[PATCH 3/6] use CreateProcess instead of system to run scripts.

David Woodhouse dwmw2 at infradead.org
Tue Aug 26 03:42:14 PDT 2014

On Thu, 2014-08-21 at 17:20 +0200, Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos wrote:
> That prevents the pop up of terminal windows.

> Replacing "cmd.exe /c" with "cscript.exe" seem to work. Though we'd
> lose the ability to run anything else than script. Don't know if that
> matters though. The speed difference seems insignificant.

I'm not really worried about the speed; more about reliability and
escaping strings. It's possible to spawn whatever you like from a
script, isn't it? So I suspect it should be fine to do that.

If a caller really wants to do the setup in C code (and thus would be
inclined to put it in an executable like the NetworkManager helper), the
library allows them to do that *in* their application instead of having
to be a child process anyway.

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