Booting PhyTec PCM043/IMX35 from USB/SD-Card

Sascha Hauer s.hauer at
Thu Jun 28 06:43:41 EDT 2012

On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 08:53:32AM +0200, Peter Kuennemann at Crane-Soft wrote:
> > 
> > Has this been solved in the mean time? The above looks correct, I have
> > no idea what's wrong.
> The case has been partly solved now. I am able to boot from NAND and NOR but I cannot
> access the MMC. Reason for the kernel messages ...(driver?) above was a missing device
> "mxc_nand" in the kernel parms for mtdparts:
>     mtdparts=physmap-flash.0:256k(barebox)ro,128k(bareboxenv),2M(kernel),-(root); \
>     mxc_nand:256k(barebox)ro,128k(bareboxenv),2M(kernel),-(root)
> However, I still cannot access the mmc from barebox. It would be enough to be able to
> read the mmc. I want to be able to store kernel or rootfs image updates on the mmc
> and flash them to either NAND or NOR after reboot to enable remote update services.
> Question: "How can I access the MMC from barebox (read only may be sufficient)

The pcm043 currently does not have mmc support. You have to add this to
the board file:




depending on which port is routed to the slot. Also you have to setup
the iomuxer (you can probably copy the pin settings from the kernel). Of
course you also have to enable MMC support in the config.


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