocks of the
+image. Mapped blocks are the blocks which have disk sectors associated with
+them, as opposed to holes, which are blocks with no associated disk sectors. In
+other words, the image is considered to be a sparse file, and bmap basically
+contains a list of mapped blocks of this sparse file. The bmap additionally
+contains some useful information like block size (usually 4KiB), image size,
+mapped blocks count, etc.
+The bmap is used for copying the image to a block device or to a regular file.
+The idea is that we copy quickly with bmap because we copy only mapped blocks
+and ignore the holes, because they are useless. And if the image is generated
+properly (starting with a huge hole and writing all the data), it usually
+contains only little mapped blocks, comparing to the overall image size. And
+such an image compresses very well (because holes are read as all zeroes), so
+it is beneficial to distributor them as compressed files along with the bmap.
+Here is an example. Suppose you have a 4GiB image which contains only 100MiB of
+user data and you need to flash it to a slow USB stick. With bmap you end up
+copying only a little bit more than 100MiB of data from the image to the USB
+stick (namely, you copy only mapped blocks). This is a lot faster than copying
+all 4GiB of data. We say that it is a bit more than 100MiB because things like
+file-system meta-data (inode tables, superblocks, etc), partition table, etc
+also contribute to the mapped blocks and are also copied. """
+# Disable the following pylint recommendations:
+#   * Too many instance attributes (R0902)
+# pylint: disable=R0902
+import os
+import stat
+import sys
+import hashlib
+import Queue
+import thread
+import datetime
+from xml.etree import ElementTree
+from bmaptools.BmapHelpers import human_size
+# The highest supported bmap format version
+class Error(Exception):
+    """ A class for exceptions generated by the 'BmapCopy' module. We currently
+    support only one type of exceptions, and we basically throw human-readable
+    problem description in case of errors. """
+    pass
+class BmapCopy:
+    """ This class implements the bmap-based copying functionality. To copy an
+    image with bmap you should create an instance of this class, which requires
+    the following:
+    * full path or a file-like object of the image to copy
+    * full path or a file object of the destination file copy the image to
+    * full path or a file object of the bmap file (optional)
+    * image size in bytes (optional)
+    Although the main purpose of this class is to use bmap, the bmap is not
+    required, and if it was not provided then the entire image will be copied
+    to the destination file.
+    When the bmap is provided, it is not necessary to specify image size,
+    because the size is contained in the bmap. Otherwise, it is benefitial to
+    specify the size because it enables extra sanity checks and makes it
+    possible to provide the progress bar.
+    When the image size is known either from the bmap or the caller specified
+    it to the class constructor, all the image geometry description attributes
+    ('blocks_cnt', etc) are initialized by the class constructor and available
+    for the user.
+    However, when the size is not known, some of  the image geometry
+    description attributes are not initialized by the class constructor.
+    Instead, they are initialized only by the 'copy()' method.
+    The 'copy()' method implements image copying. You may choose whether to
+    verify the SHA1 checksum while copying or not. Note, this is done only in
+    case of bmap-based copying and only if bmap contains the SHA1 checksums
+    (e.g., bmap version 1.0 did not have SHA1 checksums).
+    You may choose whether to synchronize the destination file after writing or
+    not. To explicitly synchronize it, use the 'sync()' method.
+    This class supports all the bmap format versions up version
+    It is possible to have a simple progress indicator while copying the image.
+    Use the 'set_progress_indicator()' method.
+    You can copy only once with an instance of this class. This means that in
+    order to copy the image for the second time, you have to create a new class
+    instance. """
+    def set_progress_indicator(self, file_obj, format_string):
+        """ Setup the progress indicator which shows how much data has been
+        copied in percent.
+        The 'file_obj' argument is the console file object where the progress
+        has to be printed to. Pass 'None' to disable the progress indicator.
+        The 'format_string' argument is the format string for the progress
+        indicator. It has to contain a single '%d' placeholder which will be
+        substitutes with copied data in percent. """
+        self._progress_file = file_obj
+        if format_string:
+            self._progress_format = format_string
+        else:
+            self._progress_format = "Copied %d%%"
+    def _set_image_size(self, image_size):
+        """ Set image size and initialize various other geometry-related
+        attributes. """
+        if self.image_size is not None and self.image_size != image_size:
+            raise Error("cannot set image size to %d bytes, it is known to " \
+                        "be %d bytes (%s)" % (image_size, self.image_size,
+                                              self.image_size_human))
+        self.image_size = image_size
+        self.image_size_human = human_size(image_size)
+        self.blocks_cnt = self.image_size + self.block_size - 1
+        self.blocks_cnt /= self.block_size
+        if self.mapped_cnt is None:
+            self.mapped_cnt = self.blocks_cnt
+            self.mapped_size = self.image_size
+            self.mapped_size_human = self.image_size_human
+    def _verify_bmap_checksum(self):
+        """ This is a helper function which verifies SHA1 checksum of the bmap
+        file. """
+        import mmap
+        correct_sha1 = self._xml.find("BmapFileSHA1").text.strip()
+        # Before verifying the shecksum, we have to substitute the SHA1 value
+        # stored in the file with all zeroes. For these purposes we create
+        # private memory mapping of the bmap file.
+        mapped_bmap = mmap.mmap(self._f_bmap.fileno(), 0,
+                                access = mmap.ACCESS_COPY)
+        sha1_pos = mapped_bmap.find(correct_sha1)
+        assert sha1_pos != -1
+        mapped_bmap[sha1_pos:sha1_pos + 40] = '0' * 40
+        calculated_sha1 = hashlib.sha1(mapped_bmap).hexdigest()
+        mapped_bmap.close()
+        if calculated_sha1 != correct_sha1:
+            raise Error("checksum mismatch for bmap file '%s': calculated " \
+                        "'%s', should be '%s'" % \
+                        (self._bmap_path, calculated_sha1, correct_sha1))
+    def _parse_bmap(self):
+        """ Parse the bmap file and initialize corresponding class instance
+        attributs. """
+        try:
+            self._xml = ElementTree.parse(self._f_bmap)
+        except  ElementTree.ParseError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot parse the bmap file '%s' which should be a " \
+                        "proper XML file: %s" % (self._bmap_path, err))
+        xml = self._xml
+        self.bmap_version = str(xml.getroot().attrib.get('version'))
+        # Make sure we support this version
+        self.bmap_version_major = int(self.bmap_version.split('.', 1)[0])
+        self.bmap_version_minor = int(self.bmap_version.split('.', 1)[1])
+        if self.bmap_version_major > SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION:
+            raise Error("only bmap format version up to %d is supported, " \
+                        "version %d is not supported" \
+                        % (SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION, self.bmap_version_major))
+        # Fetch interesting data from the bmap XML file
+        self.block_size = int(xml.find("BlockSize").text.strip())
+        self.blocks_cnt = int(xml.find("BlocksCount").text.strip())
+        self.mapped_cnt = int(xml.find("MappedBlocksCount").text.strip())
+        self.image_size = int(xml.find("ImageSize").text.strip())
+        self.image_size_human = human_size(self.image_size)
+        self.mapped_size = self.mapped_cnt * self.block_size
+        self.mapped_size_human = human_size(self.mapped_size)
+        self.mapped_percent = (self.mapped_cnt * 100.0) / self.blocks_cnt
+        blocks_cnt = (self.image_size + self.block_size - 1) / self.block_size
+        if self.blocks_cnt != blocks_cnt:
+            raise Error("Inconsistent bmap - image size does not match " \
+                        "blocks count (%d bytes != %d blocks * %d bytes)" \
+                        % (self.image_size, self.blocks_cnt, self.block_size))
+        if self.bmap_version_major >= 1 and self.bmap_version_minor >= 3:
+            # Bmap file checksum appeard in format 1.3
+            self._verify_bmap_checksum()
+    def __init__(self, image, dest, bmap = None, image_size = None):
+        """ The class constructor. The parameters are:
+            image      - file-like object of the image which should be copied,
+                         should only support 'read()' and 'seek()' methods,
+                         and only seeking forward has to be supported.
+            dest       - file object of the destination file to copy the image
+                         to.
+            bmap       - file object of the bmap file to use for copying.
+            image_size - size of the image in bytes. """
+        self._xml = None
+        self._dest_fsync_watermark = None
+        self._batch_blocks = None
+        self._batch_queue = None
+        self._batch_bytes = 1024 * 1024
+        self._batch_queue_len = 2
+        self.bmap_version = None
+        self.bmap_version_major = None
+        self.bmap_version_minor = None
+        self.block_size = None
+        self.blocks_cnt = None
+        self.mapped_cnt = None
+        self.image_size = None
+        self.image_size_human = None
+        self.mapped_size = None
+        self.mapped_size_human = None
+        self.mapped_percent = None
+        self._f_bmap = None
+        self._f_bmap_path = None
+        self._progress_started = None
+        self._progress_index = None
+        self._progress_time = None
+        self._progress_file = None
+        self._progress_format = None
+        self.set_progress_indicator(None, None)
+        self._f_image = image
+        self._image_path = image.name
+        self._f_dest = dest
+        self._dest_path = dest.name
+        st_data = os.fstat(self._f_dest.fileno())
+        self._dest_is_regfile = stat.S_ISREG(st_data.st_mode)
+        # Special quirk for /dev/null which does not support fsync()
+        if stat.S_ISCHR(st_data.st_mode) and \
+           os.major(st_data.st_rdev) == 1 and \
+           os.minor(st_data.st_rdev) == 3:
+            self._dest_supports_fsync = False
+        else:
+            self._dest_supports_fsync = True
+        if bmap:
+            self._f_bmap = bmap
+            self._bmap_path = bmap.name
+            self._parse_bmap()
+        else:
+            # There is no bmap. Initialize user-visible attributes to something
+            # sensible with an assumption that we just have all blocks mapped.
+            self.bmap_version = 0
+            self.block_size = 4096
+            self.mapped_percent = 100
+        if image_size:
+            self._set_image_size(image_size)
+        self._batch_blocks = self._batch_bytes / self.block_size
+    def _update_progress(self, blocks_written):
+        """ Print the progress indicator if the mapped area size is known and
+        if the indicator has been enabled by assigning a console file object to
+        the 'progress_file' attribute. """
+        if not self._progress_file:
+            return
+        if self.mapped_cnt:
+            assert blocks_written <= self.mapped_cnt
+            percent = int((float(blocks_written) / self.mapped_cnt) * 100)
+            progress = '\r' + self._progress_format % percent + '\n'
+        else:
+            # Do not rotate the wheel too fast
+            now = datetime.datetime.now()
+            min_delta = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds = 250)
+            if now - self._progress_time < min_delta:
+                return
+            self._progress_time = now
+            progress_wheel = ('-', '\\', '|', '/')
+            progress = '\r' + progress_wheel[self._progress_index % 4] + '\n'
+            self._progress_index += 1
+        # This is a little trick we do in order to make sure that the next
+        # message will always start from a new line - we switch to the new
+        # line after each progress update and move the cursor up. As an
+        # example, this is useful when the copying is interrupted by an
+        # exception - the error message will start form new line.
+        if self._progress_started:
+            # The "move cursor up" escape sequence
+            self._progress_file.write('\033[1A') # pylint: disable=W1401
+        else:
+            self._progress_started = True
+        self._progress_file.write(progress)
+        self._progress_file.flush()
+    def _get_block_ranges(self):
+        """ This is a helper generator that parses the bmap XML file and for
+        each block range in the XML file it yields ('first', 'last', 'sha1')
+        tuples, where:
+          * 'first' is the first block of the range;
+          * 'last' is the last block of the range;
+          * 'sha1' is the SHA1 checksum of the range ('None' is used if it is
+            missing.
+        If there is no bmap file, the generator just yields a single range
+        for entire image file. If the image size is unknown, the generator
+        infinitely yields continuous ranges of size '_batch_blocks'. """
+        if not self._f_bmap:
+            # We do not have the bmap, yield a tuple with all blocks
+            if self.blocks_cnt:
+                yield (0, self.blocks_cnt - 1, None)
+            else:
+                # We do not know image size, keep yielding tuples with many
+                # blocks infinitely.
+                first = 0
+                while True:
+                    yield (first, first + self._batch_blocks - 1, None)
+                    first += self._batch_blocks
+            return
+        # We have the bmap, just read it and yield block ranges
+        xml = self._xml
+        xml_bmap = xml.find("BlockMap")
+        for xml_element in xml_bmap.findall("Range"):
+            blocks_range = xml_element.text.strip()
+            # The range of blocks has the "X - Y" format, or it can be just "X"
+            # in old bmap format versions. First, split the blocks range string
+            # and strip white-spaces.
+            split = [x.strip() for x in blocks_range.split('-', 1)]
+            first = int(split[0])
+            if len(split) > 1:
+                last = int(split[1])
+                if first > last:
+                    raise Error("bad range (first > last): '%s'" % blocks_range)
+            else:
+                last = first
+            if 'sha1' in xml_element.attrib:
+                sha1 = xml_element.attrib['sha1']
+            else:
+                sha1 = None
+            yield (first, last, sha1)
+    def _get_batches(self, first, last):
+        """ This is a helper generator which splits block ranges from the bmap
+        file to smaller batches. Indeed, we cannot read and write entire block
+        ranges from the image file, because a range can be very large. So we
+        perform the I/O in batches. Batch size is defined by the
+        '_batch_blocks' attribute. Thus, for each (first, last) block range,
+        the generator yields smaller (start, end, length) batch ranges, where:
+          * 'start' is the starting batch block number;
+          * 'last' is the ending batch block number;
+          * 'length' is the batch length in blocks (same as
+             'end' - 'start' + 1). """
+        batch_blocks = self._batch_blocks
+        while first + batch_blocks - 1 <= last:
+            yield (first, first + batch_blocks - 1, batch_blocks)
+            first += batch_blocks
+        batch_blocks = last - first + 1
+        if batch_blocks:
+            yield (first, first + batch_blocks - 1, batch_blocks)
+    def _get_data(self, verify):
+        """ This is generator  which reads the image file in '_batch_blocks'
+        chunks and yields ('type', 'start', 'end',  'buf) tuples, where:
+          * 'start' is the starting block number of the batch;
+          * 'end' is the last block of the batch;
+          * 'buf' a buffer containing the batch data. """
+        try:
+            for (first, last, sha1) in self._get_block_ranges():
+                if verify and sha1:
+                    hash_obj = hashlib.new('sha1')
+                self._f_image.seek(first * self.block_size)
+                iterator = self._get_batches(first, last)
+                for (start, end, length) in iterator:
+                    try:
+                        buf = self._f_image.read(length * self.block_size)
+                    except IOError as err:
+                        raise Error("error while reading blocks %d-%d of the " \
+                                    "image file '%s': %s" \
+                                    % (start, end, self._image_path, err))
+                    if not buf:
+                        self._batch_queue.put(None)
+                        return
+                    if verify and sha1:
+                        hash_obj.update(buf)
+                    blocks = (len(buf) + self.block_size - 1) / self.block_size
+                    self._batch_queue.put(("range", start, start + blocks - 1,
+                                           buf))
+                if verify and sha1 and hash_obj.hexdigest() != sha1:
+                    raise Error("checksum mismatch for blocks range %d-%d: " \
+                                "calculated %s, should be %s (image file %s)" \
+                                % (first, last, hash_obj.hexdigest(), \
+                                   sha1, self._image_path))
+        # Silence pylint warning about catching too general exception
+        # pylint: disable=W0703
+        except Exception:
+            # pylint: enable=W0703
+            # In case of any exception - just pass it to the main thread
+            # through the queue.
+            self._batch_queue.put(("error", sys.exc_info()))
+        self._batch_queue.put(None)
+    def copy(self, sync = True, verify = True):
+        """ Copy the image to the destination file using bmap. The 'sync'
+        argument defines whether the destination file has to be synchronized
+        upon return.  The 'verify' argument defines whether the SHA1 checksum
+        has to be verified while copying. """
+        # Create the queue for block batches and start the reader thread, which
+        # will read the image in batches and put the results to '_batch_queue'.
+        self._batch_queue = Queue.Queue(self._batch_queue_len)
+        thread.start_new_thread(self._get_data, (verify, ))
+        blocks_written = 0
+        bytes_written = 0
+        fsync_last = 0
+        self._progress_started = False
+        self._progress_index = 0
+        self._progress_time = datetime.datetime.now()
+        # Read the image in '_batch_blocks' chunks and write them to the
+        # destination file
+        while True:
+            batch = self._batch_queue.get()
+            if batch is None:
+                # No more data, the image is written
+                break
+            elif batch[0] == "error":
+                # The reader thread encountered an error and passed us the
+                # exception.
+                exc_info = batch[1]
+                raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
+            (start, end, buf) = batch[1:4]
+            assert len(buf) <= (end - start + 1) * self.block_size
+            assert len(buf) > (end - start) * self.block_size
+            self._f_dest.seek(start * self.block_size)
+            # Synchronize the destination file if we reached the watermark
+            if self._dest_fsync_watermark:
+                if blocks_written >= fsync_last + self._dest_fsync_watermark:
+                    fsync_last = blocks_written
+                    self.sync()
+            try:
+                self._f_dest.write(buf)
+            except IOError as err:
+                raise Error("error while writing blocks %d-%d of '%s': %s" \
+                            % (start, end, self._dest_path, err))
+            self._batch_queue.task_done()
+            blocks_written += (end - start + 1)
+            bytes_written += len(buf)
+            self._update_progress(blocks_written)
+        if not self.image_size:
+            # The image size was unknown up until now, set it
+            self._set_image_size(bytes_written)
+        # This is just a sanity check - we should have written exactly
+        # 'mapped_cnt' blocks.
+        if blocks_written != self.mapped_cnt:
+            raise Error("wrote %u blocks from image '%s' to '%s', but should " \
+                        "have %u - bmap file '%s' does not belong to this" \
+                        "image" \
+                        % (blocks_written, self._image_path, self._dest_path, \
+                           self.mapped_cnt, self._bmap_path))
+        if self._dest_is_regfile:
+            # Make sure the destination file has the same size as the image
+            try:
+                os.ftruncate(self._f_dest.fileno(), self.image_size)
+            except OSError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot truncate file '%s': %s" \
+                            % (self._dest_path, err))
+        try:
+            self._f_dest.flush()
+        except IOError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot flush '%s': %s" % (self._dest_path, err))
+        if sync:
+            self.sync()
+    def sync(self):
+        """ Synchronize the destination file to make sure all the data are
+        actually written to the disk. """
+        if self._dest_supports_fsync:
+            try:
+                os.fsync(self._f_dest.fileno()),
+            except OSError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot synchronize '%s': %s " \
+                            % (self._dest_path, err.strerror))
+class BmapBdevCopy(BmapCopy):
+    """ This class is a specialized version of 'BmapCopy' which copies the
+    image to a block device. Unlike the base 'BmapCopy' class, this class does
+    various optimizations specific to block devices, e.g., switching to the
+    'noop' I/O scheduler. """
+    def _tune_block_device(self):
+        """" Tune the block device for better performance:
+        1. Switch to the 'noop' I/O scheduler if it is available - sequential
+           write to the block device becomes a lot faster comparing to CFQ.
+        2. Limit the write buffering - we do not need the kernel to buffer a
+           lot of the data we send to the block device, because we write
+           sequentially. Limit the buffering.
+        The old settings are saved in order to be able to restore them later.
+        """
+        # Switch to the 'noop' I/O scheduler
+        try:
+            with open(self._sysfs_scheduler_path, "r+") as f_scheduler:
+                contents = f_scheduler.read()
+                f_scheduler.seek(0)
+                f_scheduler.write("noop")
+        except IOError as err:
+            # No problem, this is just an optimization
+            raise Error("cannot enable the 'noop' I/O scheduler: %s" % err)
+        # The file contains a list of scheduler with the current
+        # scheduler in square brackets, e.g., "noop deadline [cfq]".
+        # Fetch the current scheduler name
+        import re
+        match = re.match(r'.*\[(.+)\].*', contents)
+        if match:
+            self._old_scheduler_value = match.group(1)
+        # Limit the write buffering
+        try:
+            with open(self._sysfs_max_ratio_path, "r+") as f_ratio:
+                self._old_max_ratio_value = f_ratio.read()
+                f_ratio.seek(0)
+                f_ratio.write("1")
+        except IOError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot set max. I/O ratio to '1': %s" % err)
+    def _restore_bdev_settings(self):
+        """ Restore old block device settings which we changed in
+        '_tune_block_device()'. """
+        if self._old_scheduler_value is not None:
+            try:
+                with open(self._sysfs_scheduler_path, "w") as f_scheduler:
+                    f_scheduler.write(self._old_scheduler_value)
+            except IOError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot restore the '%s' I/O scheduler: %s" \
+                            % (self._old_scheduler_value, err))
+        if self._old_max_ratio_value is not None:
+            try:
+                with open(self._sysfs_max_ratio_path, "w") as f_ratio:
+                    f_ratio.write(self._old_max_ratio_value)
+            except IOError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot set the max. I/O ratio back to '%s': %s" \
+                            % (self._old_max_ratio_value, err))
+    def copy(self, sync = True, verify = True):
+        """ The same as in the base class but tunes the block device for better
+        performance before starting writing. Additionally, it forces block
+        device synchronization from time to time in order to make sure we do
+        not get stuck in 'fsync()' for too long time. The problem is that the
+        kernel synchronizes block devices when the file is closed. And the
+        result is that if the user interrupts us while we are copying the data,
+        the program will be blocked in 'close()' waiting for the block device
+        synchronization, which may last minutes for slow USB stick. This is
+        very bad user experience, and we work around this effect by
+        synchronizing from time to time. """
+        self._tune_block_device()
+        try:
+            BmapCopy.copy(self, sync, verify)
+        except:
+            raise
+        finally:
+            self._restore_bdev_settings()
+    def __init__(self, image, dest, bmap = None, image_size = None):
+        """ The same as the constructor of the 'BmapCopy' base class, but adds
+        useful guard-checks specific to block devices. """
+        # Call the base class constructor first
+        BmapCopy.__init__(self, image, dest, bmap, image_size)
+        self._batch_bytes = 1024 * 1024
+        self._batch_blocks = self._batch_bytes / self.block_size
+        self._batch_queue_len = 6
+        self._dest_fsync_watermark = (6 * 1024 * 1024) / self.block_size
+        self._sysfs_base = None
+        self._sysfs_scheduler_path = None
+        self._sysfs_max_ratio_path = None
+        self._old_scheduler_value = None
+        self._old_max_ratio_value = None
+        # If the image size is known, check that it fits the block device
+        if self.image_size:
+            try:
+                bdev_size = os.lseek(self._f_dest.fileno(), 0, os.SEEK_END)
+                os.lseek(self._f_dest.fileno(), 0, os.SEEK_SET)
+            except OSError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot seed block device '%s': %s " \
+                            % (self._dest_path, err.strerror))
+            if bdev_size < self.image_size:
+                raise Error("the image file '%s' has size %s and it will not " \
+                            "fit the block device '%s' which has %s capacity" \
+                            % (self._image_path, self.image_size_human,
+                               self._dest_path, human_size(bdev_size)))
+        # Construct the path to the sysfs directory of our block device
+        st_rdev = os.fstat(self._f_dest.fileno()).st_rdev
+        self._sysfs_base = "/sys/dev/block/%s:%s/" \
+                           % (os.major(st_rdev), os.minor(st_rdev))
+        # Check if the 'queue' sub-directory exists. If yes, then our block
+        # device is entire disk. Otherwise, it is a partition, in which case we
+        # need to go one level up in the sysfs hierarchy.
+        if not os.path.exists(self._sysfs_base + "queue"):
+            self._sysfs_base = self._sysfs_base + "../"
+        self._sysfs_scheduler_path = self._sysfs_base + "queue/scheduler"
+        self._sysfs_max_ratio_path = self._sysfs_base + "bdi/max_ratio"
diff --git a/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_5.py b/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_5.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a025cb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_5.py
@@ -0,0 +1,724 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Intel, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2,
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+This module implements copying of images with bmap and provides the following
+  1. BmapCopy class - implements copying to any kind of file, be that a block
+     device or a regular file.
+  2. BmapBdevCopy class - based on BmapCopy and specializes on copying to block
+     devices. It does some more sanity checks and some block device performance
+     tuning.
+The bmap file is an XML file which contains a list of mapped blocks of the
+image. Mapped blocks are the blocks which have disk sectors associated with
+them, as opposed to holes, which are blocks with no associated disk sectors. In
+other words, the image is considered to be a sparse file, and bmap basically
+contains a list of mapped blocks of this sparse file. The bmap additionally
+contains some useful information like block size (usually 4KiB), image size,
+mapped blocks count, etc.
+The bmap is used for copying the image to a block device or to a regular file.
+The idea is that we copy quickly with bmap because we copy only mapped blocks
+and ignore the holes, because they are useless. And if the image is generated
+properly (starting with a huge hole and writing all the data), it usually
+contains only little mapped blocks, comparing to the overall image size. And
+such an image compresses very well (because holes are read as all zeroes), so
+it is beneficial to distributor them as compressed files along with the bmap.
+Here is an example. Suppose you have a 4GiB image which contains only 100MiB of
+user data and you need to flash it to a slow USB stick. With bmap you end up
+copying only a little bit more than 100MiB of data from the image to the USB
+stick (namely, you copy only mapped blocks). This is a lot faster than copying
+all 4GiB of data. We say that it is a bit more than 100MiB because things like
+file-system meta-data (inode tables, superblocks, etc), partition table, etc
+also contribute to the mapped blocks and are also copied.
+# Disable the following pylint recommendations:
+#   * Too many instance attributes (R0902)
+# pylint: disable=R0902
+import os
+import stat
+import sys
+import hashlib
+import logging
+import Queue
+import thread
+import datetime
+from xml.etree import ElementTree
+from bmaptools.BmapHelpers import human_size
+# The highest supported bmap format version
+class Error(Exception):
+    """
+    A class for exceptions generated by the 'BmapCopy' module. We currently
+    support only one type of exceptions, and we basically throw human-readable
+    problem description in case of errors.
+    """
+    pass
+class BmapCopy:
+    """
+    This class implements the bmap-based copying functionality. To copy an
+    image with bmap you should create an instance of this class, which requires
+    the following:
+    * full path or a file-like object of the image to copy
+    * full path or a file object of the destination file copy the image to
+    * full path or a file object of the bmap file (optional)
+    * image size in bytes (optional)
+    Although the main purpose of this class is to use bmap, the bmap is not
+    required, and if it was not provided then the entire image will be copied
+    to the destination file.
+    When the bmap is provided, it is not necessary to specify image size,
+    because the size is contained in the bmap. Otherwise, it is benefitial to
+    specify the size because it enables extra sanity checks and makes it
+    possible to provide the progress bar.
+    When the image size is known either from the bmap or the caller specified
+    it to the class constructor, all the image geometry description attributes
+    ('blocks_cnt', etc) are initialized by the class constructor and available
+    for the user.
+    However, when the size is not known, some of  the image geometry
+    description attributes are not initialized by the class constructor.
+    Instead, they are initialized only by the 'copy()' method.
+    The 'copy()' method implements image copying. You may choose whether to
+    verify the SHA1 checksum while copying or not. Note, this is done only in
+    case of bmap-based copying and only if bmap contains the SHA1 checksums
+    (e.g., bmap version 1.0 did not have SHA1 checksums).
+    You may choose whether to synchronize the destination file after writing or
+    not. To explicitly synchronize it, use the 'sync()' method.
+    This class supports all the bmap format versions up version
+    It is possible to have a simple progress indicator while copying the image.
+    Use the 'set_progress_indicator()' method.
+    You can copy only once with an instance of this class. This means that in
+    order to copy the image for the second time, you have to create a new class
+    instance.
+    """
+    def set_progress_indicator(self, file_obj, format_string):
+        """
+        Setup the progress indicator which shows how much data has been copied
+        in percent.
+        The 'file_obj' argument is the console file object where the progress
+        has to be printed to. Pass 'None' to disable the progress indicator.
+        The 'format_string' argument is the format string for the progress
+        indicator. It has to contain a single '%d' placeholder which will be
+        substitutes with copied data in percent.
+        """
+        self._progress_file = file_obj
+        if format_string:
+            self._progress_format = format_string
+        else:
+            self._progress_format = "Copied %d%%"
+    def _set_image_size(self, image_size):
+        """
+        Set image size and initialize various other geometry-related attributes.
+        """
+        if self.image_size is not None and self.image_size != image_size:
+            raise Error("cannot set image size to %d bytes, it is known to "
+                        "be %d bytes (%s)" % (image_size, self.image_size,
+                                              self.image_size_human))
+        self.image_size = image_size
+        self.image_size_human = human_size(image_size)
+        self.blocks_cnt = self.image_size + self.block_size - 1
+        self.blocks_cnt /= self.block_size
+        if self.mapped_cnt is None:
+            self.mapped_cnt = self.blocks_cnt
+            self.mapped_size = self.image_size
+            self.mapped_size_human = self.image_size_human
+    def _verify_bmap_checksum(self):
+        """
+        This is a helper function which verifies SHA1 checksum of the bmap file.
+        """
+        import mmap
+        correct_sha1 = self._xml.find("BmapFileSHA1").text.strip()
+        # Before verifying the shecksum, we have to substitute the SHA1 value
+        # stored in the file with all zeroes. For these purposes we create
+        # private memory mapping of the bmap file.
+        mapped_bmap = mmap.mmap(self._f_bmap.fileno(), 0,
+                                access = mmap.ACCESS_COPY)
+        sha1_pos = mapped_bmap.find(correct_sha1)
+        assert sha1_pos != -1
+        mapped_bmap[sha1_pos:sha1_pos + 40] = '0' * 40
+        calculated_sha1 = hashlib.sha1(mapped_bmap).hexdigest()
+        mapped_bmap.close()
+        if calculated_sha1 != correct_sha1:
+            raise Error("checksum mismatch for bmap file '%s': calculated "
+                        "'%s', should be '%s'"
+                        % (self._bmap_path, calculated_sha1, correct_sha1))
+    def _parse_bmap(self):
+        """
+        Parse the bmap file and initialize corresponding class instance attributs.
+        """
+        try:
+            self._xml = ElementTree.parse(self._f_bmap)
+        except  ElementTree.ParseError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot parse the bmap file '%s' which should be a "
+                        "proper XML file: %s" % (self._bmap_path, err))
+        xml = self._xml
+        self.bmap_version = str(xml.getroot().attrib.get('version'))
+        # Make sure we support this version
+        self.bmap_version_major = int(self.bmap_version.split('.', 1)[0])
+        self.bmap_version_minor = int(self.bmap_version.split('.', 1)[1])
+        if self.bmap_version_major > SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION:
+            raise Error("only bmap format version up to %d is supported, "
+                        "version %d is not supported"
+                        % (SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION, self.bmap_version_major))
+        # Fetch interesting data from the bmap XML file
+        self.block_size = int(xml.find("BlockSize").text.strip())
+        self.blocks_cnt = int(xml.find("BlocksCount").text.strip())
+        self.mapped_cnt = int(xml.find("MappedBlocksCount").text.strip())
+        self.image_size = int(xml.find("ImageSize").text.strip())
+        self.image_size_human = human_size(self.image_size)
+        self.mapped_size = self.mapped_cnt * self.block_size
+        self.mapped_size_human = human_size(self.mapped_size)
+        self.mapped_percent = (self.mapped_cnt * 100.0) / self.blocks_cnt
+        blocks_cnt = (self.image_size + self.block_size - 1) / self.block_size
+        if self.blocks_cnt != blocks_cnt:
+            raise Error("Inconsistent bmap - image size does not match "
+                        "blocks count (%d bytes != %d blocks * %d bytes)"
+                        % (self.image_size, self.blocks_cnt, self.block_size))
+        if self.bmap_version_major >= 1 and self.bmap_version_minor >= 3:
+            # Bmap file checksum appeard in format 1.3
+            self._verify_bmap_checksum()
+    def __init__(self, image, dest, bmap=None, image_size=None, logger=None):
+        """
+        The class constructor. The parameters are:
+            image      - file-like object of the image which should be copied,
+                         should only support 'read()' and 'seek()' methods,
+                         and only seeking forward has to be supported.
+            dest       - file object of the destination file to copy the image
+                         to.
+            bmap       - file object of the bmap file to use for copying.
+            image_size - size of the image in bytes.
+            logger     - the logger object to use for printing messages.
+        """
+        self._logger = logger
+        if self._logger is None:
+            self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+        self._xml = None
+        self._dest_fsync_watermark = None
+        self._batch_blocks = None
+        self._batch_queue = None
+        self._batch_bytes = 1024 * 1024
+        self._batch_queue_len = 2
+        self.bmap_version = None
+        self.bmap_version_major = None
+        self.bmap_version_minor = None
+        self.block_size = None
+        self.blocks_cnt = None
+        self.mapped_cnt = None
+        self.image_size = None
+        self.image_size_human = None
+        self.mapped_size = None
+        self.mapped_size_human = None
+        self.mapped_percent = None
+        self._f_bmap = None
+        self._f_bmap_path = None
+        self._progress_started = None
+        self._progress_index = None
+        self._progress_time = None
+        self._progress_file = None
+        self._progress_format = None
+        self.set_progress_indicator(None, None)
+        self._f_image = image
+        self._image_path = image.name
+        self._f_dest = dest
+        self._dest_path = dest.name
+        st_data = os.fstat(self._f_dest.fileno())
+        self._dest_is_regfile = stat.S_ISREG(st_data.st_mode)
+        # Special quirk for /dev/null which does not support fsync()
+        if stat.S_ISCHR(st_data.st_mode) and \
+           os.major(st_data.st_rdev) == 1 and \
+           os.minor(st_data.st_rdev) == 3:
+            self._dest_supports_fsync = False
+        else:
+            self._dest_supports_fsync = True
+        if bmap:
+            self._f_bmap = bmap
+            self._bmap_path = bmap.name
+            self._parse_bmap()
+        else:
+            # There is no bmap. Initialize user-visible attributes to something
+            # sensible with an assumption that we just have all blocks mapped.
+            self.bmap_version = 0
+            self.block_size = 4096
+            self.mapped_percent = 100
+        if image_size:
+            self._set_image_size(image_size)
+        self._batch_blocks = self._batch_bytes / self.block_size
+    def _update_progress(self, blocks_written):
+        """
+        Print the progress indicator if the mapped area size is known and if
+        the indicator has been enabled by assigning a console file object to
+        the 'progress_file' attribute.
+        """
+        if not self._progress_file:
+            return
+        if self.mapped_cnt:
+            assert blocks_written <= self.mapped_cnt
+            percent = int((float(blocks_written) / self.mapped_cnt) * 100)
+            progress = '\r' + self._progress_format % percent + '\n'
+        else:
+            # Do not rotate the wheel too fast
+            now = datetime.datetime.now()
+            min_delta = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=250)
+            if now - self._progress_time < min_delta:
+                return
+            self._progress_time = now
+            progress_wheel = ('-', '\\', '|', '/')
+            progress = '\r' + progress_wheel[self._progress_index % 4] + '\n'
+            self._progress_index += 1
+        # This is a little trick we do in order to make sure that the next
+        # message will always start from a new line - we switch to the new
+        # line after each progress update and move the cursor up. As an
+        # example, this is useful when the copying is interrupted by an
+        # exception - the error message will start form new line.
+        if self._progress_started:
+            # The "move cursor up" escape sequence
+            self._progress_file.write('\033[1A') # pylint: disable=W1401
+        else:
+            self._progress_started = True
+        self._progress_file.write(progress)
+        self._progress_file.flush()
+    def _get_block_ranges(self):
+        """
+        This is a helper generator that parses the bmap XML file and for each
+        block range in the XML file it yields ('first', 'last', 'sha1') tuples,
+        where:
+          * 'first' is the first block of the range;
+          * 'last' is the last block of the range;
+          * 'sha1' is the SHA1 checksum of the range ('None' is used if it is
+            missing.
+        If there is no bmap file, the generator just yields a single range
+        for entire image file. If the image size is unknown, the generator
+        infinitely yields continuous ranges of size '_batch_blocks'.
+        """
+        if not self._f_bmap:
+            # We do not have the bmap, yield a tuple with all blocks
+            if self.blocks_cnt:
+                yield (0, self.blocks_cnt - 1, None)
+            else:
+                # We do not know image size, keep yielding tuples with many
+                # blocks infinitely.
+                first = 0
+                while True:
+                    yield (first, first + self._batch_blocks - 1, None)
+                    first += self._batch_blocks
+            return
+        # We have the bmap, just read it and yield block ranges
+        xml = self._xml
+        xml_bmap = xml.find("BlockMap")
+        for xml_element in xml_bmap.findall("Range"):
+            blocks_range = xml_element.text.strip()
+            # The range of blocks has the "X - Y" format, or it can be just "X"
+            # in old bmap format versions. First, split the blocks range string
+            # and strip white-spaces.
+            split = [x.strip() for x in blocks_range.split('-', 1)]
+            first = int(split[0])
+            if len(split) > 1:
+                last = int(split[1])
+                if first > last:
+                    raise Error("bad range (first > last): '%s'" % blocks_range)
+            else:
+                last = first
+            if 'sha1' in xml_element.attrib:
+                sha1 = xml_element.attrib['sha1']
+            else:
+                sha1 = None
+            yield (first, last, sha1)
+    def _get_batches(self, first, last):
+        """
+        This is a helper generator which splits block ranges from the bmap file
+        to smaller batches. Indeed, we cannot read and write entire block
+        ranges from the image file, because a range can be very large. So we
+        perform the I/O in batches. Batch size is defined by the
+        '_batch_blocks' attribute. Thus, for each (first, last) block range,
+        the generator yields smaller (start, end, length) batch ranges, where:
+          * 'start' is the starting batch block number;
+          * 'last' is the ending batch block number;
+          * 'length' is the batch length in blocks (same as
+             'end' - 'start' + 1).
+        """
+        batch_blocks = self._batch_blocks
+        while first + batch_blocks - 1 <= last:
+            yield (first, first + batch_blocks - 1, batch_blocks)
+            first += batch_blocks
+        batch_blocks = last - first + 1
+        if batch_blocks:
+            yield (first, first + batch_blocks - 1, batch_blocks)
+    def _get_data(self, verify):
+        """
+        This is generator  which reads the image file in '_batch_blocks' chunks
+        and yields ('type', 'start', 'end',  'buf) tuples, where:
+          * 'start' is the starting block number of the batch;
+          * 'end' is the last block of the batch;
+          * 'buf' a buffer containing the batch data.
+        """
+        try:
+            for (first, last, sha1) in self._get_block_ranges():
+                if verify and sha1:
+                    hash_obj = hashlib.new('sha1')
+                self._f_image.seek(first * self.block_size)
+                iterator = self._get_batches(first, last)
+                for (start, end, length) in iterator:
+                    try:
+                        buf = self._f_image.read(length * self.block_size)
+                    except IOError as err:
+                        raise Error("error while reading blocks %d-%d of the "
+                                    "image file '%s': %s"
+                                    % (start, end, self._image_path, err))
+                    if not buf:
+                        self._batch_queue.put(None)
+                        return
+                    if verify and sha1:
+                        hash_obj.update(buf)
+                    blocks = (len(buf) + self.block_size - 1) / self.block_size
+                    self._batch_queue.put(("range", start, start + blocks - 1,
+                                           buf))
+                if verify and sha1 and hash_obj.hexdigest() != sha1:
+                    raise Error("checksum mismatch for blocks range %d-%d: "
+                                "calculated %s, should be %s (image file %s)"
+                                % (first, last, hash_obj.hexdigest(),
+                                   sha1, self._image_path))
+        # Silence pylint warning about catching too general exception
+        # pylint: disable=W0703
+        except Exception:
+            # pylint: enable=W0703
+            # In case of any exception - just pass it to the main thread
+            # through the queue.
+            self._batch_queue.put(("error", sys.exc_info()))
+        self._batch_queue.put(None)
+    def copy(self, sync=True, verify=True):
+        """
+        Copy the image to the destination file using bmap. The 'sync' argument
+        defines whether the destination file has to be synchronized upon
+        return.  The 'verify' argument defines whether the SHA1 checksum has to
+        be verified while copying.
+        """
+        # Create the queue for block batches and start the reader thread, which
+        # will read the image in batches and put the results to '_batch_queue'.
+        self._batch_queue = Queue.Queue(self._batch_queue_len)
+        thread.start_new_thread(self._get_data, (verify, ))
+        blocks_written = 0
+        bytes_written = 0
+        fsync_last = 0
+        self._progress_started = False
+        self._progress_index = 0
+        self._progress_time = datetime.datetime.now()
+        # Read the image in '_batch_blocks' chunks and write them to the
+        # destination file
+        while True:
+            batch = self._batch_queue.get()
+            if batch is None:
+                # No more data, the image is written
+                break
+            elif batch[0] == "error":
+                # The reader thread encountered an error and passed us the
+                # exception.
+                exc_info = batch[1]
+                raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
+            (start, end, buf) = batch[1:4]
+            assert len(buf) <= (end - start + 1) * self.block_size
+            assert len(buf) > (end - start) * self.block_size
+            self._f_dest.seek(start * self.block_size)
+            # Synchronize the destination file if we reached the watermark
+            if self._dest_fsync_watermark:
+                if blocks_written >= fsync_last + self._dest_fsync_watermark:
+                    fsync_last = blocks_written
+                    self.sync()
+            try:
+                self._f_dest.write(buf)
+            except IOError as err:
+                raise Error("error while writing blocks %d-%d of '%s': %s"
+                            % (start, end, self._dest_path, err))
+            self._batch_queue.task_done()
+            blocks_written += (end - start + 1)
+            bytes_written += len(buf)
+            self._update_progress(blocks_written)
+        if not self.image_size:
+            # The image size was unknown up until now, set it
+            self._set_image_size(bytes_written)
+        # This is just a sanity check - we should have written exactly
+        # 'mapped_cnt' blocks.
+        if blocks_written != self.mapped_cnt:
+            raise Error("wrote %u blocks from image '%s' to '%s', but should "
+                        "have %u - bmap file '%s' does not belong to this"
+                        "image"
+                        % (blocks_written, self._image_path, self._dest_path,
+                           self.mapped_cnt, self._bmap_path))
+        if self._dest_is_regfile:
+            # Make sure the destination file has the same size as the image
+            try:
+                os.ftruncate(self._f_dest.fileno(), self.image_size)
+            except OSError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot truncate file '%s': %s"
+                            % (self._dest_path, err))
+        try:
+            self._f_dest.flush()
+        except IOError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot flush '%s': %s" % (self._dest_path, err))
+        if sync:
+            self.sync()
+    def sync(self):
+        """
+        Synchronize the destination file to make sure all the data are actually
+        written to the disk.
+        """
+        if self._dest_supports_fsync:
+            try:
+                os.fsync(self._f_dest.fileno()),
+            except OSError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot synchronize '%s': %s "
+                            % (self._dest_path, err.strerror))
+class BmapBdevCopy(BmapCopy):
+    """
+    This class is a specialized version of 'BmapCopy' which copies the image to
+    a block device. Unlike the base 'BmapCopy' class, this class does various
+    optimizations specific to block devices, e.g., switching to the 'noop' I/O
+    scheduler.
+    """
+    def _tune_block_device(self):
+        """
+        Tune the block device for better performance:
+        1. Switch to the 'noop' I/O scheduler if it is available - sequential
+           write to the block device becomes a lot faster comparing to CFQ.
+        2. Limit the write buffering - we do not need the kernel to buffer a
+           lot of the data we send to the block device, because we write
+           sequentially. Limit the buffering.
+        The old settings are saved in order to be able to restore them later.
+        """
+        # Switch to the 'noop' I/O scheduler
+        try:
+            with open(self._sysfs_scheduler_path, "r+") as f_scheduler:
+                contents = f_scheduler.read()
+                f_scheduler.seek(0)
+                f_scheduler.write("noop")
+        except IOError as err:
+            self._logger.warning("failed to enable I/O optimization, expect "
+                                 "suboptimal speed (reason: cannot switch "
+                                 "to the 'noop' I/O scheduler: %s)" % err)
+        else:
+            # The file contains a list of schedulers with the current
+            # scheduler in square brackets, e.g., "noop deadline [cfq]".
+            # Fetch the name of the current scheduler.
+            import re
+            match = re.match(r'.*\[(.+)\].*', contents)
+            if match:
+                self._old_scheduler_value = match.group(1)
+        # Limit the write buffering, because we do not need too much of it when
+        # writing sequntially. Excessive buffering makes some systems not very
+        # responsive, e.g., this was observed in Fedora 17.
+        try:
+            with open(self._sysfs_max_ratio_path, "r+") as f_ratio:
+                self._old_max_ratio_value = f_ratio.read()
+                f_ratio.seek(0)
+                f_ratio.write("1")
+        except IOError as err:
+            self._logger.warning("failed to disable excessive buffering, "
+                                 "expect worse system responsiveness "
+                                 "(reason: cannot set max. I/O ratio to "
+                                 "1: %s)" % err)
+    def _restore_bdev_settings(self):
+        """
+        Restore old block device settings which we changed in
+        '_tune_block_device()'.
+        """
+        if self._old_scheduler_value is not None:
+            try:
+                with open(self._sysfs_scheduler_path, "w") as f_scheduler:
+                    f_scheduler.write(self._old_scheduler_value)
+            except IOError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot restore the '%s' I/O scheduler: %s"
+                            % (self._old_scheduler_value, err))
+        if self._old_max_ratio_value is not None:
+            try:
+                with open(self._sysfs_max_ratio_path, "w") as f_ratio:
+                    f_ratio.write(self._old_max_ratio_value)
+            except IOError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot set the max. I/O ratio back to '%s': %s"
+                            % (self._old_max_ratio_value, err))
+    def copy(self, sync=True, verify=True):
+        """
+        The same as in the base class but tunes the block device for better
+        performance before starting writing. Additionally, it forces block
+        device synchronization from time to time in order to make sure we do
+        not get stuck in 'fsync()' for too long time. The problem is that the
+        kernel synchronizes block devices when the file is closed. And the
+        result is that if the user interrupts us while we are copying the data,
+        the program will be blocked in 'close()' waiting for the block device
+        synchronization, which may last minutes for slow USB stick. This is
+        very bad user experience, and we work around this effect by
+        synchronizing from time to time.
+        """
+        self._tune_block_device()
+        try:
+            BmapCopy.copy(self, sync, verify)
+        except:
+            raise
+        finally:
+            self._restore_bdev_settings()
+    def __init__(self, image, dest, bmap=None, image_size=None, logger=None):
+        """
+        The same as the constructor of the 'BmapCopy' base class, but adds
+        useful guard-checks specific to block devices.
+        """
+        # Call the base class constructor first
+        BmapCopy.__init__(self, image, dest, bmap, image_size, logger=logger)
+        self._batch_bytes = 1024 * 1024
+        self._batch_blocks = self._batch_bytes / self.block_size
+        self._batch_queue_len = 6
+        self._dest_fsync_watermark = (6 * 1024 * 1024) / self.block_size
+        self._sysfs_base = None
+        self._sysfs_scheduler_path = None
+        self._sysfs_max_ratio_path = None
+        self._old_scheduler_value = None
+        self._old_max_ratio_value = None
+        # If the image size is known, check that it fits the block device
+        if self.image_size:
+            try:
+                bdev_size = os.lseek(self._f_dest.fileno(), 0, os.SEEK_END)
+                os.lseek(self._f_dest.fileno(), 0, os.SEEK_SET)
+            except OSError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot seed block device '%s': %s "
+                            % (self._dest_path, err.strerror))
+            if bdev_size < self.image_size:
+                raise Error("the image file '%s' has size %s and it will not "
+                            "fit the block device '%s' which has %s capacity"
+                            % (self._image_path, self.image_size_human,
+                               self._dest_path, human_size(bdev_size)))
+        # Construct the path to the sysfs directory of our block device
+        st_rdev = os.fstat(self._f_dest.fileno()).st_rdev
+        self._sysfs_base = "/sys/dev/block/%s:%s/" \
+                           % (os.major(st_rdev), os.minor(st_rdev))
+        # Check if the 'queue' sub-directory exists. If yes, then our block
+        # device is entire disk. Otherwise, it is a partition, in which case we
+        # need to go one level up in the sysfs hierarchy.
+        if not os.path.exists(self._sysfs_base + "queue"):
+            self._sysfs_base = self._sysfs_base + "../"
+        self._sysfs_scheduler_path = self._sysfs_base + "queue/scheduler"
+        self._sysfs_max_ratio_path = self._sysfs_base + "bdi/max_ratio"
diff --git a/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_6.py b/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_6.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a9c8cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy2_6.py
@@ -0,0 +1,724 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Intel, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2,
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+This module implements copying of images with bmap and provides the following
+  1. BmapCopy class - implements copying to any kind of file, be that a block
+     device or a regular file.
+  2. BmapBdevCopy class - based on BmapCopy and specializes on copying to block
+     devices. It does some more sanity checks and some block device performance
+     tuning.
+The bmap file is an XML file which contains a list of mapped blocks of the
+image. Mapped blocks are the blocks which have disk sectors associated with
+them, as opposed to holes, which are blocks with no associated disk sectors. In
+other words, the image is considered to be a sparse file, and bmap basically
+contains a list of mapped blocks of this sparse file. The bmap additionally
+contains some useful information like block size (usually 4KiB), image size,
+mapped blocks count, etc.
+The bmap is used for copying the image to a block device or to a regular file.
+The idea is that we copy quickly with bmap because we copy only mapped blocks
+and ignore the holes, because they are useless. And if the image is generated
+properly (starting with a huge hole and writing all the data), it usually
+contains only little mapped blocks, comparing to the overall image size. And
+such an image compresses very well (because holes are read as all zeroes), so
+it is beneficial to distributor them as compressed files along with the bmap.
+Here is an example. Suppose you have a 4GiB image which contains only 100MiB of
+user data and you need to flash it to a slow USB stick. With bmap you end up
+copying only a little bit more than 100MiB of data from the image to the USB
+stick (namely, you copy only mapped blocks). This is a lot faster than copying
+all 4GiB of data. We say that it is a bit more than 100MiB because things like
+file-system meta-data (inode tables, superblocks, etc), partition table, etc
+also contribute to the mapped blocks and are also copied.
+# Disable the following pylint recommendations:
+#   * Too many instance attributes (R0902)
+# pylint: disable=R0902
+import os
+import stat
+import sys
+import hashlib
+import logging
+import Queue
+import thread
+import datetime
+from xml.etree import ElementTree
+from bmaptools.BmapHelpers import human_size
+# The highest supported bmap format version
+class Error(Exception):
+    """
+    A class for exceptions generated by the 'BmapCopy' module. We currently
+    support only one type of exceptions, and we basically throw human-readable
+    problem description in case of errors.
+    """
+    pass
+class BmapCopy:
+    """
+    This class implements the bmap-based copying functionality. To copy an
+    image with bmap you should create an instance of this class, which requires
+    the following:
+    * full path or a file-like object of the image to copy
+    * full path or a file object of the destination file copy the image to
+    * full path or a file object of the bmap file (optional)
+    * image size in bytes (optional)
+    Although the main purpose of this class is to use bmap, the bmap is not
+    required, and if it was not provided then the entire image will be copied
+    to the destination file.
+    When the bmap is provided, it is not necessary to specify image size,
+    because the size is contained in the bmap. Otherwise, it is benefitial to
+    specify the size because it enables extra sanity checks and makes it
+    possible to provide the progress bar.
+    When the image size is known either from the bmap or the caller specified
+    it to the class constructor, all the image geometry description attributes
+    ('blocks_cnt', etc) are initialized by the class constructor and available
+    for the user.
+    However, when the size is not known, some of  the image geometry
+    description attributes are not initialized by the class constructor.
+    Instead, they are initialized only by the 'copy()' method.
+    The 'copy()' method implements image copying. You may choose whether to
+    verify the SHA1 checksum while copying or not. Note, this is done only in
+    case of bmap-based copying and only if bmap contains the SHA1 checksums
+    (e.g., bmap version 1.0 did not have SHA1 checksums).
+    You may choose whether to synchronize the destination file after writing or
+    not. To explicitly synchronize it, use the 'sync()' method.
+    This class supports all the bmap format versions up version
+    It is possible to have a simple progress indicator while copying the image.
+    Use the 'set_progress_indicator()' method.
+    You can copy only once with an instance of this class. This means that in
+    order to copy the image for the second time, you have to create a new class
+    instance.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, image, dest, bmap=None, image_size=None, logger=None):
+        """
+        The class constructor. The parameters are:
+            image      - file-like object of the image which should be copied,
+                         should only support 'read()' and 'seek()' methods,
+                         and only seeking forward has to be supported.
+            dest       - file object of the destination file to copy the image
+                         to.
+            bmap       - file object of the bmap file to use for copying.
+            image_size - size of the image in bytes.
+            logger     - the logger object to use for printing messages.
+        """
+        self._logger = logger
+        if self._logger is None:
+            self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+        self._xml = None
+        self._dest_fsync_watermark = None
+        self._batch_blocks = None
+        self._batch_queue = None
+        self._batch_bytes = 1024 * 1024
+        self._batch_queue_len = 2
+        self.bmap_version = None
+        self.bmap_version_major = None
+        self.bmap_version_minor = None
+        self.block_size = None
+        self.blocks_cnt = None
+        self.mapped_cnt = None
+        self.image_size = None
+        self.image_size_human = None
+        self.mapped_size = None
+        self.mapped_size_human = None
+        self.mapped_percent = None
+        self._f_bmap = None
+        self._f_bmap_path = None
+        self._progress_started = None
+        self._progress_index = None
+        self._progress_time = None
+        self._progress_file = None
+        self._progress_format = None
+        self.set_progress_indicator(None, None)
+        self._f_image = image
+        self._image_path = image.name
+        self._f_dest = dest
+        self._dest_path = dest.name
+        st_data = os.fstat(self._f_dest.fileno())
+        self._dest_is_regfile = stat.S_ISREG(st_data.st_mode)
+        # Special quirk for /dev/null which does not support fsync()
+        if stat.S_ISCHR(st_data.st_mode) and \
+           os.major(st_data.st_rdev) == 1 and \
+           os.minor(st_data.st_rdev) == 3:
+            self._dest_supports_fsync = False
+        else:
+            self._dest_supports_fsync = True
+        if bmap:
+            self._f_bmap = bmap
+            self._bmap_path = bmap.name
+            self._parse_bmap()
+        else:
+            # There is no bmap. Initialize user-visible attributes to something
+            # sensible with an assumption that we just have all blocks mapped.
+            self.bmap_version = 0
+            self.block_size = 4096
+            self.mapped_percent = 100
+        if image_size:
+            self._set_image_size(image_size)
+        self._batch_blocks = self._batch_bytes / self.block_size
+    def set_progress_indicator(self, file_obj, format_string):
+        """
+        Setup the progress indicator which shows how much data has been copied
+        in percent.
+        The 'file_obj' argument is the console file object where the progress
+        has to be printed to. Pass 'None' to disable the progress indicator.
+        The 'format_string' argument is the format string for the progress
+        indicator. It has to contain a single '%d' placeholder which will be
+        substitutes with copied data in percent.
+        """
+        self._progress_file = file_obj
+        if format_string:
+            self._progress_format = format_string
+        else:
+            self._progress_format = "Copied %d%%"
+    def _set_image_size(self, image_size):
+        """
+        Set image size and initialize various other geometry-related attributes.
+        """
+        if self.image_size is not None and self.image_size != image_size:
+            raise Error("cannot set image size to %d bytes, it is known to "
+                        "be %d bytes (%s)" % (image_size, self.image_size,
+                                              self.image_size_human))
+        self.image_size = image_size
+        self.image_size_human = human_size(image_size)
+        self.blocks_cnt = self.image_size + self.block_size - 1
+        self.blocks_cnt /= self.block_size
+        if self.mapped_cnt is None:
+            self.mapped_cnt = self.blocks_cnt
+            self.mapped_size = self.image_size
+            self.mapped_size_human = self.image_size_human
+    def _verify_bmap_checksum(self):
+        """
+        This is a helper function which verifies SHA1 checksum of the bmap file.
+        """
+        import mmap
+        correct_sha1 = self._xml.find("BmapFileSHA1").text.strip()
+        # Before verifying the shecksum, we have to substitute the SHA1 value
+        # stored in the file with all zeroes. For these purposes we create
+        # private memory mapping of the bmap file.
+        mapped_bmap = mmap.mmap(self._f_bmap.fileno(), 0,
+                                access = mmap.ACCESS_COPY)
+        sha1_pos = mapped_bmap.find(correct_sha1)
+        assert sha1_pos != -1
+        mapped_bmap[sha1_pos:sha1_pos + 40] = '0' * 40
+        calculated_sha1 = hashlib.sha1(mapped_bmap).hexdigest()
+        mapped_bmap.close()
+        if calculated_sha1 != correct_sha1:
+            raise Error("checksum mismatch for bmap file '%s': calculated "
+                        "'%s', should be '%s'"
+                        % (self._bmap_path, calculated_sha1, correct_sha1))
+    def _parse_bmap(self):
+        """
+        Parse the bmap file and initialize corresponding class instance attributs.
+        """
+        try:
+            self._xml = ElementTree.parse(self._f_bmap)
+        except  ElementTree.ParseError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot parse the bmap file '%s' which should be a "
+                        "proper XML file: %s" % (self._bmap_path, err))
+        xml = self._xml
+        self.bmap_version = str(xml.getroot().attrib.get('version'))
+        # Make sure we support this version
+        self.bmap_version_major = int(self.bmap_version.split('.', 1)[0])
+        self.bmap_version_minor = int(self.bmap_version.split('.', 1)[1])
+        if self.bmap_version_major > SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION:
+            raise Error("only bmap format version up to %d is supported, "
+                        "version %d is not supported"
+                        % (SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION, self.bmap_version_major))
+        # Fetch interesting data from the bmap XML file
+        self.block_size = int(xml.find("BlockSize").text.strip())
+        self.blocks_cnt = int(xml.find("BlocksCount").text.strip())
+        self.mapped_cnt = int(xml.find("MappedBlocksCount").text.strip())
+        self.image_size = int(xml.find("ImageSize").text.strip())
+        self.image_size_human = human_size(self.image_size)
+        self.mapped_size = self.mapped_cnt * self.block_size
+        self.mapped_size_human = human_size(self.mapped_size)
+        self.mapped_percent = (self.mapped_cnt * 100.0) / self.blocks_cnt
+        blocks_cnt = (self.image_size + self.block_size - 1) / self.block_size
+        if self.blocks_cnt != blocks_cnt:
+            raise Error("Inconsistent bmap - image size does not match "
+                        "blocks count (%d bytes != %d blocks * %d bytes)"
+                        % (self.image_size, self.blocks_cnt, self.block_size))
+        if self.bmap_version_major >= 1 and self.bmap_version_minor >= 3:
+            # Bmap file checksum appeard in format 1.3
+            self._verify_bmap_checksum()
+    def _update_progress(self, blocks_written):
+        """
+        Print the progress indicator if the mapped area size is known and if
+        the indicator has been enabled by assigning a console file object to
+        the 'progress_file' attribute.
+        """
+        if not self._progress_file:
+            return
+        if self.mapped_cnt:
+            assert blocks_written <= self.mapped_cnt
+            percent = int((float(blocks_written) / self.mapped_cnt) * 100)
+            progress = '\r' + self._progress_format % percent + '\n'
+        else:
+            # Do not rotate the wheel too fast
+            now = datetime.datetime.now()
+            min_delta = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=250)
+            if now - self._progress_time < min_delta:
+                return
+            self._progress_time = now
+            progress_wheel = ('-', '\\', '|', '/')
+            progress = '\r' + progress_wheel[self._progress_index % 4] + '\n'
+            self._progress_index += 1
+        # This is a little trick we do in order to make sure that the next
+        # message will always start from a new line - we switch to the new
+        # line after each progress update and move the cursor up. As an
+        # example, this is useful when the copying is interrupted by an
+        # exception - the error message will start form new line.
+        if self._progress_started:
+            # The "move cursor up" escape sequence
+            self._progress_file.write('\033[1A') # pylint: disable=W1401
+        else:
+            self._progress_started = True
+        self._progress_file.write(progress)
+        self._progress_file.flush()
+    def _get_block_ranges(self):
+        """
+        This is a helper generator that parses the bmap XML file and for each
+        block range in the XML file it yields ('first', 'last', 'sha1') tuples,
+        where:
+          * 'first' is the first block of the range;
+          * 'last' is the last block of the range;
+          * 'sha1' is the SHA1 checksum of the range ('None' is used if it is
+            missing.
+        If there is no bmap file, the generator just yields a single range
+        for entire image file. If the image size is unknown, the generator
+        infinitely yields continuous ranges of size '_batch_blocks'.
+        """
+        if not self._f_bmap:
+            # We do not have the bmap, yield a tuple with all blocks
+            if self.blocks_cnt:
+                yield (0, self.blocks_cnt - 1, None)
+            else:
+                # We do not know image size, keep yielding tuples with many
+                # blocks infinitely.
+                first = 0
+                while True:
+                    yield (first, first + self._batch_blocks - 1, None)
+                    first += self._batch_blocks
+            return
+        # We have the bmap, just read it and yield block ranges
+        xml = self._xml
+        xml_bmap = xml.find("BlockMap")
+        for xml_element in xml_bmap.findall("Range"):
+            blocks_range = xml_element.text.strip()
+            # The range of blocks has the "X - Y" format, or it can be just "X"
+            # in old bmap format versions. First, split the blocks range string
+            # and strip white-spaces.
+            split = [x.strip() for x in blocks_range.split('-', 1)]
+            first = int(split[0])
+            if len(split) > 1:
+                last = int(split[1])
+                if first > last:
+                    raise Error("bad range (first > last): '%s'" % blocks_range)
+            else:
+                last = first
+            if 'sha1' in xml_element.attrib:
+                sha1 = xml_element.attrib['sha1']
+            else:
+                sha1 = None
+            yield (first, last, sha1)
+    def _get_batches(self, first, last):
+        """
+        This is a helper generator which splits block ranges from the bmap file
+        to smaller batches. Indeed, we cannot read and write entire block
+        ranges from the image file, because a range can be very large. So we
+        perform the I/O in batches. Batch size is defined by the
+        '_batch_blocks' attribute. Thus, for each (first, last) block range,
+        the generator yields smaller (start, end, length) batch ranges, where:
+          * 'start' is the starting batch block number;
+          * 'last' is the ending batch block number;
+          * 'length' is the batch length in blocks (same as
+             'end' - 'start' + 1).
+        """
+        batch_blocks = self._batch_blocks
+        while first + batch_blocks - 1 <= last:
+            yield (first, first + batch_blocks - 1, batch_blocks)
+            first += batch_blocks
+        batch_blocks = last - first + 1
+        if batch_blocks:
+            yield (first, first + batch_blocks - 1, batch_blocks)
+    def _get_data(self, verify):
+        """
+        This is generator  which reads the image file in '_batch_blocks' chunks
+        and yields ('type', 'start', 'end',  'buf) tuples, where:
+          * 'start' is the starting block number of the batch;
+          * 'end' is the last block of the batch;
+          * 'buf' a buffer containing the batch data.
+        """
+        try:
+            for (first, last, sha1) in self._get_block_ranges():
+                if verify and sha1:
+                    hash_obj = hashlib.new('sha1')
+                self._f_image.seek(first * self.block_size)
+                iterator = self._get_batches(first, last)
+                for (start, end, length) in iterator:
+                    try:
+                        buf = self._f_image.read(length * self.block_size)
+                    except IOError as err:
+                        raise Error("error while reading blocks %d-%d of the "
+                                    "image file '%s': %s"
+                                    % (start, end, self._image_path, err))
+                    if not buf:
+                        self._batch_queue.put(None)
+                        return
+                    if verify and sha1:
+                        hash_obj.update(buf)
+                    blocks = (len(buf) + self.block_size - 1) / self.block_size
+                    self._batch_queue.put(("range", start, start + blocks - 1,
+                                           buf))
+                if verify and sha1 and hash_obj.hexdigest() != sha1:
+                    raise Error("checksum mismatch for blocks range %d-%d: "
+                                "calculated %s, should be %s (image file %s)"
+                                % (first, last, hash_obj.hexdigest(),
+                                   sha1, self._image_path))
+        # Silence pylint warning about catching too general exception
+        # pylint: disable=W0703
+        except Exception:
+            # pylint: enable=W0703
+            # In case of any exception - just pass it to the main thread
+            # through the queue.
+            self._batch_queue.put(("error", sys.exc_info()))
+        self._batch_queue.put(None)
+    def copy(self, sync=True, verify=True):
+        """
+        Copy the image to the destination file using bmap. The 'sync' argument
+        defines whether the destination file has to be synchronized upon
+        return.  The 'verify' argument defines whether the SHA1 checksum has to
+        be verified while copying.
+        """
+        # Create the queue for block batches and start the reader thread, which
+        # will read the image in batches and put the results to '_batch_queue'.
+        self._batch_queue = Queue.Queue(self._batch_queue_len)
+        thread.start_new_thread(self._get_data, (verify, ))
+        blocks_written = 0
+        bytes_written = 0
+        fsync_last = 0
+        self._progress_started = False
+        self._progress_index = 0
+        self._progress_time = datetime.datetime.now()
+        # Read the image in '_batch_blocks' chunks and write them to the
+        # destination file
+        while True:
+            batch = self._batch_queue.get()
+            if batch is None:
+                # No more data, the image is written
+                break
+            elif batch[0] == "error":
+                # The reader thread encountered an error and passed us the
+                # exception.
+                exc_info = batch[1]
+                raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
+            (start, end, buf) = batch[1:4]
+            assert len(buf) <= (end - start + 1) * self.block_size
+            assert len(buf) > (end - start) * self.block_size
+            self._f_dest.seek(start * self.block_size)
+            # Synchronize the destination file if we reached the watermark
+            if self._dest_fsync_watermark:
+                if blocks_written >= fsync_last + self._dest_fsync_watermark:
+                    fsync_last = blocks_written
+                    self.sync()
+            try:
+                self._f_dest.write(buf)
+            except IOError as err:
+                raise Error("error while writing blocks %d-%d of '%s': %s"
+                            % (start, end, self._dest_path, err))
+            self._batch_queue.task_done()
+            blocks_written += (end - start + 1)
+            bytes_written += len(buf)
+            self._update_progress(blocks_written)
+        if not self.image_size:
+            # The image size was unknown up until now, set it
+            self._set_image_size(bytes_written)
+        # This is just a sanity check - we should have written exactly
+        # 'mapped_cnt' blocks.
+        if blocks_written != self.mapped_cnt:
+            raise Error("wrote %u blocks from image '%s' to '%s', but should "
+                        "have %u - bmap file '%s' does not belong to this "
+                        "image"
+                        % (blocks_written, self._image_path, self._dest_path,
+                           self.mapped_cnt, self._bmap_path))
+        if self._dest_is_regfile:
+            # Make sure the destination file has the same size as the image
+            try:
+                os.ftruncate(self._f_dest.fileno(), self.image_size)
+            except OSError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot truncate file '%s': %s"
+                            % (self._dest_path, err))
+        try:
+            self._f_dest.flush()
+        except IOError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot flush '%s': %s" % (self._dest_path, err))
+        if sync:
+            self.sync()
+    def sync(self):
+        """
+        Synchronize the destination file to make sure all the data are actually
+        written to the disk.
+        """
+        if self._dest_supports_fsync:
+            try:
+                os.fsync(self._f_dest.fileno()),
+            except OSError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot synchronize '%s': %s "
+                            % (self._dest_path, err.strerror))
+class BmapBdevCopy(BmapCopy):
+    """
+    This class is a specialized version of 'BmapCopy' which copies the image to
+    a block device. Unlike the base 'BmapCopy' class, this class does various
+    optimizations specific to block devices, e.g., switching to the 'noop' I/O
+    scheduler.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, image, dest, bmap=None, image_size=None, logger=None):
+        """
+        The same as the constructor of the 'BmapCopy' base class, but adds
+        useful guard-checks specific to block devices.
+        """
+        # Call the base class constructor first
+        BmapCopy.__init__(self, image, dest, bmap, image_size, logger=logger)
+        self._batch_bytes = 1024 * 1024
+        self._batch_blocks = self._batch_bytes / self.block_size
+        self._batch_queue_len = 6
+        self._dest_fsync_watermark = (6 * 1024 * 1024) / self.block_size
+        self._sysfs_base = None
+        self._sysfs_scheduler_path = None
+        self._sysfs_max_ratio_path = None
+        self._old_scheduler_value = None
+        self._old_max_ratio_value = None
+        # If the image size is known, check that it fits the block device
+        if self.image_size:
+            try:
+                bdev_size = os.lseek(self._f_dest.fileno(), 0, os.SEEK_END)
+                os.lseek(self._f_dest.fileno(), 0, os.SEEK_SET)
+            except OSError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot seed block device '%s': %s "
+                            % (self._dest_path, err.strerror))
+            if bdev_size < self.image_size:
+                raise Error("the image file '%s' has size %s and it will not "
+                            "fit the block device '%s' which has %s capacity"
+                            % (self._image_path, self.image_size_human,
+                               self._dest_path, human_size(bdev_size)))
+        # Construct the path to the sysfs directory of our block device
+        st_rdev = os.fstat(self._f_dest.fileno()).st_rdev
+        self._sysfs_base = "/sys/dev/block/%s:%s/" \
+                           % (os.major(st_rdev), os.minor(st_rdev))
+        # Check if the 'queue' sub-directory exists. If yes, then our block
+        # device is entire disk. Otherwise, it is a partition, in which case we
+        # need to go one level up in the sysfs hierarchy.
+        if not os.path.exists(self._sysfs_base + "queue"):
+            self._sysfs_base = self._sysfs_base + "../"
+        self._sysfs_scheduler_path = self._sysfs_base + "queue/scheduler"
+        self._sysfs_max_ratio_path = self._sysfs_base + "bdi/max_ratio"
+    def _tune_block_device(self):
+        """
+        Tune the block device for better performance:
+        1. Switch to the 'noop' I/O scheduler if it is available - sequential
+           write to the block device becomes a lot faster comparing to CFQ.
+        2. Limit the write buffering - we do not need the kernel to buffer a
+           lot of the data we send to the block device, because we write
+           sequentially. Limit the buffering.
+        The old settings are saved in order to be able to restore them later.
+        """
+        # Switch to the 'noop' I/O scheduler
+        try:
+            with open(self._sysfs_scheduler_path, "r+") as f_scheduler:
+                contents = f_scheduler.read()
+                f_scheduler.seek(0)
+                f_scheduler.write("noop")
+        except IOError as err:
+            self._logger.warning("failed to enable I/O optimization, expect "
+                                 "suboptimal speed (reason: cannot switch "
+                                 "to the 'noop' I/O scheduler: %s)" % err)
+        else:
+            # The file contains a list of schedulers with the current
+            # scheduler in square brackets, e.g., "noop deadline [cfq]".
+            # Fetch the name of the current scheduler.
+            import re
+            match = re.match(r'.*\[(.+)\].*', contents)
+            if match:
+                self._old_scheduler_value = match.group(1)
+        # Limit the write buffering, because we do not need too much of it when
+        # writing sequntially. Excessive buffering makes some systems not very
+        # responsive, e.g., this was observed in Fedora 17.
+        try:
+            with open(self._sysfs_max_ratio_path, "r+") as f_ratio:
+                self._old_max_ratio_value = f_ratio.read()
+                f_ratio.seek(0)
+                f_ratio.write("1")
+        except IOError as err:
+            self._logger.warning("failed to disable excessive buffering, "
+                                 "expect worse system responsiveness "
+                                 "(reason: cannot set max. I/O ratio to "
+                                 "1: %s)" % err)
+    def _restore_bdev_settings(self):
+        """
+        Restore old block device settings which we changed in
+        '_tune_block_device()'.
+        """
+        if self._old_scheduler_value is not None:
+            try:
+                with open(self._sysfs_scheduler_path, "w") as f_scheduler:
+                    f_scheduler.write(self._old_scheduler_value)
+            except IOError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot restore the '%s' I/O scheduler: %s"
+                            % (self._old_scheduler_value, err))
+        if self._old_max_ratio_value is not None:
+            try:
+                with open(self._sysfs_max_ratio_path, "w") as f_ratio:
+                    f_ratio.write(self._old_max_ratio_value)
+            except IOError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot set the max. I/O ratio back to '%s': %s"
+                            % (self._old_max_ratio_value, err))
+    def copy(self, sync=True, verify=True):
+        """
+        The same as in the base class but tunes the block device for better
+        performance before starting writing. Additionally, it forces block
+        device synchronization from time to time in order to make sure we do
+        not get stuck in 'fsync()' for too long time. The problem is that the
+        kernel synchronizes block devices when the file is closed. And the
+        result is that if the user interrupts us while we are copying the data,
+        the program will be blocked in 'close()' waiting for the block device
+        synchronization, which may last minutes for slow USB stick. This is
+        very bad user experience, and we work around this effect by
+        synchronizing from time to time.
+        """
+        self._tune_block_device()
+        try:
+            BmapCopy.copy(self, sync, verify)
+        except:
+            raise
+        finally:
+            self._restore_bdev_settings()
diff --git a/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy3_0.py b/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy3_0.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe8897c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/oldcodebase/BmapCopy3_0.py
@@ -0,0 +1,764 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Intel, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2,
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+This module implements copying of images with bmap and provides the following
+  1. BmapCopy class - implements copying to any kind of file, be that a block
+     device or a regular file.
+  2. BmapBdevCopy class - based on BmapCopy and specializes on copying to block
+     devices. It does some more sanity checks and some block device performance
+     tuning.
+The bmap file is an XML file which contains a list of mapped blocks of the
+image. Mapped blocks are the blocks which have disk sectors associated with
+them, as opposed to holes, which are blocks with no associated disk sectors. In
+other words, the image is considered to be a sparse file, and bmap basically
+contains a list of mapped blocks of this sparse file. The bmap additionally
+contains some useful information like block size (usually 4KiB), image size,
+mapped blocks count, etc.
+The bmap is used for copying the image to a block device or to a regular file.
+The idea is that we copy quickly with bmap because we copy only mapped blocks
+and ignore the holes, because they are useless. And if the image is generated
+properly (starting with a huge hole and writing all the data), it usually
+contains only little mapped blocks, comparing to the overall image size. And
+such an image compresses very well (because holes are read as all zeroes), so
+it is beneficial to distributor them as compressed files along with the bmap.
+Here is an example. Suppose you have a 4GiB image which contains only 100MiB of
+user data and you need to flash it to a slow USB stick. With bmap you end up
+copying only a little bit more than 100MiB of data from the image to the USB
+stick (namely, you copy only mapped blocks). This is a lot faster than copying
+all 4GiB of data. We say that it is a bit more than 100MiB because things like
+file-system meta-data (inode tables, superblocks, etc), partition table, etc
+also contribute to the mapped blocks and are also copied.
+# Disable the following pylint recommendations:
+#   * Too many instance attributes (R0902)
+# pylint: disable=R0902
+import os
+import stat
+import sys
+import hashlib
+import logging
+import Queue
+import thread
+import datetime
+from xml.etree import ElementTree
+from bmaptools.BmapHelpers import human_size
+# The highest supported bmap format version
+class Error(Exception):
+    """
+    A class for exceptions generated by the 'BmapCopy' module. We currently
+    support only one type of exceptions, and we basically throw human-readable
+    problem description in case of errors.
+    """
+    pass
+class BmapCopy:
+    """
+    This class implements the bmap-based copying functionality. To copy an
+    image with bmap you should create an instance of this class, which requires
+    the following:
+    * full path or a file-like object of the image to copy
+    * full path or a file object of the destination file copy the image to
+    * full path or a file object of the bmap file (optional)
+    * image size in bytes (optional)
+    Although the main purpose of this class is to use bmap, the bmap is not
+    required, and if it was not provided then the entire image will be copied
+    to the destination file.
+    When the bmap is provided, it is not necessary to specify image size,
+    because the size is contained in the bmap. Otherwise, it is benefitial to
+    specify the size because it enables extra sanity checks and makes it
+    possible to provide the progress bar.
+    When the image size is known either from the bmap or the caller specified
+    it to the class constructor, all the image geometry description attributes
+    ('blocks_cnt', etc) are initialized by the class constructor and available
+    for the user.
+    However, when the size is not known, some of  the image geometry
+    description attributes are not initialized by the class constructor.
+    Instead, they are initialized only by the 'copy()' method.
+    The 'copy()' method implements image copying. You may choose whether to
+    verify the checksum while copying or not. Note, this is done only in case
+    of bmap-based copying and only if bmap contains checksums (e.g., bmap
+    version 1.0 did not have checksums support).
+    You may choose whether to synchronize the destination file after writing or
+    not. To explicitly synchronize it, use the 'sync()' method.
+    This class supports all the bmap format versions up version
+    It is possible to have a simple progress indicator while copying the image.
+    Use the 'set_progress_indicator()' method.
+    You can copy only once with an instance of this class. This means that in
+    order to copy the image for the second time, you have to create a new class
+    instance.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, image, dest, bmap=None, image_size=None, log=None):
+        """
+        The class constructor. The parameters are:
+            image      - file-like object of the image which should be copied,
+                         should only support 'read()' and 'seek()' methods,
+                         and only seeking forward has to be supported.
+            dest       - file object of the destination file to copy the image
+                         to.
+            bmap       - file object of the bmap file to use for copying.
+            image_size - size of the image in bytes.
+            log     - the logger object to use for printing messages.
+        """
+        self._log = log
+        if self._log is None:
+            self._log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+        self._xml = None
+        self._dest_fsync_watermark = None
+        self._batch_blocks = None
+        self._batch_queue = None
+        self._batch_bytes = 1024 * 1024
+        self._batch_queue_len = 6
+        self.bmap_version = None
+        self.bmap_version_major = None
+        self.bmap_version_minor = None
+        self.block_size = None
+        self.blocks_cnt = None
+        self.mapped_cnt = None
+        self.image_size = None
+        self.image_size_human = None
+        self.mapped_size = None
+        self.mapped_size_human = None
+        self.mapped_percent = None
+        self._f_bmap = None
+        self._f_bmap_path = None
+        self._progress_started = None
+        self._progress_index = None
+        self._progress_time = None
+        self._progress_file = None
+        self._progress_format = None
+        self.set_progress_indicator(None, None)
+        self._f_image = image
+        self._image_path = image.name
+        self._f_dest = dest
+        self._dest_path = dest.name
+        st_data = os.fstat(self._f_dest.fileno())
+        self._dest_is_regfile = stat.S_ISREG(st_data.st_mode)
+        # The bmap file checksum type and length
+        self._cs_type = None
+        self._cs_len = None
+        self._cs_attrib_name = None
+        # Special quirk for /dev/null which does not support fsync()
+        if stat.S_ISCHR(st_data.st_mode) and \
+           os.major(st_data.st_rdev) == 1 and \
+           os.minor(st_data.st_rdev) == 3:
+            self._dest_supports_fsync = False
+        else:
+            self._dest_supports_fsync = True
+        if bmap:
+            self._f_bmap = bmap
+            self._bmap_path = bmap.name
+            self._parse_bmap()
+        else:
+            # There is no bmap. Initialize user-visible attributes to something
+            # sensible with an assumption that we just have all blocks mapped.
+            self.bmap_version = 0
+            self.block_size = 4096
+            self.mapped_percent = 100
+        if image_size:
+            self._set_image_size(image_size)
+        self._batch_blocks = self._batch_bytes / self.block_size
+    def set_progress_indicator(self, file_obj, format_string):
+        """
+        Setup the progress indicator which shows how much data has been copied
+        in percent.
+        The 'file_obj' argument is the console file object where the progress
+        has to be printed to. Pass 'None' to disable the progress indicator.
+        The 'format_string' argument is the format string for the progress
+        indicator. It has to contain a single '%d' placeholder which will be
+        substitutes with copied data in percent.
+        """
+        self._progress_file = file_obj
+        if format_string:
+            self._progress_format = format_string
+        else:
+            self._progress_format = "Copied %d%%"
+    def _set_image_size(self, image_size):
+        """
+        Set image size and initialize various other geometry-related attributes.
+        """
+        if self.image_size is not None and self.image_size != image_size:
+            raise Error("cannot set image size to %d bytes, it is known to "
+                        "be %d bytes (%s)" % (image_size, self.image_size,
+                                              self.image_size_human))
+        self.image_size = image_size
+        self.image_size_human = human_size(image_size)
+        self.blocks_cnt = self.image_size + self.block_size - 1
+        self.blocks_cnt /= self.block_size
+        if self.mapped_cnt is None:
+            self.mapped_cnt = self.blocks_cnt
+            self.mapped_size = self.image_size
+            self.mapped_size_human = self.image_size_human
+    def _verify_bmap_checksum(self):
+        """
+        This is a helper function which verifies the bmap file checksum.
+        """
+        import mmap
+        if self.bmap_version_minor == 3:
+            correct_chksum = self._xml.find("BmapFileSHA1").text.strip()
+        else:
+            correct_chksum = self._xml.find("BmapFileChecksum").text.strip()
+        # Before verifying the shecksum, we have to substitute the checksum
+        # value stored in the file with all zeroes. For these purposes we
+        # create private memory mapping of the bmap file.
+        mapped_bmap = mmap.mmap(self._f_bmap.fileno(), 0,
+                                access = mmap.ACCESS_COPY)
+        chksum_pos = mapped_bmap.find(correct_chksum)
+        assert chksum_pos != -1
+        mapped_bmap[chksum_pos:chksum_pos + self._cs_len] = '0' * self._cs_len
+        hash_obj = hashlib.new(self._cs_type)
+        hash_obj.update(mapped_bmap)
+        calculated_chksum = hash_obj.hexdigest()
+        mapped_bmap.close()
+        if calculated_chksum != correct_chksum:
+            raise Error("checksum mismatch for bmap file '%s': calculated "
+                        "'%s', should be '%s'"
+                        % (self._bmap_path, calculated_chksum, correct_chksum))
+    def _parse_bmap(self):
+        """
+        Parse the bmap file and initialize corresponding class instance attributs.
+        """
+        try:
+            self._xml = ElementTree.parse(self._f_bmap)
+        except  ElementTree.ParseError as err:
+            # Extrace the erroneous line with some context
+            self._f_bmap.seek(0)
+            xml_extract = ""
+            for num, line in enumerate(self._f_bmap):
+                if num >= err.position[0] - 4 and num <= err.position[0] + 4:
+                    xml_extract += "Line %d: %s" % (num, line)
+            raise Error("cannot parse the bmap file '%s' which should be a "
+                        "proper XML file: %s, the XML extract:\n%s" %
+                        (self._bmap_path, err, xml_extract))
+        xml = self._xml
+        self.bmap_version = str(xml.getroot().attrib.get('version'))
+        # Make sure we support this version
+        self.bmap_version_major = int(self.bmap_version.split('.', 1)[0])
+        self.bmap_version_minor = int(self.bmap_version.split('.', 1)[1])
+        if self.bmap_version_major > SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION:
+            raise Error("only bmap format version up to %d is supported, "
+                        "version %d is not supported"
+                        % (SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION, self.bmap_version_major))
+        # Fetch interesting data from the bmap XML file
+        self.block_size = int(xml.find("BlockSize").text.strip())
+        self.blocks_cnt = int(xml.find("BlocksCount").text.strip())
+        self.mapped_cnt = int(xml.find("MappedBlocksCount").text.strip())
+        self.image_size = int(xml.find("ImageSize").text.strip())
+        self.image_size_human = human_size(self.image_size)
+        self.mapped_size = self.mapped_cnt * self.block_size
+        self.mapped_size_human = human_size(self.mapped_size)
+        self.mapped_percent = (self.mapped_cnt * 100.0) / self.blocks_cnt
+        blocks_cnt = (self.image_size + self.block_size - 1) / self.block_size
+        if self.blocks_cnt != blocks_cnt:
+            raise Error("Inconsistent bmap - image size does not match "
+                        "blocks count (%d bytes != %d blocks * %d bytes)"
+                        % (self.image_size, self.blocks_cnt, self.block_size))
+        if self.bmap_version_major >= 1 and self.bmap_version_minor >= 3:
+            # Bmap file checksum appeard in format 1.3 and the only supported
+            # checksum type was SHA1. Version 1.4 started supporting arbitrary
+            # checksum types. A new "ChecksumType" tag was introduce to specify
+            # the checksum function name. And all XML tags which contained
+            # "sha1" in their name were renamed to something more neutral.
+            if self.bmap_version_minor == 3:
+                self._cs_type = "sha1"
+                self._cs_attrib_name = "sha1"
+            else:
+                self._cs_type = xml.find("ChecksumType").text.strip()
+                self._cs_attrib_name = "chksum"
+            try:
+                self._cs_len = len(hashlib.new(self._cs_type).hexdigest())
+            except ValueError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot initialize hash function \"%s\": %s" %
+                            (self._cs_type, err))
+            self._verify_bmap_checksum()
+    def _update_progress(self, blocks_written):
+        """
+        Print the progress indicator if the mapped area size is known and if
+        the indicator has been enabled by assigning a console file object to
+        the 'progress_file' attribute.
+        """
+        if self.mapped_cnt:
+            assert blocks_written <= self.mapped_cnt
+            percent = int((float(blocks_written) / self.mapped_cnt) * 100)
+            self._log.debug("wrote %d blocks out of %d (%d%%)" %
+                            (blocks_written, self.mapped_cnt, percent))
+        else:
+            self._log.debug("wrote %d blocks" % blocks_written)
+        if not self._progress_file:
+            return
+        if self.mapped_cnt:
+            progress = '\r' + self._progress_format % percent + '\n'
+        else:
+            # Do not rotate the wheel too fast
+            now = datetime.datetime.now()
+            min_delta = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=250)
+            if now - self._progress_time < min_delta:
+                return
+            self._progress_time = now
+            progress_wheel = ('-', '\\', '|', '/')
+            progress = '\r' + progress_wheel[self._progress_index % 4] + '\n'
+            self._progress_index += 1
+        # This is a little trick we do in order to make sure that the next
+        # message will always start from a new line - we switch to the new
+        # line after each progress update and move the cursor up. As an
+        # example, this is useful when the copying is interrupted by an
+        # exception - the error message will start form new line.
+        if self._progress_started:
+            # The "move cursor up" escape sequence
+            self._progress_file.write('\033[1A') # pylint: disable=W1401
+        else:
+            self._progress_started = True
+        self._progress_file.write(progress)
+        self._progress_file.flush()
+    def _get_block_ranges(self):
+        """
+        This is a helper generator that parses the bmap XML file and for each
+        block range in the XML file it yields ('first', 'last', 'chksum')
+        tuples, where:
+          * 'first' is the first block of the range;
+          * 'last' is the last block of the range;
+          * 'chksum' is the checksum of the range ('None' is used if it is
+            missing).
+        If there is no bmap file, the generator just yields a single range
+        for entire image file. If the image size is unknown, the generator
+        infinitely yields continuous ranges of size '_batch_blocks'.
+        """
+        if not self._f_bmap:
+            # We do not have the bmap, yield a tuple with all blocks
+            if self.blocks_cnt:
+                yield (0, self.blocks_cnt - 1, None)
+            else:
+                # We do not know image size, keep yielding tuples with many
+                # blocks infinitely.
+                first = 0
+                while True:
+                    yield (first, first + self._batch_blocks - 1, None)
+                    first += self._batch_blocks
+            return
+        # We have the bmap, just read it and yield block ranges
+        xml = self._xml
+        xml_bmap = xml.find("BlockMap")
+        for xml_element in xml_bmap.findall("Range"):
+            blocks_range = xml_element.text.strip()
+            # The range of blocks has the "X - Y" format, or it can be just "X"
+            # in old bmap format versions. First, split the blocks range string
+            # and strip white-spaces.
+            split = [x.strip() for x in blocks_range.split('-', 1)]
+            first = int(split[0])
+            if len(split) > 1:
+                last = int(split[1])
+                if first > last:
+                    raise Error("bad range (first > last): '%s'" % blocks_range)
+            else:
+                last = first
+            if self._cs_attrib_name in xml_element.attrib:
+                chksum = xml_element.attrib[self._cs_attrib_name]
+            else:
+                chksum = None
+            yield (first, last, chksum)
+    def _get_batches(self, first, last):
+        """
+        This is a helper generator which splits block ranges from the bmap file
+        to smaller batches. Indeed, we cannot read and write entire block
+        ranges from the image file, because a range can be very large. So we
+        perform the I/O in batches. Batch size is defined by the
+        '_batch_blocks' attribute. Thus, for each (first, last) block range,
+        the generator yields smaller (start, end, length) batch ranges, where:
+          * 'start' is the starting batch block number;
+          * 'last' is the ending batch block number;
+          * 'length' is the batch length in blocks (same as
+             'end' - 'start' + 1).
+        """
+        batch_blocks = self._batch_blocks
+        while first + batch_blocks - 1 <= last:
+            yield (first, first + batch_blocks - 1, batch_blocks)
+            first += batch_blocks
+        batch_blocks = last - first + 1
+        if batch_blocks:
+            yield (first, first + batch_blocks - 1, batch_blocks)
+    def _get_data(self, verify):
+        """
+        This is generator  which reads the image file in '_batch_blocks' chunks
+        and yields ('type', 'start', 'end',  'buf) tuples, where:
+          * 'start' is the starting block number of the batch;
+          * 'end' is the last block of the batch;
+          * 'buf' a buffer containing the batch data.
+        """
+        try:
+            for (first, last, chksum) in self._get_block_ranges():
+                if verify and chksum:
+                    hash_obj = hashlib.new(self._cs_type)
+                self._f_image.seek(first * self.block_size)
+                iterator = self._get_batches(first, last)
+                for (start, end, length) in iterator:
+                    try:
+                        buf = self._f_image.read(length * self.block_size)
+                    except IOError as err:
+                        raise Error("error while reading blocks %d-%d of the "
+                                    "image file '%s': %s"
+                                    % (start, end, self._image_path, err))
+                    if not buf:
+                        self._batch_queue.put(None)
+                        return
+                    if verify and chksum:
+                        hash_obj.update(buf)
+                    blocks = (len(buf) + self.block_size - 1) / self.block_size
+                    self._log.debug("queueing %d blocks, queue length is %d" %
+                                    (blocks, self._batch_queue.qsize()))
+                    self._batch_queue.put(("range", start, start + blocks - 1,
+                                           buf))
+                if verify and chksum and hash_obj.hexdigest() != chksum:
+                    raise Error("checksum mismatch for blocks range %d-%d: "
+                                "calculated %s, should be %s (image file %s)"
+                                % (first, last, hash_obj.hexdigest(),
+                                   chksum, self._image_path))
+        # Silence pylint warning about catching too general exception
+        # pylint: disable=W0703
+        except Exception:
+            # pylint: enable=W0703
+            # In case of any exception - just pass it to the main thread
+            # through the queue.
+            self._batch_queue.put(("error", sys.exc_info()))
+        self._batch_queue.put(None)
+    def copy(self, sync=True, verify=True):
+        """
+        Copy the image to the destination file using bmap. The 'sync' argument
+        defines whether the destination file has to be synchronized upon
+        return.  The 'verify' argument defines whether the checksum has to be
+        verified while copying.
+        """
+        # Create the queue for block batches and start the reader thread, which
+        # will read the image in batches and put the results to '_batch_queue'.
+        self._batch_queue = Queue.Queue(self._batch_queue_len)
+        thread.start_new_thread(self._get_data, (verify, ))
+        blocks_written = 0
+        bytes_written = 0
+        fsync_last = 0
+        self._progress_started = False
+        self._progress_index = 0
+        self._progress_time = datetime.datetime.now()
+        # Read the image in '_batch_blocks' chunks and write them to the
+        # destination file
+        while True:
+            batch = self._batch_queue.get()
+            if batch is None:
+                # No more data, the image is written
+                break
+            elif batch[0] == "error":
+                # The reader thread encountered an error and passed us the
+                # exception.
+                exc_info = batch[1]
+                raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
+            (start, end, buf) = batch[1:4]
+            assert len(buf) <= (end - start + 1) * self.block_size
+            assert len(buf) > (end - start) * self.block_size
+            self._f_dest.seek(start * self.block_size)
+            # Synchronize the destination file if we reached the watermark
+            if self._dest_fsync_watermark:
+                if blocks_written >= fsync_last + self._dest_fsync_watermark:
+                    fsync_last = blocks_written
+                    self.sync()
+            try:
+                self._f_dest.write(buf)
+            except IOError as err:
+                raise Error("error while writing blocks %d-%d of '%s': %s"
+                            % (start, end, self._dest_path, err))
+            self._batch_queue.task_done()
+            blocks_written += (end - start + 1)
+            bytes_written += len(buf)
+            self._update_progress(blocks_written)
+        if not self.image_size:
+            # The image size was unknown up until now, set it
+            self._set_image_size(bytes_written)
+        # This is just a sanity check - we should have written exactly
+        # 'mapped_cnt' blocks.
+        if blocks_written != self.mapped_cnt:
+            raise Error("wrote %u blocks from image '%s' to '%s', but should "
+                        "have %u - bmap file '%s' does not belong to this "
+                        "image"
+                        % (blocks_written, self._image_path, self._dest_path,
+                           self.mapped_cnt, self._bmap_path))
+        if self._dest_is_regfile:
+            # Make sure the destination file has the same size as the image
+            try:
+                os.ftruncate(self._f_dest.fileno(), self.image_size)
+            except OSError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot truncate file '%s': %s"
+                            % (self._dest_path, err))
+        try:
+            self._f_dest.flush()
+        except IOError as err:
+            raise Error("cannot flush '%s': %s" % (self._dest_path, err))
+        if sync:
+            self.sync()
+    def sync(self):
+        """
+        Synchronize the destination file to make sure all the data are actually
+        written to the disk.
+        """
+        if self._dest_supports_fsync:
+            try:
+                os.fsync(self._f_dest.fileno()),
+            except OSError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot synchronize '%s': %s "
+                            % (self._dest_path, err.strerror))
+class BmapBdevCopy(BmapCopy):
+    """
+    This class is a specialized version of 'BmapCopy' which copies the image to
+    a block device. Unlike the base 'BmapCopy' class, this class does various
+    optimizations specific to block devices, e.g., switching to the 'noop' I/O
+    scheduler.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, image, dest, bmap=None, image_size=None, log=None):
+        """
+        The same as the constructor of the 'BmapCopy' base class, but adds
+        useful guard-checks specific to block devices.
+        """
+        # Call the base class constructor first
+        BmapCopy.__init__(self, image, dest, bmap, image_size, log=log)
+        self._dest_fsync_watermark = (6 * 1024 * 1024) / self.block_size
+        self._sysfs_base = None
+        self._sysfs_scheduler_path = None
+        self._sysfs_max_ratio_path = None
+        self._old_scheduler_value = None
+        self._old_max_ratio_value = None
+        # If the image size is known, check that it fits the block device
+        if self.image_size:
+            try:
+                bdev_size = os.lseek(self._f_dest.fileno(), 0, os.SEEK_END)
+                os.lseek(self._f_dest.fileno(), 0, os.SEEK_SET)
+            except OSError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot seed block device '%s': %s "
+                            % (self._dest_path, err.strerror))
+            if bdev_size < self.image_size:
+                raise Error("the image file '%s' has size %s and it will not "
+                            "fit the block device '%s' which has %s capacity"
+                            % (self._image_path, self.image_size_human,
+                               self._dest_path, human_size(bdev_size)))
+        # Construct the path to the sysfs directory of our block device
+        st_rdev = os.fstat(self._f_dest.fileno()).st_rdev
+        self._sysfs_base = "/sys/dev/block/%s:%s/" % \
+                           (os.major(st_rdev), os.minor(st_rdev))
+        # Check if the 'queue' sub-directory exists. If yes, then our block
+        # device is entire disk. Otherwise, it is a partition, in which case we
+        # need to go one level up in the sysfs hierarchy.
+        if not os.path.exists(self._sysfs_base + "queue"):
+            self._sysfs_base = self._sysfs_base + "../"
+        self._sysfs_scheduler_path = self._sysfs_base + "queue/scheduler"
+        self._sysfs_max_ratio_path = self._sysfs_base + "bdi/max_ratio"
+    def _tune_block_device(self):
+        """
+        Tune the block device for better performance:
+        1. Switch to the 'noop' I/O scheduler if it is available - sequential
+           write to the block device becomes a lot faster comparing to CFQ.
+        2. Limit the write buffering - we do not need the kernel to buffer a
+           lot of the data we send to the block device, because we write
+           sequentially. Limit the buffering.
+        The old settings are saved in order to be able to restore them later.
+        """
+        # Switch to the 'noop' I/O scheduler
+        try:
+            with open(self._sysfs_scheduler_path, "r+") as f_scheduler:
+                contents = f_scheduler.read()
+                f_scheduler.seek(0)
+                f_scheduler.write("noop")
+        except IOError as err:
+            self._log.warning("failed to enable I/O optimization, expect "
+                              "suboptimal speed (reason: cannot switch "
+                              "to the 'noop' I/O scheduler: %s)" % err)
+        else:
+            # The file contains a list of schedulers with the current
+            # scheduler in square brackets, e.g., "noop deadline [cfq]".
+            # Fetch the name of the current scheduler.
+            import re
+            match = re.match(r'.*\[(.+)\].*', contents)
+            if match:
+                self._old_scheduler_value = match.group(1)
+        # Limit the write buffering, because we do not need too much of it when
+        # writing sequntially. Excessive buffering makes some systems not very
+        # responsive, e.g., this was observed in Fedora 17.
+        try:
+            with open(self._sysfs_max_ratio_path, "r+") as f_ratio:
+                self._old_max_ratio_value = f_ratio.read()
+                f_ratio.seek(0)
+                f_ratio.write("1")
+        except IOError as err:
+            self._log.warning("failed to disable excessive buffering, expect "
+                              "worse system responsiveness (reason: cannot set "
+                              "max. I/O ratio to 1: %s)" % err)
+    def _restore_bdev_settings(self):
+        """
+        Restore old block device settings which we changed in
+        '_tune_block_device()'.
+        """
+        if self._old_scheduler_value is not None:
+            try:
+                with open(self._sysfs_scheduler_path, "w") as f_scheduler:
+                    f_scheduler.write(self._old_scheduler_value)
+            except IOError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot restore the '%s' I/O scheduler: %s"
+                            % (self._old_scheduler_value, err))
+        if self._old_max_ratio_value is not None:
+            try:
+                with open(self._sysfs_max_ratio_path, "w") as f_ratio:
+                    f_ratio.write(self._old_max_ratio_value)
+            except IOError as err:
+                raise Error("cannot set the max. I/O ratio back to '%s': %s"
+                            % (self._old_max_ratio_value, err))
+    def copy(self, sync=True, verify=True):
+        """
+        The same as in the base class but tunes the block device for better
+        performance before starting writing. Additionally, it forces block
+        device synchronization from time to time in order to make sure we do
+        not get stuck in 'fsync()' for too long time. The problem is that the
+        kernel synchronizes block devices when the file is closed. And the
+        result is that if the user interrupts us while we are copying the data,
+        the program will be blocked in 'close()' waiting for the block device
+        synchronization, which may last minutes for slow USB stick. This is
+        very bad user experience, and we work around this effect by
+        synchronizing from time to time.
+        """
+        self._tune_block_device()
+        try:
+            BmapCopy.copy(self, sync, verify)
+        except:
+            raise
+        finally:
+            self._restore_bdev_settings()
diff --git a/tests/oldcodebase/__init__.py b/tests/oldcodebase/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29

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