nvme multipath support V4

Sagi Grimberg sagi at grimberg.me
Sun Oct 22 23:33:35 PDT 2017


> If per-controller block device nodes are hidden, how can the user-space tools
> such as multipath-tools and nvme-cli (if it supports) know status of each path of
> the multipath device?

if at all, the path state is reflected on the controller class device
node, not on the namespace block device node. However, this is not
something user-space can rely on as well.

> In some cases, the admin wants to know which path is in down state , in degraded
> state such as suffering intermittent IO error because of shaky link and he can fix
> the link or isolate such link from the normal path.

We have a ctrl_loss_tmo that will remove such a degraded controller
after timeout expiration (default is 600 seconds). When we remove
this controller we log this information so its available for a sysadmin
to fix this if needed/desired.

What we would probably need to do, is either to add a nvme-cli "rescan"
option to discover and connect to all unconnected controllers so the
sysadmin can run after fixing an issue, or introduce a daemon that does
this every say 60 seconds or something.

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