pcmcia on Soekris 4521?

Dag Bakke dag at bakke.com
Wed Aug 10 10:24:09 EDT 2005

I have run into something odd with my Soekris 4521.

I have a 4port serial pcmcia card. The card works perfectly in a 
"standard" laptop.

On the 4521 (with a 2.4.31 linux kernel) the interrupt counter for irq10 
just goes bananas as soon as I start cardmgr. And general response is 
slow, indicating that the hardware is rather busy.
With a 2.6.13-rc6 kernel, I get ~100k interrupts before the kernel shuts 
down the irq line. (As designed in yenta_socket.)
Using the irqpoll kernel option I can still use the card, but I wonder 
how this affects performance.

I tried the various module options to yenta_socket, but none of them 
appeared to have any effect on this particular problem.

The Soekris 4521 got comBIOS vers 1.28, by the way. And the card in 
question is an
"ADVANTECH", "COMpad-32/85B-4"

Any ideas?

Dag B.

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