about AUTHENTICATION mode plain

Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos nmav at gnutls.org
Sun Nov 30 01:21:45 PST 2014

On Sun, 2014-11-30 at 04:37 +0000, horsley wrote:
> I want to ask why ocserv using plain authentication response the auth xml in two 
> step?
> first is Please enter your username
> it's still prompt for password.(username is prefill ok but password are not)
> so why not send the complete auth request including user and password in 
> the xml form together?

 If I understand what you are describing correctly, that was done in
early versions of ocserv. However, that does not tie well with PAM which
has its own prompts, which may even prompt to change a password. So the
short answer, is so that it can be integrated with PAM.


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