Loading kernel issues

Javier Fileiv javier.fileiv at gmail.com
Fri Oct 21 00:41:15 PDT 2016

Hello Juerguen, I was looking to buy an ARM9 Jtag because it's what I
though... I would need a JTAG.

Regarding shorting the data lines... do you know exactly what would I
need to do?

Regarding JTAG, which ones are the steps?

Thank you so much

2016-10-21 9:39 GMT+02:00 Juergen Borleis <jbe at pengutronix.de>:
> Hi Javier,
> On Thursday 20 October 2016 19:59:54 Javier Fileiv wrote:
>> ups... I think Ive broken everything... I just put at the end of the
>> env/config file "boot nand" and now is looping and at some point it
>> says "ERROR: out of memory".
>> Another thing... I changed vivibootloader in NOR for the barebox, and
>> even if I change to NOR it's looping again and again... What do I do?
>> HELP!
> Seems you configured your board into a brick. You now can boot from NOR and
> short some data lines pins at the NAND device to make barebox fail to read its
> environment from NAND and fall back to the built-in default environment
> without that loop.
> Or you need some JTAG equipment to make the SoC working again.
> Cheers,
> Juergen
> --
> Pengutronix e.K.                              | Juergen Borleis             |
> Industrial Linux Solutions                    | http://www.pengutronix.de/  |

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