
Nathan M ngmlinux at gmail.com
Fri Aug 5 13:43:51 EDT 2005

>I'm trying to install PCD-TP-202CS PCI to PCMCIA bridge which uses TI
>1420PDV chipset. The Linux OS I'm using is CentOS4.1. According to the
>vendor info, in order to make it work, my OS must contain one of the
>following Card Services files:
>      1. pcmcia-cs-3.3.8, or
>      2. pcmcia-cs-3.0.14

>Where can I download pcmcia-cs-3.3.8 package?

Before you search and download for anything I would search your
modules directory:
/lib/modules/`uname -r`/
for the following modules if running a 2.6.xx kernel:
if you're running 2.4.xx or earlier you're looking for:

if you have those modules load them with insmod or modprobe.

If not, you'll want to pull up your kernel source directory on your
development machine (I keep mine in /usr/src/arm).  Run "make
menuconfig" then go into Character devices -> Serial Drivers -> then
modulize [M] 8250/16550 and compatible serial support this should
expand to reveal -> 8250/16550 PCMCIA device support, modulize [M]
that as well.  Exit out of menuconfig and be sure to save the changes.
 Then run "make".  This should build the kernel modules I asked you to
search for before. copy the three *.ko's (if running 2.6.xx to:
/lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/pcmcia
(you may have to make the pcmcia directory if you don't already have
one).  If you're running 2.4.xx or earlier, you'll want to copy the
*.mod.o and *.o files (3 of each).  Then change to the directory with
the modules and insmod or modprobe them.


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