[ATH9K_HTC] Debug files

Sujith Manoharan sujith at msujith.org
Sat Jul 27 21:19:09 EDT 2013

Matteo wrote:
> I understood that the value Xretries stays for the number of packets have
> exceed the threshold of the number of attempts , short retry is the number of
> RTS resent and long retry is the number of generic frame resent.
> In pathDebug/statistics/ there is retry_count , even in
> netdev:wlanx/stations/MACADDRESS/tx_retry_count and the value is always zero.
> So, as you might think, the tx_retry_count and/or retry_count are equal to
> long retries value , aren't?

The values in tgt_tx_stats are at the hardware level. It is not maintained
as per-station information, but globally, for all frames.

xretries     - This is a flag that is set for each frame if transmission failed.
shortretries - This is a counter that holds the number of times RTS/CTS
               exchange failed for a frame.
longretries  - This is a counter that holds the number of times a frame
               was transmitted without being acknowledged.

When TX completion is processed for every frame, these data are gathered
and stored in a global statistics structure, which is given to the host.

mac80211's tx_retry_count is per-station and it represents "not acked and
not filtered".


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