cmdline partitioning 2.6.20 ARM Versatile 926ejs

Richard Griffiths richard.griffiths at
Thu May 3 23:10:11 EDT 2007

I'm in the process of upgrading to the 2.6.20.rc6 kernel from 2.6.14 and
am having problems with cmdline partition. Using the following kernel
command line for both kernel versions:

Kernel command line: console=ttyAMA0,38400 mem=128M ip=dhcp
root=/dev/mtdblock1 rootfstype=jffs2
mtdparts=phys_mapped_flash:128K(u-boot),16M at 0x2000000(jffs2),1M at 0x1980000(cramfs)

2.6.14 does the right thing and boots the jffs2 partition.

physmap flash device: 4000000 at 34000000
phys_mapped_flash: Found 2 x16 devices at 0x0 in 32-bit bank
 Amd/Fujitsu Extended Query Table at 0x0040
phys_mapped_flash: CFI does not contain boot bank location. Assuming
number of CFI chips: 1
cfi_cmdset_0002: Disabling erase-suspend-program due to code brokenness.
3 cmdlinepart partitions found on MTD device phys_mapped_flash
Creating 3 MTD partitions on "phys_mapped_flash":
0x00000000-0x00020000 : "u-boot"
0x02000000-0x03000000 : "jffs2"
0x01980000-0x01a80000 : "cramfs"

While the new kernel fails with and panics when it fails to find the
partition. Stranger still it's looking for a linear cramfs which isn't
even enabled in the kernel.

physmap platform flash device: 04000000 at 34000000
physmap-flash.0: Found 2 x16 devices at 0x0 in 32-bit bank
 Amd/Fujitsu Extended Query Table at 0x0040
physmap-flash.0: CFI does not contain boot bank location. Assuming top.
number of CFI chips: 1
cfi_cmdset_0002: Disabling erase-suspend-program due to code brokenness.
cmdlinepart partition parsing not available
physmap platform flash device: 04000000 at 34000000
physmap-flash.0: Found 2 x16 devices at 0x0 in 32-bit bank
 Amd/Fujitsu Extended Query Table at 0x0040
physmap-flash.0: CFI does not contain boot bank location. Assuming top.
number of CFI chips: 1
cfi_cmdset_0002: Disabling erase-suspend-program due to code brokenness.
cmdlinepart partition parsing not available

cramfs: unknown physical address for linear cramfs image
Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address
pgd = c0004000
[00000054] *pgd=00000000
Internal error: Oops: 5 [#1]
Modules linked in:
CPU: 0
PC is at bdev_uevent+0x10/0x40
LR is at kill_block_super+0x20/0x3c
pc : [<c008f734>]    lr : [<c00902a4>]    Not tainted
sp : c0461ca8  ip : c0461cb8  fp : c0461cb4
r10: 00008000  r9 : 00000000  r8 : 00000000
r7 : c00d914c  r6 : 00008000  r5 : c073d000  r4 : 00000000
r3 : 00000000  r2 : 00000084  r1 : 00000005  r0 : 00000000
Flags: nzCv  IRQs on  FIQs on  Mode SVC_32  Segment kernel
Control: 5317F
Table: 00004000  DAC: 00000017
Process swapper (pid: 1, stack limit = 0xc0460258)
Stack: (0xc0461ca8 to 0xc0462000)
1ca0:                   c0461ccc c0461cb8 c00902a4 c008f734 c073d000
1cc0: c0461ce4 c0461cd0 c00903ac c0090294 c073d000 ffffffea c0461d04
1ce0: c0090dec c0090358 00000000 c0454ea0 c0300040 c04b4000 c0461d1c
1d00: c00d905c c0090d74 c0454ea0 00000000 c0461d5c c0461d20 c0090490
1d20: c0454ea0 c0483000 c04b4000 00000000 c0461d5c c0300040 ffffffed
1d40: c0483000 00000000 00008000 00000000 c0461d7c c0461d60 c009056c
1d60: c0461d7c 00000000 00000000 c04b4000 c0461efc c0461d80 c00a90a8
1d80: 00000000 c0461df0 c0461dcc c0450718 c0461db4 c0461da0 c0159b38
1da0: c00a2790 c0450718 c0461dcc c0461db8 c00a2790 c0159ae0 c047d005
1dc0: c0461e24 c0461dd0 c00986d8 000000d0 c0457da0 60000013 c0461e04
1de0: c0089ed4 c01608cc c0159b38 c0712498 c04e6638 c0453c00 c0461e24
1e00: c0447bc0 c0335680 c0461e74 c0461e18 c006db48 c0267a50 00000044
1e20: 00000001 00000001 00000000 00000044 00000000 000200d0 c02feef8
1e40: 00000000 00000001 c0461e74 00000000 c0447bc0 000000d0 00000000
1e60: c0460000 c001fb94 c0461ebc c0461e78 c006e0fc c006d754 c04e7e38
1e80: 00000010 c0335680 c0461eb4 00000001 00000001 00000000 c0461f0c
1ea0: 00008000 c0020044 c0020044 c001fb94 c0461edc c0461ec0 c006e384
1ec0: c0461f44 c02bb528 c0461f0c c02bb528 c0461efc 00000000 c047d000
1ee0: 00008000 c0020044 c0020044 c001fb94 c0461f34 c0461f00 c00a9588
1f00: 00000000 00000080 c0099f04 c04b4000 c0483000 00000000 00000000
1f20: c030d228 c02fabcc c0461f54 c0461f38 c0008d30 c00a9508 00000000
1f40: c009a1f0 00000000 c0461f74 c0461f58 c00091f0 c0008d18 00000000
1f60: c030d228 00000001 c0461f9c c0461f78 c00092e8 c00090f0 c0020044
1f80: c0461f9c c030d218 00000000 c0460000 c0461ff4 c0461fa0 c0008858
1fa0: 00000000 c0461fb0 c0023d68 c00264a8 00000000 00000000 c0008724
1fc0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
1fe0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 c0461ff8 c003eff4 c0008734 6425202c
[<c008f724>] (bdev_uevent+0x0/0x40) from [<c00902a4>] (kill_block_super
[<c0090284>] (kill_block_super+0x0/0x3c) from [<c00903ac>]
 r5 = C0300040  r4 = C073D000 
[<c0090348>] (deactivate_super+0x0/0x84) from [<c0090dec>] (get_sb_nodev
 r5 = FFFFFFEA  r4 = C073D000 
[<c0090d64>] (get_sb_nodev+0x0/0x94) from [<c00d905c>] (cramfs_get_sb
 r7 = C04B4000  r6 = C0300040  r5 = C0454EA0  r4 = 00000000
[<c00d9038>] (cramfs_get_sb+0x0/0x30) from [<c0090490>] (vfs_kern_mount
[<c00903cc>] (vfs_kern_mount+0x0/0x144) from [<c009056c>] (do_kern_mount
[<c0090530>] (do_kern_mount+0x0/0x50) from [<c00a90a8>] (do_mount
 r6 = C04B4000  r5 = 00000000  r4 = 00000000 
[<c00a8e44>] (do_mount+0x0/0x6b4) from [<c00a9588>] (sys_mount
[<c00a94f8>] (sys_mount+0x0/0xdc) from [<c0008d30>] (do_mount_root
 r7 = C02FABCC  r6 = C030D228  r5 = C00204F4  r4 = 00000000
[<c0008d08>] (do_mount_root+0x0/0xb4) from [<c00091f0>] (mount_root
 r4 = 00000000 
[<c00090e0>] (mount_root+0x0/0x14c) from [<c00092e8>] (prepare_namespace
 r7 = 00000001  r6 = C030D228  r5 = C00204F4  r4 = 00000000
[<c000922c>] (prepare_namespace+0x0/0x188) from [<c0008858>] (init
 r6 = C0460000  r5 = 00000000  r4 = C030D218 
[<c0008724>] (init+0x0/0x1dc) from [<c003eff4>] (do_exit+0x0/0x99c)
Code: e1a0c00d e92dd800 e24cb004 e1a03000 (e5900054) 
Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!


Both kernels have the same MTD configs set.  Any ideas why this no
longer works and any way to fix it?


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