nvmetcli FC transport problem

Łukasz Kojło l.kojlo at sibersoft.pl
Tue Mar 26 06:44:41 PDT 2024


I'm using nvmetcli version 0.7 on OpenSUSE  LEAP 15.5

I have problem with FC transport. When i'm trying to add subsystem in fc 
port configuration I get error

Could not symlink testnqn in configFS: [Errno 6] No such device or 
address: '/sys/kernel/config/nvmet/subsystems/testnqn' -> 

In attachment there is json with my configuration.

Can you please help me ?


Pozdrawiam / Best regards

*Łukasz Kojło *
Administrator Systemów i Sieci

Logo SiberSoft 	

*SiberSoft Sp. j.*
Praw Kobiet 4,
15-535 Białystok,

*website:* https://sibersoft.pl
*e-mail office:* poczta at sibersoft.pl
*personal e-mail:* l.kojlo at sibersoft.pl <mailto:kn at sibersoft.pl>
*mobile phone:* +48 791 320 220


*NIP:* 9662125863
*REGON:* 381937585
*KRS:* 0000760681


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