GRUB on DoC Millennium/2000 - Instructions

David Woodhouse dwmw2 at
Tue Jun 18 13:56:51 EDT 2002

Mark, that's excellent documentation -- thanks. Is it OK for me to put that 
on the web site?

I have only one suggestion -- rather than using fdisk to create a single 
partition and then formatting that as ext2, we might as well just put the 
ext2 file system on /dev/nftla (i.e. the whole device), and use (dc0) in 
Grub instead.

BTW, did your 'factory marked' bad blocks in step 10 really match the ones 
from step 2? I'm still suspicious of nftl_format. It would be _really_ nice 
if we could use DFORMAT -- either a Linux port of DFORMAT to replace 
nftl_format and/or working out how to turn our Grub image into a .EXB file 
so it can be loaded directly by DFORMAT.


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