[VOTE] Endorse the creation of OpenWrt One

Paul Spooren mail at aparcar.org
Wed Jan 17 07:32:11 PST 2024


> On Jan 17, 2024, at 16:25, John Crispin <john at phrozen.org> wrote:
> By starting this vote, I am asking fellow developers of the OpenWrt project to:
>   a) Endorse the usage and mention of the OpenWrt trademark and logo for the OpenWrt One hardware device, allowing the ODM to print the OpenWrt logo on the silk screen and enclosures as well as branding the resulting device "OpenWrt One" and marketing it as such. Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) agreed to take care of the legal agreement with the ODM if the vote succeeds.
>   b) Authorise SFC, Inc. to register an IEEE MAC Address Block Large (MA-L) on behalf of OpenWrt. The required one-time payment will be covered by private, non-project funds.
>   c) Agree that SFC will receive a percentage of the revenue of each unit sold by the ODM, on behalf of OpenWrt with the received funds being directed towards the OpenWrt project under the existing fiscal agreement in order to cover future expenses. Right now I am aiming for a share of around 10% with an expected price tag of around 100$ per unit.


Thanks for taking care.


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