2GB Nand flash MTD question

Philip Rakity prakity at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 8 11:59:50 EDT 2008

I have also been looking at 2GB flash support in MTD and have something barely working.  Upon reflection it seems that the approach in MTD to deal with real flash size, erase size, page size in real units eg (2GB, 256K, 2048 bytes) causes lots of overflow issues for items that need to fit in a 4 byte field.   In my case the size of my chip is reported as 0x8000 0000 but there are 2 chips so the real size is 0 (overflow). 

I was wondering is anyone has looked at redoing MTD to use the "shifted down" values internally and only returning the real values to user space when needed.    This is an a solution that I am going to explore over the next few days. 

Any thoughts ?



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