[PATCH] nvme-core: update NS Attr Changed AEN handling for ANA group

hch at lst.de hch at lst.de
Wed Dec 9 02:28:06 EST 2020

Fred, stop this bullshit now!  I'm sick and tired of you misrepresenting my
opinion again and again despite me correcting you.  This is not a basis for
productive work.

The only thing I requested is what is said in the document:

"A controller shall not send this event if:

  a) the change is due to the creation of a namespace (refer to section 5.20); or
  b) the change is due to the deletion of a namespace (refer to section 5.20),

as the Namespace Attribute Changed event is sent for these changes."

The Namespace Attribute Changed event has no way of notifying the host
of a creation of new ANA group, so strangely interpreting that entirely
different event to be part of the namespace creation does not make any
sense whatsover.

Creating the group at the spec level is not due to creating a namespace.
That might be the interpretation of your management backend and is an
ok implementation, but nothing in the spec implicitly creates groups as
part of namespaces creation.

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