[Pcsclite-muscle] Building CCID from Github encounters error

Maximilian Stein maximilian.stein
Wed Mar 29 07:27:55 PDT 2017

On 29.03.2017 09:39, Thotheolh Tay wrote:
> Hi,

> Attached in the email is the output file.
I think the line
aclocal: error: aclocal: file 'm4/ax_pthread.m4' does not exist
points to the real problem.

In the repo there are two "files" in the directory m4. But these are
only links as follows:

m4/as-ac-expand.m4 -> ../PCSC/m4/as-ac-expand.m4
m4/ax_pthread.m4 -> ../PCSC/m4/ax_pthread.m4

So currently building CCID from scratch from the git repo requires you
to have the PCSC git repo inside the same top level directory, and it
has to be named PCSC (default). If you clone the PCSC repo as well to
the appropriate location, it should work fine.

I'm not too experienced with all the autotools. And I understand that
there is a certain relationship between pcsc-lite and libccid versions.
But maybe it would be nice if the CCID and PCSC repos could be
bootstrapped and built independently (using only the info from
pkg-config e.g.).

Maximilian Stein

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