DiskOnChip 2000 and Millenium support in GRUB bootloader

Ilguiz Latypov ilatypov at superbt.com
Fri Feb 22 00:37:40 EST 2002

OK, I updated the util/doc_loadbios to accept an extra offset paramter

Also, patches/grub-2002-02-19-doc.patch will skip the 1K IPL area if
Millenium is detected (I know it is silly to detect the DoC type in the
bootloader at run time -- please change that to conditional compilation if
you wish).

The updated patch will need proper auto-configured files.  You can
re-generate them by running
   aclocal && automake && autoconf
in the GRUB's top level directory.

Anyone wants to try his/her Millenium? Mark?


On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, Vadim Khmelnitsky wrote:

> If you want to make doc-loadbios to work with Millennium chip you should
> put it behind IPL code . IPL is 512 bites long . We have two copies of
> it . So, you can put your code at offset 1KB .

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