[PATCH 3/4] nvme-fabrics: add tp8010 support

Hannes Reinecke hare at suse.de
Fri Jan 28 13:49:33 PST 2022

On 1/28/22 18:55, Belanger, Martin wrote:
>>>>> Wouldn't it make more sense to delegate explicit registration to
>>>>> userspace (ie libnvme/nvme-cli), and leave the kernel out of it?
>>>> It would. There is no reason what-so-ever to place all this register
>>>> stuff needs to live in the kernel. We have a way to passthru commands
>>>> so it can and should move to userspace.
>>> I wish it could be delegated to a user-space app, and in fact that was
>>> my original design.
>>> Unfortunately, while testing I realized that the kernel can
>>> autonomously reconnect and user-space apps are completely unaware of it.
>>> For example, let's say the network goes down momentarily. The kernel
>>> then tries to reconnect. Once it successfully reconnects it doesn't
>>> tell anyone about it.
>> Then add a uevent on the controller device-node. From there you should
>> trap it and do what you need (exactly like how discovery log change events
>> are handled).
>> BTW, I also don't understand why the host needs this reregistration on
>> reconnect, but that is besides the point.
> The fact is that when connectivity is lost and restored, we don’t
> know whether changes have occurred on the host (e.g. maybe the
> symbolic name was changed while connectivity was lost, etc.)
> and thus registration must be reapplied every time the host reconnects
> to make sure there is no stale information at the discovery controller.
>>> But let's say the kernel does send a signal to user-space on a reconnect.
>>> What if there is no user-space app to receive this signal? I'm
>>> thinking of the case where one uses nvme-cli to set up persistent
>>> connections to discovery controllers.  In that case there is no app to
>>> send the explicit registration on a re-connect.
>> This argument does not justify adding functionality in the kernel that doesn't
>> belong there. If we were to follow this argument we would be placing
>> everything in the kernel. If someone wants this functionality, he/she needs
>> to use the tools required for it to work.
> Ok, Hannes, Sagi, Christoph, et al. I got the message loud and clear.
> Explicit Registration does not belong in the kernel. And, as you suggested,
> the kernel needs to send a uevent when it loses connectivity and
> another uevent when connectivity is restored. This will allow userspace
> applications know when to reapply registration (if needed).
> I'm not a uevent expert (at least how to send uevents from the kernel).
>  From what I read, there's only a limited set of uevents defined (i.e. add,
> remove, move, online, offline). The nvme driver already uses the
> uevents "add"  and "remove" when nvme devices are "created" and
> "deleted" respectively . We also have  the "change" event that is used
> when there's a change in the Log Pages. May I suggest that we use the
> "offline" and "online" events when connectivity is "lost" and "restored"
> respectively? Please let me know.

I guess we already have that; cf commit f6f09c15a767 ("nvme: generate 
uevent once a multipath namespace is operational again").

When multipath is activated (and I guess that will be for nvme-tcp) you 
will receive a 'change' uevent whenever a path gets reinstated.

So that will be the time when an explicit registration will need to be 


Dr. Hannes Reinecke                Kernel Storage Architect
hare at suse.de                              +49 911 74053 688
SUSE Software Solutions GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg
HRB 36809 (AG Nürnberg), Geschäftsführer: Felix Imendörffer

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