appending OATH code to password?

Daniel Lenski dlenski at
Fri Dec 18 11:23:45 PST 2015

Hi all,
I frequently connect to a VPN that uses TOTP-based 2FA. The TOTP code 
*must* be entered by appending it to the user-entered password.

>From the command line I can jury-rig a way to do this:

# (echo -n MYPASSWORD; oathtool --totp TOTP_SECRET) | openconnect -u 
USERNAME --passwd-on-stdin

Per the cstp_can_gen_tokencode() function 
3), OpenConnect generates OATH TOTP/HOTP codes *only* in response to a form 
field named secondary_password, and generates SecurID codes *only* in 
response to a form field named "password" or "answer".

I think it'd be useful to offer an option to customize the form field that 
receives OATH or SecurID code, perhaps including the option to append the 
token to another field.

I'm imagining something like this, where --token-field=+password means: 
append the token to the "password" field.

# openconnect -u USERNAME --token-mode=totp --token-
secret=TOTP_SECRET \

If this would be a desirable feature, I'll take a crack at writing a patch 
for it.

Dan Lenski

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