Web site, list archives

Ralph Siemsen ralphs at netwinder.org
Wed Mar 8 14:24:14 EST 2006

Thanks to some URL-rewriting, most of the links on www.netwinder.org are 
now working correctly.  This include user directories (eg /~ralphs/)
as well as links to files, such as on the YUM/auto-update webpage.
Some breakage still exists when links from the FTP area refer back to 
the website, but its a fairly minor number I believe.

I have also restored the archives of mailing lists from 2000-2003, I 
seem not to have 2004 for some reason.  Find them here:


Note: I have (temporarily) used "pipermail-netwinder" as the URL, 
because using plain "pipermail" conflicts with OSU's mailman 
installation.  This will be remedied eventually, at that time, links to 
individual messages on the website will function correctly.


PS. does anyone know a nice tool that takes an MBOX and dynamically 
extracts messages, headers, summaries, suitable for CGI use?

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