location of VPNs config file

David Woodhouse dwmw2 at infradead.org
Thu Aug 25 08:01:16 PDT 2016

On Thu, 2016-08-25 at 07:32 +0000, Vyhlidal, David wrote:
> Thank you for your fast respond.
> I  was unable to come up with export all VPN connection command using just nmlci syntax.
> I used this line to export all connection in individual exports:
> for x in `nmcli con show |awk '{print $1}'|grep -v NAME`; do echo $x:;nmcli con export $x > $x-VPN.conf ;done
> Could you please provide me with syntax using nmlci to export and import all VPN connection currently configured?

That's no longer an OpenConnect; it's a NetworkManager one.

If you had replied normally, I would have copied the NM list to get it
answered. But because you top-posted, the context is missing...

I note that 'nmcli con export' doesn't actually seem to export the
whole thing. Maybe you could just back up the underlying file from
/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ or wherever it is on your

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