can't run nvme-mp blktests

Luis Chamberlain mcgrof at
Tue Apr 12 17:24:04 PDT 2022

I do have CONFIG_NVME_MULTIPATH=y but I also have:

cat /etc/modprobe.d/nvme.conf 
options nvme_core multipath=N

And yet I always end up booting with:

cat /sys/module/nvme_core/parameters/multipath 

So trying to run:

nvme_trtype=rdma ./check nvmeof-mp

I end up with the warning:

nvmeof-mp/***                                                [not run]
    CONFIG_NVME_MULTIPATH has been set in .config and multipathing has been enabled in the nvme_core kernel module

Are there times where one cannot disable multipath? I'm not using
any nvme drive at boot, but I do use one for a random data parition.

Any tips?


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