ubi-utils cleanup

Frank Haverkamp haver at vnet.ibm.com
Mon Jan 7 08:12:19 EST 2008


On Fri, 2008-01-04 at 10:42 +0100, Frank Haverkamp wrote:

> nand2bin and bin2nand are of the same kind and not UBI dependend. To be
> more widely used, those tools need more flexibility where the ECC data
> is placed in the OOB. Currently it is pretty much hard-coded for the
> layout we are using.

I added more flexibility to the nand2bin/bin2nand tools so that
different ECC layouts in the OOB can more easily be added. I did not
move them yet. Josh, this feature is probably what some of your
colleagues might be looking for.

I moved the scripts from the perl- the scripts-sub-directory since two
sub-dirs do not make a lot of sense like you already mentioned. I
changed the Makefile a little so that one can start the tests more
easily. I removed the obsolete documentation file.

You can find my proposed changes in my mtd-utils.git:


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