[PATCH] openconnect: add initial support for openconnect ssl vpn.

David Woodhouse dwmw2 at infradead.org
Thu Jul 14 23:17:01 EDT 2011

On Fri, 2011-07-15 at 01:38 +0000, openconnect at lakedaemon.net wrote:
> +        if(strcmp("--passwd-on-stdin", argv[i]) == 0) {
> +            data = strdup(argv[i + 1]);
> +            i++; 

Seriously, just *don't* support that. The only invocation of openconnect
that you ever want mtp to do is

 openconnect --cookie-on-stdin $HOSTNAME:$PORT --servercert $FINGERPRINT

Four fixed arguments (including the cookie). And maybe --script would be
a fifth.

Note also that if you really want privilege separation so openconnect
doesn't run as root, you need to:
 - Set up the tun device for it in advance (TUNSETPERSIST, TUNSETOWNER)

 - Arrange for the routing setup to be done somewhere other than in the
   script that it spawns. That script obviously won't have root privs 
   *either*, so won't be allowed to configure the network. In the
   NetworkManager case, the --script argument points to a simple DBus
   client that sends all the information back to NetworkManager, which
   does the setup accordingly.


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