Adding V-ext regs to signal context w/o expanding kernel struct sigcontext to avoid glibc ABI break

Kito Cheng kito.cheng at
Tue Jan 10 05:21:04 PST 2023

Hi Vineet:

> But you are not suggesting that there is a scenario with executable
> built somehow with V instructions (even .byte encoded) but not have that
> info encoded in RV_ATTR_TAG_arch string. And I'd argue that it is user
> error, they need to make sure that -march had 'v' passed to compiler
> and/or assembler.

The concept of Tag_RISCV_arch attribute is minimal execution
environment requirement of the executable or shared libraries; use
glibc as an example, we can compile glibc with rv64gc only and then it
can contain vector optimized routines like memcpy and memcpy, and
those function are resolved by ifunc, which means only use those
routines when vector extension are available, so the Tag_RISCV_arch
for the glibc is rv64gc, not rv64gcv since V is not minimal execution
environment requirement.

My expectation is most distro will still distribute with rv64gc for a
while and then optimize function with vector extension for some
libraries, and those vector code will guarded with some runtime check
mechanism maybe IFUNC, so Tag_RISCV_arch for those libraries won't
contain V.

It's not clear in psABI spec, but intend to fix in future:

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