Just how fast is barebox?

Geoff Smith gjsmith at vardr.com
Mon Mar 28 07:54:56 EDT 2011

Thanks, very helpful info.

Looks like I may have to do something light weight like ecos.
I believe redboot is based on ecos so there may be a starting point there
for the i.mx27.


On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 6:46 PM, Sascha Hauer <s.hauer at pengutronix.de>wrote:

> Hi Geoff,
> On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 01:25:18PM +1000, Geoff Smith wrote:
> > Apologies for the newbie question. I am looking for a fastboot option for
> >  the i.MX27
> >
> > I want to be capturing video data from a cold start within 300ms
> (preferably
> > 200ms).
> The best I could get out of an i.MX27 was about 700ms. The main limiting
> factor is how fast you can load an image from the boot medium (Nand
> flash in my case). Given that I can read from Nand with 16MB/s a 5MB
> image takes about 300ms to load. I think you'll need many dirty tricks
> doing this with Linux, like a massively stripped down kernel and perhaps
> starting the capture in the kernel (not in the application).
> I wouldn't say it's not possible, but it's definitely a hard task.
> Sascha
> --
> Pengutronix e.K.                           |                             |
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*Geoff Smith
*Founder and CTO*
*gjsmith at vardr.com <mark at vardr.com>*
*+61 4 1200 7354
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