Does the --background option exist for Windows?

Paolo Ienne (严保罗) paolo.ienne at
Mon Sep 18 12:05:28 PDT 2023


thanks for the answers--apparently I should have searched the GitLab 
issues. Sorry for wasting your time.

> There's also a merge request in progress attempting to add
> `--background` on Windows. This is difficult due to the fact that
> Windows uses a very different process model from POSIX-y systems.
I understand.

>> The "Fedora dwmw2/openconnect COPR" mentioned in the next paragraph 
>> actually work--although it was a bit of an adventure to manage to 
>> unpack the multiple layers of archives and compressions to finally get 
>> to the single meaningful file inside the RPM.
> Yep, the COPR links *are* stored reliably, but it is indeed difficult
> to extract those files, and it'll definitely scare away some Windows
> users
I wonder whether (1) the COPR links should not be the first ones (since 
they appear to be reliably available and worked like a charm for me--once 
I found the EXE inside) and (2) one could not explain with a few commands 
how to get to the EXE files on Windows 10. It took me a bit of 
perseverance to realize that indeed the RPM through several layers of 
compressing and archiving could and did contain an EXE installer--nothing 
like that ever happened to me, so people may not expect it. I am a fan of 
Total Commander on Windows 10 and I used 2-3 plugins to unwrap everything 
in TC, but there may be a way to install a single lightweight Windows 10 
tool to get the EXE out. If you know one, I would recommend mentioning it. 
If there is interest, I can search around a bit--it should not be too 

Again, thanks for openconnect.exe. It is great!



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