Moving from 2.2.18 + M-system proprietray code to 2.4.6 => does not work

VALETTE Eric valette at
Thu Jul 12 06:44:52 EDT 2001

David Woodhouse wrote:

> valette at said:
>>NB : /dev/discs/disc1# ls -l
>>total 0
>>brw-------    1 root     root      93,   0 Jan  1  1970 disc
>>brw-------    1 root     root      93,   1 Jan  1  1970 part1
>>But I can not mount the filesystem. The filesystem is valid as it
>>works with the 2.2.18 kernel...
> Does it work without devfs?

I did not even tested it as I need devfs for USB devices hotplug... 
Besides, I had hoped to not be hurt by major/minor like I had been in 
the past...

What are the right major minor for DOC 2000? I found values in mtd.h and 
other in major.h.

   /  `                          Eric Valette - Canon CRF
  /--   __  o _.                 Canon Development Europe Team Leader
(___, / (_(_(__                 Rue de la touche lambert
                                 35517 Cesson-Sevigne  Cedex
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E-mail: valette at

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