issue with CSD wrapper

David Woodhouse dwmw2 at
Sun Jul 8 16:00:12 EDT 2012

On Sun, 2012-07-08 at 21:34 +0200, mountain the blue wrote:
> i have installed openconnect 3.15-0ubuntu2 on my ubuntu platform and i
> am stuck with the CSD Wrapper Script: i don't know which script should
> i put nor which one to create.
> any hint on how i should proceed ? 

You don't need to provide a CSD wrapper. That's optional, for those who
want to do special things with the server-provided trojan like running
it in a sandbox, or trying to work around bugs in it or even replace it.

If the trojan that the server provides is working fine on your system,
there should be no need to use a wrapper. Just make sure you provide a 
--csd-user argument to say which user it should run as. That can even be
root, if you *really* trust Cisco despite their history of having no
clue about security on POSIX systems.

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