ocserv manpages

Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos n.mavrogiannopoulos at gmail.com
Mon Aug 17 01:24:15 PDT 2015

On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 12:02 AM, Carlos J Puga Medina <cpm at fbsd.es> wrote:
>> > I don't seem to be able to reproduce locally. I see the manpage
>> > just
>> > fine. Do you auto-generate the manpage with the issue locally or do
>> > you use the distributed one?
>> It's the auto-generated ocserv(8) man page. It seems that mandoc(1)
>> can't cope, nroff(1) does cope with it.
> We made some extra changes to have a readable ocserv(8) man page using
> mandoc(1)

> 1) the doc/Makefile.am assumes that sed is gnu sed. BSD sed behaves
> differently and causes a different type of replacement

Anything I could improve there?

> 2) the autogen-erated man pages were only autogen'ed if their
> ../src/*def file was touched. This was only the case for ocserv.8.

I'm not sure I understand the issue.

> 3) the autogen'ed .8 files had the '.NOP ' sequence, which mandoc
> did not understand, and it subsequently ignore the .NOP lines.
> 4) autogen depends on bash (!)

Is there something that we could suggest to upstream autogen to fix
for the manpages to be generated properly for freebsd as well?
Is the .NOP sequence the only thing? About bash, is that intentional
or just happens to use a bashism with /bin/sh in the shebang?

Thank you for the freebsd port. If you think there patches which need
to be applied to ocserv code to simplify that port let me know.


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