PB with millenium plus 64

Pascal Fifre pascal.fifre at cleode.com
Mon May 10 06:08:56 EDT 2004


I'm developing a controller board with a DOC plus 64 MB.

In a first time, the OS not recognize it. Then I saw in the
doc2001plus.c  code, that the 16 bit access on DOC was not implemented.
Is it true?
I put my DOC in a 8 bit access and then, the OS recognize it, and the 2
FLASH chips (Mfr = 0x98 and Id = 0x75) were recognized too.
Then, when I've tried to format it with "nftl_format" on Linux. The
nftl_format  told me "Unrecognized Erase size, 0x8000 - I'm confused\n".

I modify the code for accepted the 0x8000 size and retry: this operation
made an ERASE operation on DOC. Since I did it, I can't read the ID chip
of flash (Manufacturer and Id chip)? I read always 0xFF on the 2

I think, in the same time, the LOCK pin was on. Perhaps my DOC is
In this case how can I do to unlock it?

What's wrong with DOC?

Thanks a lot

Pascal FIFRE
Responsable Systèmes Embarqués
5, rue de Broglie
Tel : 02 96 48 68 18

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