JerinJacob jerin.jacob at maxim-ic.com
Tue Sep 8 08:16:19 EDT 2009

Please find below the actual test script:



deletelimit=`expr 500 \* 1024 \* 1024` # 500 MB
FILENAME="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10"

rm -rf /ubifs_rootfs/*

while [ 1 ]

        for filename in $FILENAME
            size=`expr 4096 \* 10`

            dd if=/dev/urandom of=/ubifs_rootfs/foo1${filename} bs=1024 
count=4 2> /dev/null ;
            dd if=/dev/urandom of=/ubifs_rootfs/foo2${filename} bs=1024 
count=4 2> /dev/null ;
            dd if=/dev/urandom of=/ubifs_rootfs/foo3${filename} bs=1024 
count=4 2> /dev/null ;
            dd if=/dev/urandom of=/ubifs_rootfs/foo4${filename} bs=1024 
count=4 2> /dev/null ;
            dd if=/dev/urandom of=/ubifs_rootfs/foo5${filename} bs=1024 
count=4 2> /dev/null ;
            dd if=/dev/urandom of=/ubifs_rootfs/foo6${filename} bs=1024 
count=4 2> /dev/null ;
            dd if=/dev/urandom of=/ubifs_rootfs/foo7${filename} bs=1024 
count=4 2> /dev/null ;
            dd if=/dev/urandom of=/ubifs_rootfs/foo8${filename} bs=1024 
count=4 2> /dev/null ;
            dd if=/dev/urandom of=/ubifs_rootfs/foo9${filename} bs=1024 
count=4 2> /dev/null ;
            dd if=/dev/urandom of=/ubifs_rootfs/foo10${filename} bs=1024 
count=4 2> /dev/null ;

            localcount=`expr $localcount + $size`
            sizecount=`expr $sizecount + $size`

        if [ $localcount -gt $deletelimit ] ; then
                echo "Clean up!!!"
                rm -rf /ubifs_rootf/* ; sync

        date ; sync
        echo "Bytes Written to Nand flash:`expr $sizecount / 1048576 ` MB"


Adrian Hunter wrote:
> JerinJacob wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Got an UBIFS error while performing a regression write test on UBIFS 
>> file system.
>> [Issue]
>> =======
>> While performing a regression write test on UBIFS file system,the UBIFS 
>> file system becomes read-only mode.
>> pseudo code for the regression write test as follows:
>> while(1)
>> {
>> create and write a random image(with different block size using dd 
>> command) to nand flash
>> if "disk space is reached maxim size"
>>     delete all the files
>> }
> Can you provide the actual test?
> .

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