dm-multipath low performance with blk-mq

Mike Snitzer snitzer at
Wed Feb 3 10:24:24 PST 2016

On Wed, Feb 03 2016 at  1:04pm -0500,
Mike Snitzer <snitzer at> wrote:
> I'm still not clear on where the considerable performance loss is coming
> from (on null_blk device I see ~1900K read IOPs but I'm still only
> seeing ~1000K read IOPs when blk-mq DM-multipath is layered ontop).
> What is very much apparent is: layering dm-mq multipath ontop of null_blk
> results in a HUGE amount of additional context switches.  I can only
> infer that the request completion for this stacked device (blk-mq queue
> ontop of blk-mq queue, with 2 completions: 1 for clone completing on
> underlying device and 1 for original request completing) is the reason
> for all the extra context switches.

Starts to explain, certainly not the "reason"; that is still very much

> Here are pictures of 'perf report' for perf datat collected using
> 'perf record -ag -e cs'.
> Against null_blk:

if dm-mq nr_hw_queues=1 and null_blk nr_hw_queues=1
  cpu          : usr=25.53%, sys=74.40%, ctx=1970, majf=0, minf=474
if dm-mq nr_hw_queues=1 and null_blk nr_hw_queues=4
  cpu          : usr=26.79%, sys=73.15%, ctx=2067, majf=0, minf=479

> Against dm-mpath ontop of the same null_blk:

if dm-mq nr_hw_queues=1 and null_blk nr_hw_queues=1
  cpu          : usr=11.07%, sys=33.90%, ctx=667784, majf=0, minf=466
if dm-mq nr_hw_queues=1 and null_blk nr_hw_queues=4
  cpu          : usr=15.22%, sys=48.44%, ctx=2314901, majf=0, minf=466

So yeah, the percentages reflected in these respective images didn't do
the huge increase in context switches justice... we _must_ figure out
why we're seeing so many context switches with dm-mq.

The same fio job is ran to measure these context switches, e.g.:

fio --cpus_allowed_policy=split --group_reporting --rw=randread --bs=4k
--numjobs=12 --iodepth=32 --runtime=10 --time_based --loops=1
--ioengine=libaio --direct=1 --invalidate=1 --randrepeat=1 --norandommap
--exitall --name task_nullb0 --filename=/dev/nullb0

fio --cpus_allowed_policy=split --group_reporting --rw=randread --bs=4k
--numjobs=12 --iodepth=32 --runtime=10 --time_based --loops=1
--ioengine=libaio --direct=1 --invalidate=1 --randrepeat=1 --norandommap
--exitall --name task_dm_mq --filename=/dev/mapper/dm_mq

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