Can anyone help me with this issue, please.

Bob Ren windmail01 at
Mon Jun 9 22:14:06 PDT 2014

Hello everyone,
I got this error XML response has no "auth" root node Failed to obtain
WebVPN cookie when trying to connect to my openconnect server(0,.8.0),
The client is openconnect too. I have no idea how to solve it, need

Here is the complete output
Attempting to connect to xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx:443
Using certificate file /root/user-cert.pem
Extra cert from cafile: '/CN=xxx CA/O=xxx'
SSL negotiation with xxxxxxxxxxx
Matched peer certificate subject name 'xxxxxxxxx'
Connected to HTTPS on xxxxxxxxxx
GET xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Got HTTP response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 305
X-Transcend-Version: 1
HTTP body length:  (305)
XML response has no "auth" root node
Failed to obtain WebVPN cookie

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