SSL connection failure

Maxim Baglay mbaglay92 at
Tue Jun 13 04:30:44 PDT 2017


Yesterday stared getting next error on attempt to use openconnect:

WARNING: Juniper Network Connect support is experimental.
It will probably be superseded by Junos Pulse support.
Disabling all HTTP connection re-use due to --no-http-keepalive option.
If this helps, please report to <openconnect-devel at>.
Connected to ______:443
SSL negotiation with ________
SSL connection failure: A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.
Creating SSL connection failed

Command used to connect:

openconnect --no-cert-check --juniper "https://______/vip"
--cookie=$DSID --no-http-keepalive --reconnect-timeout 0

Can you help me getting figuring this out and get it working?

Thanks, Max.

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